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James Francis Dwyer Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Bust of Lincoln(1912)Description / Buy at Amazon
The White Waterfall(1912)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Spotted Panther(1913)Description / Buy at Amazon
Breath of the Jungle(1915)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Green Half-Moon(1917)Description / Buy at Amazon
Evelyn(1929)Description / Buy at Amazon
O Splendid Sorcery(1930)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Romantic Quest of Peter Lamonte(1932)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cold Eyes(1934)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hespamora(1935)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lady With Feet of Gold(1937)Description / Buy at Amazon
The City of Cobras(1938)Description / Buy at Amazon
Leg-Irons on Wings(1949)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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(James also wrote the Spillane series which are The Lady with Feet of Gold and The City of Cobras)

James Francis Dwyer was a well-established author, who was born at Camden Park on April 22 1874. Dwyer is the fifth child and son of one Michael Dwyer, who worked as a farm laborer and Margaret his wife. In the year 1883, the family relocated to Menangle and in the following year, to Campbelltown. James Francis Dwyer, attended public schools units, until the age of 14, when he was sent to Sydney, to his relatives, where he served as a clerk to a publisher. In the year 1892, James Francis Dwyer became a letter carrier. While working as a letter carrier in Sydney, James Francis Dwyer had a brief encounter with Robert Stevenson. The brief meeting turned Dwyer’s thoughts towards writing. Nonetheless, Dwyer opted to remain in the postal service and eventually became a postal assistant.

In the year 1893, James Francis Dwyer married Selina Cassandra, who gave him a daughter and a son. In 1899, Dwyer and his two associates were convicted of uttering and forgery and each of them received a seven-year sentence. After serving for more than three years in a Goulburn cell, James Francis Dwyer was released in the year 1902. While serving his sentence, one of the poems that James Francis Dwyer had penned was sent to Jules Francois, who worked for the Bulletin. Jules was fascinated with the poem, such that he decided to publish it. Using the names, Marat, J.F.D, and D, James Francis Dwyer wrote pars and verses for the Bulletin. During this period, James Francis Dwyer also worked as a sign writer, pigeon buyer and sales clerk. Dwyer was befriended by a coterie of workers including Roderic Quinn, Albert Dorrington and Victor Daley.

Throughout an extremely long and lucrative career, James Francis Dwyer believed that Australian writers did not have any chance in their own land. Disregarding Rudyard Kipling’s advice, James Francis Dwyer decided to sail to London in the year 1906. While in London, James Francis Dwyer sold his narratives in insufficient quantities. In 1907, James Francis Dwyer relocated to New York, where he served as a streetcar conductor. Apart from working as a street conductor, James Francis Dwyer also sold stories as well. After James Francis Dwyer won a writing contest, and in the process receiving a great commission. Dwyer’s narratives began to appear in Collier’s, Harper’s Bazaar and several other extremely popular magazines. The first ten novels that Dwyer penned were narratives of adventure and mysteries, romances or period thrillers. To collect the materials for his settings, James Francis Dwyer travelled to America and Europe and briefly visited Australia as well.

In the year 1919, Dwyer divorced his wife. Dwyer got married to one Catherine Welch, who served as his agent. In the year 1919, Dwyer and Catherine founded the Dwyer Travel Letters, which they used to inform the prospective American tourists about different locations in Europe. Dwyer eventually decided to settle at Pau. However, Dwyer’s search for tourist information and exotic settings and Catherine’s cultural interests carried the duo through Asia, Europe and North Africa. Three of Dwyer’s later romantic novels were influenced by the Provencal traditions.

James Francis Dwyer Best Books
The White Waterfall
The White Fall is an adventure story that has been set on an island located in South Pacific. In the island, a lost race was discovered together with an extremely menacing cult; the Wizards of the Centipede. In the White Waterfall, author James Francis Dwyer talks about a Tongan Proverb, which says that it is only children and fools, who stay wide awake, during the hours that are supposed to be devoted to sleep. However, the proverb appears to be wise when one judges it from a different standpoint. In the last haunts of romance, slumber does not require any special preparations. An individual does not loose class by sleeping in public. The dwellers of the South Sea do not see any reason for staying up when they are expected to be sleeping peacefully. A palm tree shade provides a rather ideal place for resting.

Levuka is the second-largest town in Fiji, and one fine afternoon, the city was dozing off and author, James Francis Dwyer decided to follow the example that had been set by the residents of the city. The temperature was about 98 degrees, however the picturesque small town with its vermillion-tinted and white houses looked rather cool and restful. The extremely hot atmosphere weighed hard on the Pacific and in the process ironing, the wind ruffles until the sea looked much similar to a plain glass.

The Spotted Panther
The Spotted Panther is a scarce antiquarian novel, which features selections from Kessinger Legacy. Because of the Spotted Panther’s age, it contains imperfections like notations, marks, flawed pages, and marginalia. Due to the fact that the publishers believed that the work might be culturally important and the publishers made the book available due to their commitment to preserving, protecting, and also promoting literature. The Spotted Panther is a classic tale that is filled with lots of adventures and explorations. In the Spotted Panther, three men take their adventure to the heart of Borneo fighting the jungle and the local natives as well. Their mission is to locate the Great Paring of Budha and several other fabled treasures that have been missing for more than 200 years. Originally, the Spotted Panther was published in the year 1913.

The Spotted Panther is a traditional jungle adventure that will definitely entertain the readers. The book’s pacing was quite breathless, as the reader would definitely expect. Nonetheless, what the readers are going to find fascinating is the geographical, mythical and historical references, which were scattered throughout the Spotted Panther. The references have been sprinkled into the narrative and dialogue as well. Readers will definitely be intrigued with James Francis Dwyer’s active imaginations. Apart from having an active imagination, James Francis Dwyer has also included some factual information. With that said, The Spotted Panther is a stupendous good yarn, which has been narrated in the first person and it is quite heavy on action. Overall, the Spotted Panther is an excellent entry into the Black Dog’s catalog. If you are looking for classic literature, which is filled with lots of explorations and adventure then you will definitely fall in love with James Francis Dwyer’s, The Spotted Panther.

Book Series In Order » Authors » James Francis Dwyer

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