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James Barrington Books In Order

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Publication Order of Ben Morgan Books

Cyberstrike: London(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cyberstrike: DC(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Chris Bronson Books

as James Becker
The First Apostle (As:James Becker)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Moses Stone (As:James Becker)(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Messiah Secret (As:James Becker)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Nosferatu Scroll (As:James Becker)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Echo of the Reich (As:James Becker)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lost Testament (As:James Becker)(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Templar Heresy (As:James Becker)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Eddie Dawson Books

as Max Adams

Publication Order of The Lost Treasure of the Templars Books

as James Becker
The Lost Treasure of the Templars (As:James Becker)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Templar Archive (As:James Becker)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Templar Brotherhood (As:James Becker)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Paul Richter Books

Publication Order of Natasha Black Books

with Richard Benham
Black Ops: Red Alert(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Black Ops: Red Death(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Royal Navy Diaries Books

Publication Order of Steven Hunter Thrillers Books

as James Becker
Trade-Off (As:James Becker)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cold Kill (As:James Becker)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Ripper Secret (As: Jack Steel)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Titanic Secret (As: Jack Steel)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Uncommon Sense (As: Thomas Payne)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Life is a Moment (As:James Becker)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Joint Force Harrier (With: Ade Orchard)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
John Browning(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of James Becker Short Stories/Novellas

as James Becker
Life is a Moment (As:James Becker)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of James Becker Collections

as James Becker
Thoth's Riddle: Masters of the Dark Arts and Humanities(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Thoth's Riddle: Invasion of the Toxic Mutant Army(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Thoth's Riddle: Hieroglyphs(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Thoth's Riddle: Flights of Fantasy(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

James Barrington is the pen name of the American author of fiction Peter Stuart Smith. Smith has also written using the pseudonyms of James Becker, Max Adams, Jack Steel, and Tom Kasey. He is a trained military pilot that worked in espionage and covert operations. He currently writes and lives in Andorra.

Barrington is the author of a few nonfiction books. His first was released in 2008 and is titled Joint Force Harrier. It was co-authored along with Adrian Orchard. He also penned Falklands: Voyage to War and John Browning: Man and Gunmaker.

He is the author of the Paul Richter series. The first book is titled Overkill and was released in 2004. The sequel came out the next year and is titled Pandemic. More books quickly followed with the release of the third book Foxbat, fourth book Timebomb, and moving on past sixth books to the seventh Insurrection and what will most likely be much more to come. The series focuses on the adventures of British Secret Agent Paul Richter as he works to foil plots and solve cases.

Overkill is the first book in the Paul Richter series of fiction by James Barrington. In this book, a group of Russian supremos thinks that it is finally time to try and deploy a secret nuclear arsenal that they have access to. So they come up with a plan to join forces with al-Qaeda so that they can take out America once and for all and use the strike as part of an attempt to take control politically and economically of the western section of Europe too.

With their devious plan set, it’s up to one man to stop them. That would be the British agent named Paul Richter. He is a British Intelligence Special Operations Officer working for the government. In short, he’s a spy. But when he finds out that the country has been selectively seeded with bombs– and they’re neutron bombs– he knows that things are really about to hit the fan.

Not only that, more lethal devices have been placed in different cities in America with strategic importance. Even worse than that, the bombs can be blown up via satellite at any time that they choose. The government of the United States is about to be faced with a really big problem and choice. Should they abandon western Europe and give it over to the Russian forces… or potentially is having millions of people killed?

They are in a race against the clock to save millions of lives and put some type of end to this saga. But what the Russians might not realize is that beyond their own plans, it is their allies that might have a much deadlier agenda than they even know. What is going to happen? Find out by picking up the debut novel in the Paul Richter series and check out Overkill by James Barrington!

Pandemic is the second book in the Paul Richter series and in this exciting and daring sequel, everyone’s favorite British agent is back at it again. You won’t want to put this second installment down as maverick agent Paul Richter faces the hurdles that have become routine in his line of work.

It’s true that the life of a special agent is packed with adrenaline. This time the action picks up and it’s off the island of Crete. A diver is illegally in the waters when he discovers something unusual perched on a seabed. It’s the wreck of an aircraft, and it’s over thirty years old. But that’s not the only shocking thing about this wreck. As the diver moves closer, he can see that there are bodies inside.

It turns out that the people on board this plane never made it out. In fact, their corpses are still strapped securely inside, their seatbelts on to hopefully survive a wreck that took them down with it. But the diver doesn’t leave everything untouched. Inside, he finds a steel case with four flasks inside still sealed.

The daring diver cannot resist curiosity and cuts one of them open. But then just twelve hours later, he has fallen prey to a death that one would not wish on their worst enemy. It’s up to Paul Richter, the go-to guy at the agency, to find out what happened.

The mystery killer should surely be whatever was in the flask, but one thing that Richter does not have the luxury of doing is jumping to conclusions. It’s his delegation to make sure that he finds out who killed the diver (or what), and if it was the sealed flasks then find out what exactly was in the flasks, how it got there, and where the others are now before they can do any more damage and cause any further deaths.

Paul Richter has no idea who the mystery killer is, but he’s got bigger problems on his hand. For one thing, he knows for a fact that the C.I.A. has ordered that the remnants of the wrecked aircraft be destroyed in totality. Do they have something that they want to hide? It appears that way.

On top of that, there appears to be a hit team that has descended upon the island. Their goal appears to identify anyone who had intimate knowledge of the flasks and eliminate them for good. But they’re not totally successful in their goals as it appears that someone is now targeting the members of the hit team and taking them out, one by one.

As the investigation slowly progresses, Richter starts to feel that he is definitely in over his head. When retired agents start getting taken out in the States by professional hit men, things get even murkier. Little does the British agent suspect that he is closer than ever to cracking the case wide open and uncovering a secret that is decades old in the process.

The agent is closer than ever to the truth, but there may be consequences to finding out what’s really going on. Can Paul Richter solve the case and survive finding out the truth? In a world of shady back-alley deals, covert operations, power plays, espionage, betrayal, greed, and more, nothing will surprise him anymore by the time this case concludes. What will happen? Check out Pandemic by dynamic author James Barrington to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » James Barrington

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