J.A. Sutherland Books In Order
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Into the Dark | (2014) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Mutineer | (2015) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
The Little Ships | (2015) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
HMS Nightingale | (2016) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Privateer | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Wronged / The Queen's Pardon | (2018) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
A Brief, Interminable Peace | (2025) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Story of the Dark Books
Planetfall | (2016) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Dark Artifice Books
Of Dubious Intent | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Spacer, Smuggler, Pirate, Spy Books
Spacer | (2018) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Smuggler | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Dark Runs Books
Running Start | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Running Scared | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Mad Cow | (2016) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
J.A. Sutherland is a highly renowned American writer, who is famous for writing science fiction, military fiction, space opera, war, and military science fiction books. He is particularly well known for writing the Alexis Carew series of novels, featuring the Alexis Carew as the chief protagonist. In this particular series, author Sutherland has described how Alexis Carew overcomes the struggles of her life and advances through the ranks in the Royal Navy. Sutherland has shown the different phases of Carew’s life, beginning from when she is 15 years old and then going on to the later stages of her life. Other than Alexis Carew, Sutherland has mentioned a number of other important characters in this series, including Denholm Carew, Lynelle, Jon Bartlett, etc.
Sutherland has done the settings in New London and has described several historical events, Royal Navy ships, war stories, and how Alexis Carew makes her way through all of this. Author Sutherland says that he is very fond of writing military fiction stories. After completing the writing work of the latest novel of this series, he is planning to come up with an altogether different series. Sutherland is happy to get the support of a large number of fans and hopes that he continues to entertain them with all his future novels. He considers himself very lucky to have found the path of writing and excelled in it. Sutherland had never expected that he would come so far and achieve so much in such a small amount of time. But, he likes to give the credit of whatever he has achieved in his writing career to his dedicated fans and supporters.
Author Sutherland believes that without their love and support he would have not gained the motivation to keep moving forward and coming up with interesting stories. Sutherland’s style of writing is liked by numerous critics and fellow writers from across the world. He has managed to form a fan base for himself and it is getting added with more and more new readers every day. People expect him to keep writing exciting military fiction novels and he hopes that he is able to keep up with all the hopes. Author Sutherland’s books have fared very well in the international markets and have successfully reached out to numerous readers in many countries. His books have also been listed in many literary journals and are very much sought after by the readers who have interests in science and military fiction tales.
The beginning of the Alexis Carew novel series introduces Alexis Carew as a fifteen year old girl. She faces a big problem at such a small age. Her family has vast holdings, but she cannot inherit them as she is a girl. As per her family’s will only a boy can inherit the holdings rightfully. But, she is given the option of marrying someone, who could become the owner and she could get to run the holdings. If she doesn’t do so, she would not even a single penny from her family’s fortune. Alexis knows she cannot see the lands getting sold off and also cannot get married to some stranger for the purpose of inheriting the property. So, she decides to go for the other option of joining a Navy spaceship as a midshipman.
As the series progresses further, Alexis Carew is seen as working on HMS Hermione. Her new captain is a pretty rude, who believes that girls have no business serving on ships. Even the other midshipmen give her cold shoulders very often. So, the only advice she thinks would be better for her is to keep her mouth shut and head down. However, she is not someone who would give up so easily. Fighting her way through, Alexis rises to the rank of a lieutenant. She is transferred to HMS Shrewsbury, which is equipped with 74 guns. Alexis hopes that she will take Shrewsbury into war against the ship called Hanover. But, her hopes are not fulfilled and she is asked to serve in the Foreign Office for laying out plans for eliminating the threats. Throughout her journey, Alexis gets involved in numerous adventures and learns many things about living in unfavorable conditions and coping up with difficulties.
The Alexis Carew series written by author J.A. Sutherland is comprised of 5 novels and 2 novellas in total, which were released between the years 2014 and 2017. An exciting book of this series is entitled ‘HMS Nightingale’. It was released by the Createspace publication in the year 2016. At the start of this book’s story, it is shown that Alexis Carew continues to serve as a lieutenant and is given the new assignment of commanding a ship of her own. This gives her the chance of returning to the star system, which she considers as her home. However, things turn out to be opposite of what she had expected. She gets surly crew members, her first officer thinks he should get the command of the ship. Alexis she has landed herself in a different place altogether, where she is made to feel at every turn that being a girl she does not have any right to command a starship of the Queen. Her problems increase even more because of some mysterious disappearances of the vitals of her ship. Also, an old foe keeps trying to convince Alexis that he has changed with the hidden intent of destroying her from close proximity.
Another very successful book of this series is called ‘Privateer’. It was also published by Createspace in 2017. At the beginning of the story of this book, it is depicted that a cease-fire pact is made between Alexix’s Carew’s ship and Hanover. This results in leaving Alexis Carew in-atmosphere, on half pay. Her ship is also made to lay still and wait for further orders. Alexis considers herself lucky than all her crew members as she is allowed to be in her star system. Being off service allows Alexis to look after her family lands, although she is still not certain that she will be allowed to inherit the lands. Alexis starts spending her life peacefully, except for the asteroid miners who seek their fortunes, her inheritance uncertainties, and the disturbing feeling that the current situation is not the way she had hoped to spend her life. Alexis Carew desperately wants to go out in the open sea and start commanding a ship again. But, she doesn’t seem to have any idea as to when she is going to get the chance to do so.
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It’s a shame that book 7 is still not available.One more book I feel is needed to round off the tale of Alexis Carew,before we leave her to get on with the rest of her imaginary life and career.I imagine to involve her in any further adventure might be unrealistic, but as I say,I feel the story so far needs ” rounding off” before we see her settled in a long and competent career,however uneventful that might be.