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J.D. Horn Books In Order

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Publication Order of Witches of New Orleans Books

The King of Bones and Ashes(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Book of the Unwinding(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Witching Savannah Books

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J.D. Horn is a bestselling author that writes novels set in the fantasy and paranormal genres.


J.D. Horn comes from rural Tennessee. That is where he spent most of his childhood. Horn eventually traveled to some far-off places, this including Tokyo and Paris, not to mention Hollywood.

But Tennessee never left him. Before he wrote novels, the author went to college and got a degree in Comparative World Literature. He proceeded to get an MA in International Management, eventually busying himself with work that made effective use of his qualifications.

The author spent many years as a financial analyst before finding that he no longer had the capacity to ignore the call of publishing. So he went ahead, became a novelist and garnered the attention of the literary arena for his unique take on the paranormal genre.

The author has seen his books receive translations for Romanian, German, Italian and French audiences. There is even a Turkish translation of his book ‘The Line’, a feat few authors in the fantasy genre have achieved.

J.D. Horn is very passionate about his books. However, there is more to his life than writing. The author is also an avid runner. He has even participated in multiple marathons.

Horn struggled with an injury on one occasion, the result of a, particularly, grueling event. But he healed and made his way back to the track. Besides running, the author is very passionate about animal rights.

In fact, he proudly refers to himself as a long-time animal rights advocate. He loves animals dearly and has pursued a vegetarian lifestyle as a result of his strong views on the treatment of animals.

The author and his spouse call Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco home. They split their time between both locations. The pair loves to travel, though they do not spend that much time abroad because they cannot afford to abandon their pets for too long.

+Literary Career.

J.D. Horn is an avid reader. He has loved books for as long as he can remember. And he believes that his desire to write was born from his reading habits. The author believes that it is natural for any avid reader to reach a point where they desire to share their own stories with the world.

Horn was certain that his future lay in telling stories. And even before he got to college, the author already had a manuscript in the works. But he never got to finish it. Anyone who knew of Horn’s passions would have expected him to pursue a creative writing course in College.

But to his own surprise, the author saw fit to study Comparative World Literature. The decision did not do his future prospects as a writer any favors. In fact, the author’s constant exposure to the great novelists and writers of the past caused frequent comparisons with his own work and that only served to demoralize Horn.

Horn left college believing that he did not have what it took to make it as a writer. Even worse, Horn’s education brought him to a place where he decided that the fanciful ideas for stories in his head would not make for true literature and, thus, were not worth pursuing.

It took J.D. Horn many years to overcome that mindset. By then, Horn was ready for a change. His desire to write had reached a peak. So he wrote a novel whose quality was such that he immediately attracted the interest of an agent.

Horn was sure immediate success would follow but he was wrong. His agent did a commendable job of shopping out the author’s first book and many publishers commended Horn for his story.

They thought it was lovely. But they did not think it had the capacity to achieve commercial success. For all their praise, their rejection is the only thing that stayed with Horn, at least at the start.

Over time, though, as the rejections accumulated, Horn decided to go back to the drawing board. Using the feedback from publishers, he wondered whether it was possible to produce a story that had the mass appeal the publishers wanted but which also represented his sensibilities.

In trying to answer that question, J.D. Horn eventually wrote ‘The Line’, his first published novel. Horn still had a day job at the time. Once his first book began to gain momentum, Horn decided to write full-time. He realized that his passion and future lay in storytelling. It took the author six months to make that decision. And once he made that leap, he took another six months working with an editor before his story was finally ready for publication.

It didn’t take his agent that long to find an interested party in 47North.

J.D. Horn is a bit of a plotter. He takes the time to create a loose outline but he does not intend to stick to it. Rather, he just uses the process of creating the outline to get the creative juices flowing.

Horn is ready to get started once he creates his characters and he has a clear setting in mind.

Horn’s favorite books include The Master and Margarita, and The Brothers Karamazov.

+The Line

Savannah has two faces. Most people only know the colonial trappings she shows, the southern charm she boasts and the rich, colorful past that has tourists streaming in from all over the world.

Some people know the truth, though. They know that Savannah’s history is rooted in hoodoo, witchcraft and spiritual power.

Mercy Taylor might belong to the most powerful family of witches in the South but she is largely powerless. Despite growing up in the shadow of her talented twin, Mercy was always content to live a life without magic.

But then tragedy struck the Taylor matriarch and a vacuum in the mystical underpinnings of Savannah thrust Mercy into a state of conflict for which she wasn’t prepared.

+The Source

For all its superficial beauty and splendor, Savannah, Georgia has its foundations rooted in the supernatural.

Mercy Taylor now leads the most powerful family of witches in Savannah. But she’s a little distracted, not only because of her newfound magic but a pregnancy and a betrayal from which she is still reeling.

Mercy must master her new powers even as she begins to unravel the many secrets hidden in her family’s closet.

Book Series In Order » Authors » J.D. Horn

One Response to “J.D. Horn”

  1. Dave Gulzow: 8 months ago

    I am awed by Horn’s descriptions and characters. He paints pictures in my mind for which I am grateful. I am surprised I had not found his writings earlier. While his stories are fantasy it is a fantasy to be shared and enjoyed by all who have imagination.


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