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James Hadley Chase Books In Order

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Publication Order of Dave Fenner Books

No Orchids for Miss Blandish / The Villain and the Virgin(1939)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Doll's Bad News / Twelve C----- and a Woman(1941)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Vic Malloy Books

You're Lonely When You're Dead(1949)Description / Buy at Amazon
Figure It Out for Yourself / The Marijuana Mob(1950)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lay Her Among Lilies / Too Dangerous to Be Free(1950)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Steve Harmas Books

No Business of Mine (As: Raymond Marshall)(1947)Description / Buy at Amazon
Double Shuffle(1954)Description / Buy at Amazon
There's Always a Price Tag(1956)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shock Treatment(1959)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tell It to the Birds(1963)Description / Buy at Amazon
An Ear to the Ground(1968)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Frank Terrell Books

The Soft Centre(1964)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Way the Cookie Crumbles(1965)Description / Buy at Amazon
Well Now, My Pretty ..(1967)Description / Buy at Amazon
Believed Violent(1968)Description / Buy at Amazon
There's a Hippie on the Highway(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Mark Girland Books

The Whiff of Money(1958)Description / Buy at Amazon
This Is for Real(1965)Description / Buy at Amazon
Have This One on Me(1967)Description / Buy at Amazon
You Have Yourself a Deal(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Helga Rolfe Books

Ace Up My Sleeve(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Joker in the Pack(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
I Hold the Four Aces(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Don Micklem Books

as Raymond Marshall
Mission to Siena (As: Raymond Marshall)(1955)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Tom Lepski Books

Like a Hole in the Head(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
Have a Change of Scene(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Consider Yourself Dead(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
Try This One for Size(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hit Them Where It Hurts(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Flesh of the Orchid(1940)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lady -- Here's Your Wreath (As: Raymond Marshall)(1940)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dead Stay Dumb / Kiss My Fist!(1941)Description / Buy at Amazon
Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief(1941)Description / Buy at Amazon
Get a Load of This(1942)Description / Buy at Amazon
You Never Know with Women(1942)Description / Buy at Amazon
Eve(1942)Description / Buy at Amazon
Just the Way It Is (As: Raymond Marshall)(1944)Description / Buy at Amazon
Miss Shumway Waves a Wand(1944)Description / Buy at Amazon
Make the Corpse Walk (As: Raymond Marshall)(1946)Description / Buy at Amazon
I'll Get You for This(1946)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blonde's Requiem (As: Raymond Marshall)(1946)Description / Buy at Amazon
More Deadly Than the Male(1946)Description / Buy at Amazon
Trusted Like the Fox (As: Raymond Marshall)(1948)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Paw in the Bottle (As: Raymond Marshall)(1949)Description / Buy at Amazon
Why Pick On Me? (As: Raymond Marshall)(1950)Description / Buy at Amazon
In a Vain Shadow (As: Raymond Marshall)(1951)Description / Buy at Amazon
But a Short Time to Live (As: Raymond Marshall)(1951)Description / Buy at Amazon
Strictly for Cash(1951)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fast Buck(1952)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wary Transgressor (As: Raymond Marshall)(1952)Description / Buy at Amazon
I'll Bury My Dead(1953)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Things Men Do (As: Raymond Marshall)(1953)Description / Buy at Amazon
Safer Dead / Dead Ringer(1954)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mission to Venice (As: Raymond Marshall)(1954)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tiger by the Tail(1954)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Sucker Punch (As: Raymond Marshall)(1954)Description / Buy at Amazon
This Way for a Shroud(1954)Description / Buy at Amazon
You've Got It Coming(1955)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Pickup (As: Raymond Marshall)(1955)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ruthless (As:Raymond Marshall)(1955)Description / Buy at Amazon
You Find Him, I'll Fix Him(1956)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Guilty Are Afraid(1957)Description / Buy at Amazon
Never Trust a Woman (As:Raymond Marshall)(1957)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hit and Run(1958)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Case of the Strangled Starlet / Not So Safe to Be Free(1958)Description / Buy at Amazon
The World in My Pocket(1959)Description / Buy at Amazon
Just Another Sucker(1960)Description / Buy at Amazon
Come Easy, Go Easy(1960)Description / Buy at Amazon
What's Better Than Money?(1960)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Lotus for Miss Quon(1961)Description / Buy at Amazon
I Would Rather Stay Poor(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Coffin from Hong Kong(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Bright Summer Morning(1963)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cade(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Vulture is a Patient Bird(1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mallory (As: Raymond Marshall)(1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
He Won't Need It Now(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
Just a Matter of Time(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
Want to Stay Alive?(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
You're Dead Without Money(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
Knock, Knock! Who's There?(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
So What Happens to Me?(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Three of Spades(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
Believe This... You'll Believe Anything(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
Goldfish Have No Hiding Place(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
So Soon to Die(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon
Do Me a Favour - Drop Dead(1976)Description / Buy at Amazon
My Laugh Comes Last(1976)Description / Buy at Amazon
Meet Mark Girland(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
You Must Be Kidding(1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Can of Worms(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
You Can Say That Again(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
Have a Nice Night(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hand Me a Fig Leaf(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
We'll Share a Double Funeral(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
Not My Thing(1983)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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James Hadley Chase was an English author, and he was one of the best known thriller writers of all time. He was born Rene Lodge Brabazon Raymond on December 24 1906, and died on February 6 1985, at the age of 78 years. He wrote in the detective, crime fiction, Mystery, and thriller genres. He was well known by his pseudonyms which included James Hadley Chase, Ambrose Grant, R. Raymond, James Docherty, and Raymond Marshall. He was the son of a Colonial Indian Army Colonel, Francis Raymond, who was a veterinary surgeon. The Colonel wanted his son to pursue a scientific career and so educated him at King’s school Rochester, Kent. Rene or Chase left home at the age of 18 and married Sylvia Ray with whom they had one child, a son, at the age of 26. After leaving home James Hadley Chase worked in sales, focusing on books and literature, before turning to writing. In 1956 they moved to France, and in 1969 they moved to Switzerland where he lived a secluded life until his death in 1985. During the WWII, Chase served in the British Royal Air Force and rose to the rank of Squadron Leader. While in the Royal Air Force he edited the RAF journal and published several stories from it after the war in the book Slipstream. During the WWII, he befriended Merrill Panitt, who later became the editor of the TV Guide, and he provided him with a dictionary of American slang, reference books and detailed maps of the American underworld. This provided Chase with the background for his early novels with American settings. Though Chase made two brief visits to the US, one to Miami and the other en route to Mexico, he never lived in the US. Chase was involved with several court cases during his career. In 1942 his book ‘Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief’ a story about white slave trade was banned by the British Authorities and the publishers found guilty of publishing an obscene book. Later Raymond Chandler, an Anglo American author, successfully sued Chase. The canon of Chase with 90 titles made him to be known as the king of thrillers in Europe. Rene Raymond or James Haley Chase was also one of the leading international best selling writers and up to date 50 of his books have been made into films. His interests included listening to classical music, photography, reading, and opera.

You Never Know with Women is one of the books of the Vintage Collection Series. In the book, a beautiful blonde by the name Veda Rux, known professionally as a stripper, makes away with a priceless Cellini dagger from a safe in multi-millionaire Brett’s home. Veda Rux’s agent approaches a private detective and first rate blackmailer called Floyd Jackson, and asks him to restore the dagger before the theft is uncovered. Intoxicated by the beauty of Veda and blinded by more money than he has ever seen Floyd Jackson doesn’t realize that something is terribly wrong with the whole situation, and he agrees to the proposition. As it turns out, from the moment Jackson falls in love with Veda his doom is sealed. He finds himself entangled in a relentless intrigue that makes him a cat’s paw for murder! The book opens on the 6th floor of a dilapidated building in the dead end area of San Luis Beach. Floyd Jackson is in his rented office alone at night trying to think a way out of a tight situation, but try as he might he cannot see any way out. He is licked and he knows it! At 10 minutes to 23.00 Hrs. he arrives at a decision. It is a hot July night 18 months since he first arrived at San Luis Beach. Making the decision calls for a drink. As he prepares to open the bottle he hears foots steps on the stairs. All offices on his floor are shut, they close at 18.00 Hrs. and open the next day at 09.00 Hrs. The only visitors he has had in the past were cops but it didn’t seem the police would visit him at this hour. The foot steps walk along the passage, heavy, slow and measured steps. In the tension he lights his last cigarette. Finger nails tap the door panel, then the doorknob turns and the door swings open as Jackson shifts his desk lamp. A very big man stands at the doorway. He is as thick as he is broad and has a round face. He is about 50 years old. He calls Mr. Jackson by his name in a thin, scratchy and hoarse voice. It’s an odd voice for such a big person, Jackson nodes in acknowledgement. The stranger calls him by his full names, Floyd Jackson, and again Jackson nodes. The stranger exclaims and moves further into the room. He offers a business card with only a name on it, Cornelius Gorman, no address or anything else.

I’ll Bury My Dead, is the second book of the vintage collection series. In the book Nick English is determined to find who murdered his brother. He intends to treat it as a personal matter if the police don’t handle the issue to his satisfaction. However, his attempts to find out who killed his brother start a series of reaction including violence and murder that nearly claims his life. It is a tale of organized blackmail interspersed with sudden and vicious murder. The book opens as Harry Vince comes out of his office hurriedly and closes the door after him cutting off the uproar of men’s voices in the room. He walks across the room to where Lois Marshall is sitting at the telephone switchboard. He has a bottle of champagne and two glasses which he carefully sets down on a neighboring desk. He asks Lois to have some champagne but she declines smiling. She is a lean, good looking woman of about 26 years with steady eyes, severe eye brows and little make up. Harry opens the champagne bottle then hurriedly tips the foaming wine into a glass. Lois protests but Harry insists he will stay there till the men in his office finish their whiskey and leave. He pours the champagne into the second glass. Lois takes it and toasts to Mr. English. Harry grins.

Book Series In Order » Authors » James Hadley Chase

4 Responses to “James Hadley Chase”

  1. Ras Peter Kansengwa: 4 months ago

    Great incredible works

  2. Mr Suresh Patel: 1 year ago

    James Hadley Chase was very popular among Indian students in India and E.Africa

  3. Ian Chesters: 2 years ago

    I love this author and possess 90 titles which i
    believe are all his titles under his author
    Am i correct in this amount of titles written under i have found 3 more titles on his
    Complete list..these are:


    Please advise if possible

    • Graeme: 2 years ago

      Hi Ian – those novels are all listed above.


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