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Jennifer Mathieu Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Truth About Alice(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Devoted(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Afterward(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Moxie(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Liars of Mariposa Island(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bad Girls Never Say Die(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Down Came the Rain(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Faculty Lounge(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Writing both for and about young adults, Jennifer Mathieu is a highly respected and equally well regarded American author. Producing stories set firmly within the real world, she has a knack for creating strong characters that firmly resonate with her readers. Not just that, but she has also recently been noticed by Hollywood, as one of novels is being picked up by a film studio, ensuring her success as a bestselling author of modern contemporary fiction.

Early and Personal Life

Growing up in America, she gained a passion for both reading as well as writing from a very early age, with her interest in literature dating back to pre-school. Starting to write stories whilst still in kindergarten she would continue to nurture her love for the craft throughout the years. Constantly found with her head in a book she would always developing her style, whilst also getting a story of hers published in ‘Cricket Magazine’ at a young age too.

This would go on throughout her life as she continued to educate herself in the craft of storytelling, building and developing her style and tone of voice whilst writing. During school she would focus on literature, always remaining with her head firmly in a book, allowing her to gain a firm understanding in the process. Gaining a wealth of experience as well, she would refine her style over the years, something which would then lead to her becoming a full time author.

Working as a teacher teaching English, she lives literature and the English language, immersing herself in it all the time. Using it to propel her own work forwards, she is a highly adept writer, knowing exactly what goes into her craft and exactly what is necessary. Taking in inspiration from the world around her she is able to transform her own understanding of the world into unique and engaging stories.

Living in Texas she resides with her husband, their son and their dog, as she continues to write to this present day. Obsessed with the 1980s sitcom ‘The Golden Girls’ she also has a range of other interests too, all of which help inspire her and her work. With far more to come yet as an author, it appears that she’s not finishing any time soon either, as her writing career builds from strength-to-strength.

Writing Career

Bringing out her first book in 2014 she made some impact on the world of literaturewith the novel ‘The Truth About Alice’. This wasn’t to be a part of any series, as it would be a stand-alone title that worked as a Young Adult novel set around the trials and tribulations of youthful relationships. It would also resonate strongly with her young readers, as it managed to capture the essence of growing up and all its difficulties.

This is something she continues to capture as well, as her next novel, ‘Devoted’, followed along in a similar vein. Dealing with topics such as faith and the strict doctrines it places upon the young, Mathieu has never been afraid to shy away from harder subject matter. She would continue to build upon this in her many novels to come, as she managed to gain a loyal following of young readers worldwide.

Gaining the rights to her novel ‘Moxie’, the production company of Hollywood actress Amy Poehler plans to make a film of it. Creating it under her ‘Paper Kite Banner’ production company, she aims to release a big-screen cinematic adaptation of the work. Stating Mathieu as one of the ‘most important writers’ working for young adults today, Poehler sees it as a potentially huge project.

Using themes of feminism, Mathieu has situated herself as a strong voice for young women, giving them confidence and strength. This can be seen in her work, through novels such as ‘Moxie’ which aims to give them a voice in a fun and entertaining way. With a good sense-of-humor she provides and accessible and compelling narratives which really work to draw the reader in over the course of the story.

Still currently writing to this day, Mathieu continues to push the boundaries of the Young Adult genre as a whole. Taking it in new directions, she has been able to create a new style of writing that is unsurpassed in modern contemporary fiction. This isn’t ending soon either, as it seems that there is much more to come yet, as she carries on building upon her legacy for a long time to come.

The Truth About Alice

Brought out through the ‘Roaring Brook Press’ publishing label, this was first released in 2014 on the 3rd of June. Setting up the career for Jennifer Mathieu as a writer, it works well at formulating the foundations of many of her ideas that were set to follow. Working as a stand-alone title as well, it managed to tell a high quality story, one that many readers came to love over the subsequent years.

Many people at the school of Alice Franklin think, or believes, that she is a ‘slut’, regardless of what the actual truth is. Seen as ‘easy’ by the rest of the school she apparently, as rumor has it, slept with two guys at one party, and they’re rumors that are spinning out of control. She also apparently was sexting the quarterback Brandon when he crashed his car and died, which is apparently somehow her fault despite him drinking. Will she overcome the rumors? How will she save her reputation? What is the truth about Alice?


Published through the ‘Roaring Brook Press’ label once more this was also a stand-alone for Jennifer Mathieu. Working as a feminist parable and, ultimately, a call to arms, it’s the idea compliment to the first, as it shows a clear development for Mathieu as an author. It was on the date of the 19th of September in 2017 that this was first released, and it has subsequently gained a lot of attention since.

Fed-up with her life living in a small-town, Vivian Carter is sick and tired of her Texas high-school with its reverence for the football team. She’s also sick of the uptight sexist dress codes there, and she soon decides to do something about it all. Discovering her mother was none other than a punk-rock ‘Riot Grrrl’ during the nineties, she takes it upon herself to write a feminist zine but, little does she know, she’s about to kick-start a feminist revolution. Will this be the change she needs? Can she alter her high-school for the better? Does she have the moxie?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jennifer Mathieu

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