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Joanne Bischof Books In Order

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Publication Order of Blackbird Mountain Books

Sons of Blackbird Mountain (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Daughters of Northern Shores (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Cadence of Grace Books

Be Still My Soul (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
My Hope Is Found (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Though My Heart Is Torn (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Suddenly Sadie Books

Sadie on the Rocks (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Writer on the Wall (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Wild Air Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Cry of My Heart (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lady and the Lionheart (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Gold in These Hills (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

This Quiet Sky (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Christmas at the Circus (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Heartfelt Recipes (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

The Message in a Bottle Romance Collection(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Joanne Bischof is an American author that writes historical and Appalachian fiction. Joanne’s books are littered with messages of her Christian beliefs. She is as passionate about God as she is about publishing.

Joanne Bischof did not know that there was a hunger for Appalachian romance. For a long while, she was too busy taking care of her husband and raising their three kids in the South Californian Mountains.

Then she experimented with the genre and realized that a sizable portion of her readers had a desire to consume stories of love and adventure set in the country.

Like so many authors, Joanne Bischof was an avid reader as a child. She has vivid memories of obsessing over the Little House series. The books instilled in her a love for old things.

Some people think Joanne was simply born a romantic at heart but the author believes that the books she read shaped and molded her personality. It helped that she was so shy and, thus, had nothing better to do most of the time than curl up with a book and lose herself in the adventures playing out on the pages before her.

Writing came into the picture soon after. The author always kept a notebook close by. She would spend whole hours scribbling away, putting her ideas to paper. Her parents always encouraged her to pursue the written word.

Though, by the time she finally sat down to write her first novel, life had grown so much more complicated for Joanne. She had a family at the time and it had been decided that her children would be homeschooled.

Joanne has never complained about that particular aspect of her life. She enjoys the time she spends with her kids, not only the role she plays in their education but all the fun she has when she plays and experiments with them.

The author cannot count the number of nights she has spent lying awake and thinking about all the unexpected encounters she has come across as a result of the time she spends with her children.

The author relishes the small pleasures she gets out of life. And while the time she spends with her kids doesn’t necessarily inspire the stories she writes, it is from her personal experiences that she draws the messages of faith that litter her books.

Joanne Bischof wouldn’t necessarily call herself a Christian writer. But her faith features prominently in her stories. The author does not set out to incorporate God into her stories. Each book she writes starts with a specific character, their strengths, weaknesses and the purpose driving them through life.

Joanne only starts writing once she’s sure she has a clear handle on the journey she wants her character to undertake. The Christian message takes shape organically as the author writes.

In fact, it isn’t until she puts the finishing touches on her story and looks back on what she has accomplished that Joanne notices the Christian theme woven throughout. Joanne’s books are always hopeful.

She endeavors to leave her readers not only more knowledgeable about the purpose of God in their lives but also more optimistic about their future. All her messages are derived from biblical truths that she has gleaned over the years.

Her stories normally feature two mismatched protagonists; individuals from different walks of life who must overcome the natural barriers keeping them apart in order to see the spark in one another’s hearts.

Joanne loves writing about unlikely heroes who undertake redemption arcs. She wasn’t too convinced that there was a place for love stories like hers when she started out.

She remembers submitting a dry query to an agent from McGregor Literary while expecting only rejection, primarily because she didn’t think a publisher would ever take interest in the concept she was selling.

She was more than a little surprised when Sandra Bishop, who eventually became her agent, jumped at the chance to bring her onboard. Things fell into place relatively quickly after that, with Joanne landing a three-book deal from WaterBrook Multnomah.

The author initially struggled to find her rhythm as a mother with publishing deadlines to meet. Her three children kept her busy and she could only write when they took naps. But that meant working while she was exhausted after a hard day’s work.

But Joanne found a way to make things work. She has no qualms about staying up until four in the morning if it means getting her manuscripts done. It is hard work but Joanne loves it because she is passionate about her career.

The author imputes a lot of her success to her agent and publisher with whom she has a great relationship. Not only are they as passionate about her projects as she is but they keep pushing her to persevere and to do better.

+The Lady and the Lionheart
Charlie Lionheart’s work with his pride of lion has made him the talk of Victorian-era Virginia. However, for all his skill and for all the charm that allows him to capture the attention of any audience he encounters, Charlie is completely unprepared when he frees an infant from bondage.

Ella Beckley doesn’t know what to make of the Gypsy girl to whom she has been asked to tend. All the nurse knows is that her guardian seems to love the girl with such intensity that it leaves her with a sense of optimism about the future of mankind.

Neither Ella nor Charlie knows what to make of their growing relationship. Neither of them understands the impact they will have on one another’s hearts once they give love a chance.

+Be Still My Soul
Lonnie Sawyer is a shy, innocent girl living with an abusive father in a poor homestead in the Appalachian hills. Despite all the hardships of life, Lonnie’s faith has remained strong.

Used to fading into the background, Lonnie is forced into the spotlight when a stolen kiss from a handsome rogue leads to marriage. Lonnie is given no choice in the matter. She is driven into the arms of Gideon, a man she barely knows.

Gideon just wants to start over but he is just as reluctant to accept the marriage as Lonnie. It will take an act of God to bring Lonnie and Gideon to a point where they can open their hearts to one another.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Joanne Bischof

One Response to “Joanne Bischof”

  1. Cynthia Hendrickson: 12 months ago

    Thank you Joanne Bischof, for your wonderful and very insightful stories. I have read at least (recently) 4 or 5 of yours and thoroughly enjoyed them. Looking forward to reading more, as I am a retired grandmother who has lots of projects, but enjoy my quiet reading moments along with my husband. Again, Thank You.


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