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Jean Lamb Books In Order

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Publication Order of Tameron and the Dragon Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

A BRILLIANT MARRIAGE(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon

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Dead Man's Hand(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Chronicles of the Phoenix Empire Books

Phoenix in Shadow(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Jean Lamb is an American author that writes science fiction, fantasy, and romance novels. She started her publishing career a little later in life than she would have liked.

When Jean Lamb was sixty, she had plans to write over two dozen novels. The fact that she had only written a small fraction of that number at that point in time did not intimidate her.

Her grandmother had lived up to the ripe old age of 97. So Lamb was fairly confident in her ability to stay alive long enough to write and publish every story running around in her mind.

The author was an avid reader even as a child. She was raised on science fiction and fantasy. On more than one occasion, she would sneak into her mother’s personal library to read her James Bond novels many of which she was considered too young to open.

Her college years kicked off in the 1970s. She got herself a BA in Economics, though she did not immediately utilize it. Rather, the author went into the army.

Her days as an Air Force ROTC Cadet at Oregon University were memorable. She remembers being deployed to Mountain Home AFB in Idaho for field training and eventually getting shipped to Webb AFB in West Texas, a journey she made in a C-130.

The author’s proudest moments were the hours she spent in the simulator and the opportunity she got to ride in the back of a T-38 Jet. That last experience wasn’t without its challenges.

Her pilot’s decision to show her how to do a barrel roll ended with a lot of vomit in the cockpit. But Lamb treasured that memory for several decades because it showed her how fun flying could be.

Her height eventually kept her from pursuing additional experiences in that same vein and she spent the next four years at a desk. Lamb eventually left the Air Force and moved to Klamath Falls.

The author had a husband and two kids at the time. Their migration to Klamath Falls was compelled by Lamb’s husband’s work—he was teaching. For a little while, Lamb busied herself with part-time work.

Her children were her priority so she only ever took work that allowed her to afford them all the attention they needed, especially the special needs child. For the most part, Lamb enjoyed the work she was doing, especially the job at the county library which she landed in 1996.

But by 2000, the author had returned to fulltime work. By the time she published her first novel, Jean Lamb was an accounts payable clerk. She kept her day job even after successfully publishing her first few novels, though she never stopped dreaming of the day she would eventually make enough money to pay all her bills, retire and write fulltime.

+Literary Career
Jean Lamb has been telling stories for as long as she can remember. Whenever the kids in her neighborhood got to together, she was the one who created the scenarios they used in their games.

She would also craft clever little stories for the soap operas that her Barbie dolls would enact. She even tried her hand at composing musicals in junior high. And by the time she reached high school, Jean Lamb was confident enough in her abilities as a storyteller to write fiction.

Most of what she produced at the time was garbage, though she did not know it. The editors and publishers she spoke to were kind enough to compliment her work in ways that kept her dreams of a career in publishing alive.

But Lamb knows that her stories were horrible. She took a break from writing for a little while and then, while she was in the Air Force, the author attempted to write her first fantasy novel.

The author started the project merely as a means of coping with the rigors of the Air Force. She also wrote a lot of fan fiction, though she eventually left that arena. By the time she abandoned the army and settled down in Klamath Falls with her husband and kids, Jean Lamb knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life creating fiction.

Lamb does a lot of planning before she sits down to write. She normally creates a basic outline of her story. She also does chapter outlines beforehand. However, she rarely sticks to her outlines, though the general direction of her stories remains unchanged.

The author tends to hinge her projects on their final line. Jean Lamb is ready to sit down and write once she identifies the last line of whatever story she wants to write. Once she has that line in mind, then everything she writes will be geared towards driving the story in a manner that earns that final line.

Despite what some people think, Lamb makes an effort to research her novels. This is despite the fact that the stories she tells are fantastical in nature. For the most part, though, Lamb’s research process isn’t that complicated because she is primarily reading about aspects like swordplay and map making and any other fantastical element that has a basis in reality.

Whenever you ask the author about her sources of inspiration, she will almost always steer the conversation towards the field of music. Jean Lamb loves music and she loves creating sounds that evoke specific textures and sensations.

Jean Lamb also dances.

Tameron dayn Sidian is an outcast. Sure, he is heir to the Protector of Fiallyn Mor, his only son. But unlike all his relatives or even the members of the ruling class, Tameron has no magic.

Tameron is desperate. Without magic, he cannot hope to speak for the common people. So when an opportunity to attain power comes, a chance that will ultimately make him a prisoner for the rest of his life, he cannot help but consider it.

+A Brilliant Marriage
Lt. Jack Rawley is a duke with an estate but he has no money. He wants to marry for love. Lucinda Alcott has a great dowry and she lives just a few miles away from Jack. She also desires to find love.

Neither Jack nor Lucinda knows it yet but they just might be the soul mate the other person has been searching for all their life.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jean Lamb

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