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Jean Johnson Books In Order

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Publication Order of Sons of Destiny Books

Publication Order of Shifting Plains Books

Publication Order of Theirs Not to Reason Why Books

Publication Order of Guardians of Destiny Books

Publication Order of Flame Seas Books

Birthright(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dawn of the Flame Sea(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Demons of the Flame Sea(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Gods of the Flame Sea(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of First Salik War Books

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Terrific Timothy Tree Climber(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Bedtime Stories(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Hallelujah Anyway: The Life and Times of David Johnson(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hilarious Giraffe(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Standing on Our Own Feet: How to Encourage Indigenous Churches to Operate from a Place of Dignity and Sustainability in Global Mission Workbook(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
We Are Not The Hero - The Participant's Guide(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Grit and Gold: The Death Valley Jayhawkers of 1849(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

+ Click to View all Anthologies

Jean Johnson was born in the United States on 17, February 1972. From her tells, she has loved writing ever since she was a little kid. She writes on almost everything from Military Science Fiction, Fantasy Romance to Paranormal. Some of her books have these genres criss-crossed, making her books even more interesting. Any established writer knows how difficult it is to juggle between different genres and still write a great book. Jean took up this challenge and you can be sure to find a success story in her work.

What sets Jean Johnson apart from other writers is her love for her fans. She has several pages running where she is in constant communication with people who read her work. Answering frequently asked questions and updating her fans on what is going on in her personal life. It is amazing how she even gets ideas, book plots and characters from suggestions made by her readers and uses them in her books. She updates her funs now and then posting pictures of her messed up desk, her pet cat and map sketches she drew in her research. She does this with as much ease as she writes her books.

Even though she is quite good and an outstanding writer, it is not an easy run she says. Her top on the list of to achieve things is her writing going viral. This has been a challenge especially because of finances. She runs a program where funds are donated monthly to keep the writing work going and also help her sort her bills. Milestone goals are set and there is a guarantee of a return from the author in form of stories or even video chats.

Writing needs dedication and takes up a lot of time to continue putting out work and be in constant communication with readers. Jean finds it a challenge to do this, sort her bills and also take care of her personal things, with recently having health issues. A second job is the only other option to keep things running. It is true that not much is earned from writing as people think, with slow moving stock and expenses to be covered.

Getting a second job however means slowing down writing and less time for her funs. Answering fun’s questions helps her to improve plots and she is of the opinion that getting another job is not the best option. With her main goal being to tell great stories that even she would be thrilled reading, writing is the only thing she deems prudent to do. That is why the donations come in handy.

Jean Johnson is quite a prolific writer with over 50 published works. A multiple of her books are national bestselling, some which are reviewed below. Apart from just writing jean has audio books that are part of her written books, and she loves singing. On her online interactions with funs she lets readers participate more in her writing work. Any reader will accept that her style of mixing genres is not very popular with all authors. Very few will attempt it because of the worry of overemphasising on one side and completely forgetting about the rest.

Sons of Destiny series- There is a constant mix of romance, magic and superstition and keeps altering dimensions throughout the novel series. The author neither does too much of any which is good. If asked whether she would want a movie done for the series, she an animation would be easy and easily adaptable than a live movie. The story is about four sets of twins that are brothers, banished to an island where women are not allowed to visit. They were considered a fulfilment of a curse and to escape their fate they had to be sent away. Destiny changes paths when the youngest of all saves a woman from another world. The plot is covered in a total of eight books.

Theirs Not to Reason Why series- This book series has received positive reviews from critics of literature. Applauded to be an entertaining read set in a fantasy space, la must, the main character can see the future. An ugly invasion is yet to come and the world is going to be destroyed. Even though coming years after her death, she must do something now to save the world. With the character’s limited time frame, she is faced with so much to do to stop the conquest and in a short time.

The books are presented in such a high pace. Ugly battle scenes between rivals and deeply involved characters that will undoubtedly keep a reader rooted to the pages. The author brought out well the science fiction balance readers won’t find in just any book. There are four releases under this title. Science fiction lovers should grab the book and can be sure to enjoy the diversity the writer presents with such ease.

First Salik War series- Another explosive science fiction tale series from the gifted author. Alien invasions keep coming. The book is based in the same universe as her other series Theirs Not to Reason Why. The main character Mackenzie has psychic abilities and has roots in a political family. She has been a soldier and now leaves in peace doing translation work, until the invasion on the universe is imminent. Forced by circumstances she has to join the Space Unit and makes disturbing discoveries.

The Salik enemies have been studying humans and are completely aware with fighting them. The series is as involving as the other in every measure. The Universe is not sure whether a politician will save them, or the military. Jackie Mackenzie is both a psychic soldier and a politician. She is the most suitable person the world can depend on.

In conclusion, about the author’s general works, she did her readers some justice with quite an interesting spin of fresh, wildly imagined thoughts. Who knew destiny and magic could turn out to be such an extremely fabulous story. Looks like the authors risk and efforts have paid off. She seamlessly twists fantasy, romance and fiction in a way most authors are unable to.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jean Johnson

3 Responses to “Jean Johnson”

  1. Pat Hricenak: 2 years ago

    I’ve read Sons of Destiny so many times that I’m on my 4th to 5th copy of each book, and still some of them are getting the print read off the page!! Now I’m patiently waiting for the next Guardians of Destiny before the first four meet the same fate. I admit they are getting close to replacement!!
    I understand you have been going through some tough times.Some of us have been blessed enough to see our way through. We’re praying for you. Get back to your writing if that is truly where your heart is..
    Keep the Faith…. and keep writing.. Love ‘ya.

  2. Karen Lebeter: 3 years ago

    Just finished A Soldier’s Duty, loved the book! Now have to read First Salik Warbooks, and the other in this series with character IA. I am a veteran & love military scifi, but the added twists are great!! Could not put it down.

  3. Anastasia Drouin: 6 years ago

    So I am hoping we get the series with the “savior” after the first salik series. And then Ia’s I am dying to read the rest!


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