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John Katzenbach Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

First Born: The Death of Arnold Zeleznik, Age Nine(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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John Katzenbach was born on June 23, 1950. He is a United States writer of popular fiction. In addition, he is the son of Nicholas Katzenbach, a former U.S Attorney General. He worked as a criminal court journalist for Miami News and Miami Herald, and as a featured writer for Herald’s Tropic magazine. John Katzenbach is married to Madeleine Blais and lives in western Massachusetts. He left the magazine industry to write emotional thrillers. His first, 1982’s bestselling novel, In the Heat of the summer, became a brilliant movie that the Mean Season partially filmed in the Herald’s newsroom.

John Katzenbach’s profession as a novelist began in the year 1982, with publication of “The Heat of the summer”, an edgy crime work of fiction that examined the cult of fame, celebrity and media moral principles. The novel showed the newspaper business at its height and at the early stages of its slide— and reflected several of his experiences as a wrong and law court reporter for both Miami Herald and the now obsolete Miami News. The novel was filmed as The Mean season with Mariel Hemingway and Kurt Russell. Since the publication of his first novel, John Katzenbach has written twelve other emotional thrillers and one much-admired non-fiction book.

Published in various languages all over the world, John Katzenbach’s novels have been on hit lists from Buenos to Bonn Aires. He has received many awards in the United States, France and Germany. Three of his other books have been filmed: Just Cause with Laurence Fishburne and Sean Connery in 1995; Hart’s War with Bruce Willis and Colin Farrell in 2002; and also a French version known as The Wrong Man, that’s shown on France 2 TV as Faux Coupable. John Katzenbach’s two other novels, the International bestseller-The Analyst and the Award-winning bestseller -The Madman’s Tale are presently in progress with shooting dates in 2015.

Red is Katzenbach’s familiar advisory tale about a little girl and a big bad wolf, where the child wears a red cover. He weaves in captivating backgrounds that add strength to the actors as the narrative plays out. In John Katzenbach’s skilled contemporary story, red hair catches the attention of the predator, which targets three susceptible females, anonymous to one another. Mr. Big bad wolf, a fussy, confident, unpleasant crime writer (who bases all his books on crimes that he has committed), has been dormant for several years, but his fresh idea of killing all the three women on the same day, is just too breathtaking to pass up. He is convinced that the so called “project” will regenerate his declining career and spice up his boring home life. After several weeks, he is finally prepared to put his wicked plan into action, and he is nearly salivating at the viewpoint. His work notes visibly reveal how he intentionally picks and stalks his prey. First there is Karen, an abandoned, middle-aged physician, oldest of the three; then there is Sarah, a heartbroken widow who turned to alcohol; and finally Jordan, a smart but lost teenager, whose parents are wrapped up in their separation to care about her. Mr. Wolf is totally convinced his brilliant, thoroughly detailed plan can’t be unsuccessful. Unfortunately, there is something he never considered- group dynamics. Like John Katzenbach’s novel, What Comes Next, this is a page-turner and a-must-read for all thriller fans.“What Comes Next” is another epic novel by John Katzenbach, with a frightening and amazingly constructed tale. The male protagonist is a professor who sees the ghosts of his dear ones, all of whom give him advice. Meanwhile, he is trying to save a girl who has been kidnapped by a couple who intend on using her in their special web series. Both tales require a little more enthusiasm to go along without questioning much.

Even when the narrative could turn off into ridiculousness, John Katzenbach makes it work by giving each story its due influence; the ghosts become unforgettable and devastating poignant reminders of the Professor’s life. John Katzenbach makes it work by the creation of stakes that matter, emotional hooks that hang in the mind, consequences that echo, and characters that we are interested in. And make no oversight about it-What Comes Next is a completely gripping read with nearly excruciating levels.The Dead Student is a tense, penetrating story that follows a young man, who is set on avenging an uncle who saved him, no matter the cost. The young man is Timothy, a PhD scholar who goes by the nickname known as “Moth”. He wakes up with a deep craving for a drink. He instantly calls his uncle, Ed, a former alcoholic and a flourishing psychiatrist who has become Timothy’s counselor and father figure as well. Ed guarantees to meet him at a summit later that day but does not show up. Moth then bikes to his office only to find out a grisly scene: his uncle, Ed, shot through the temple and lying in a pool of blood. Deeply shaken, Timothy calls the police and waits for the law enforcement, who pronounces Ed’s death a suicide. Two words were scrawled across Ed’s recommendation pad: My fault. But Timothy refuses to consider that his uncle would commit suicide. Devastated and perplexed, he calls the only individual he thinks he can depend on, Andrea Martine. She is an ex-girlfriend he hasn’t spoken to for four years, and a young woman struggling through her own shock. Each battling their own demons, Timothy and Andrea travel into a dark, unknown territory, with an incentive of finding out the reality about Ed’s death. Timothy circles closer to a devious mind that flinches at nothing to accomplish his goal of vengeance.With his brilliant and breathtaking novels, John Katzenbach is really a master of recent psychological thriller. He currently lives in Western Massachusetts. His latest book, The Dead Student, is scheduled for publication by the Atlantic/Grove/ Mysterious press in the fall of this year, and concurrently by Head of Zeus Pub. It is going to be an absolutely extraordinary thriller. His books are available online on sites such as Amazon and Goodreads at affordable prices. Always be on the look out for John Katzenbach’s amazing books!

Book Series In Order » Authors » John Katzenbach

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