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James Haddock Books In Order

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Publication Order of Cast Down World Books

Cast Down World(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

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with Gus James

Publication Order of Duty Books

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Mage Throne Prophecy(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wizard's Alley(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lord of the High Reaches(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
From mist and steam(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Stonecutter's Shadow(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mercenary Salvage Company(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Inherited Revenge(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rise of the Shadow Mage(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

James Haddock is a bestselling historical fiction, fantasy, and science fiction author that is best known for his “Duty Trilogy” series.

Before James became a bestselling novelist he was a Warrant Officer in the American military, where he worked for more than two decades before he retired.

Haddock would then move on to the next phase of his life becoming an avid RV’er and full-time author. He published “The Derelict Duty,” his debut novel, in 2019 and has since then penned several more works.

Given his passion for travel, he has been all over the world and had some very interesting experiences. He now loves to travel across the United States exploring with his wife of many years.

James Haddock is also a huge lover of reading science fiction works and watching movies and television shows. As a pantser, these hobbies also make it possible to get all manner of ideas that he usually uses for his novels.
He has said that he finds writing a therapeutic way to get excited about life.

“The Derelict Duty” by James Haddock introduces Nic Haddock, who colloquially goes by Nac to his friends. His friends call him Nac as he has a reputation for improving and fixing mechanical devices that no one else can.
After spending a decade on Titan where he attended college and went through rehab, he is coming back to Conclave Station which he calls home.

Soon after arriving home, there is a freak storm that totally destroys his home, crushing his leg and arm and killing both of his parents.

He reunited with his lifelong friends that include natural-born pilot Jazz and computer genius Mal and together they establish a shipping and mining business.

While they are repairing his home, he discovers a means to control artificial gravity which means he is now able to make his own gravitational force field.

But then a powerful and very influential corporation learns about his new technology. The managers realize just how monumental it could be in the realm of power and now want to get it for themselves.

The company is willing to do anything to get its hands on the new tech. Nic’s friends almost get killed, which Nic takes very personally and adopts some nasty tactics against their enemies.

Things soon turn into a no holds barred shooting match that happens all over the universe.

In “Duty Calls,” by James Haddock, the question is what would happen if humanity found a way to develop the many technologies of science fiction and use them to advance our civilization.

In this work, we continue to follow the life and times of Jade, Nic, Jazz, and Mal. The four friends are still struggling against some very corrupt politicians and corporations as they fight to protect their technology from falling in the wrong hands.

They also have to protect their people, their company, and themselves from some very nefarious actors. Meanwhile, their business has been expanding fast as they have aggressively been improving their technology.

As they are fighting to hold onto their technology, the corporations are also not resting on their laurels and have become more aggressive in recent times.

The good thing is that the four friends have enough resources and can now match the corrupt corporations blow for blow. The corporations have shown spilling blood is no big deal to them, and the fight soon turns bloody.

Nic has always advocated for restraint but with the stakes escalating, it might just be time for the gloves to come off. The corporations have lately been targeting his family and he will not stand for that.

James Haddock’s novel “Cast Down World” is a work set in 2257. The Earth is in danger of a strike from the Wormwood asteroid which, though glancing, could still have catastrophic consequences.

The planet’s militaries and governments have been working together to try to shift the path of the asteroid. After launching all of its nuclear missiles, Earth managed to shift the path just enough that the asteroid missed the target.

Still, numerous shards from the asteroid struck the earth resulting in many small nuclear blasts. In those small shards were spores that resulted in a significant change in life forms on earth.

The asteroid has also altered the magnetic field of the planet causing tidal waves and earthquakes and affecting weather patterns. The result of all this was a total collapse of society as only the very strong survived the catastrophe.

Over the following years, things changed as people and animals mutated and there was lawlessness everywhere. Out of this arose walled cities and rag-tag militia and gangs that enforced the law with violence.

Ultimately, there arose the “Peacekeepers” who followed the code of the Texas Rangers. These acted as judge, jury and executioners over the land, as they were hard men that were respected, feared, and sometimes even hated.

Book Series In Order » Authors » James Haddock

2 Responses to “James Haddock”

  1. Lynn Rick: 4 months ago

    I’ve read all of your Amazon books and have been waiting for a new one in 2024. Of all the amazing characters you’ve developed, Baron DuCat is my favorite. Do you have any new books coming out soon?

  2. Aileen: 9 months ago

    I enjoyed all your books can’t wait for sequels to some of your books


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