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Jon Del Arroz Books In Order

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Publication Order of Adventures of Baron Von Monocle Books

For Steam and Country(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Blood of Giants(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fight for Rislandia(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Iron Wedding(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Steam Knight(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Crystal Conspiracy(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Aryshan War Books

The Stars Entwined(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Stars Asunder(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Stars Rejoined(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Flying Sparks Graphic Novel Books

Flying Sparks(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Flying Sparks Volume 2(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Flying Sparks Volume 3(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Saga of the Nano Templar Books

Publication Order of Ixora Colony Books

Publication Order of Star Realms Novels

Publication Order of The Terran Imperium Chronicles Books

The Immortal Edge(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Collections

Make Science Fiction Fun Again(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Revelations Cycle Books

Cartwright's Cavaliers (By: Mark Wandrey)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Asbaran Solutions (By: Chris Kennedy)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Fistful of Credits (With: Charles E. Gannon,Brad R. Torgersen,Kacey Ezell,Kevin Ikenberry,Doug Dandridge,Jason Cordova,Chris Kennedy,Mark Wandrey,Terry Mixon,Christopher G. Nuttall,P.P. Corcoran,Christopher Woods)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Winged Hussars (By: Mark Wandrey)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Golden Horde (By: Chris Kennedy)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Peacemaker (By: Kevin Ikenberry)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
For a Few Credits More (By: Josh Hayes,Peter Cawdron,Chris Kennedy,Mark Wandrey,Terry Mixon,Rob Howell,Scott Moon,Tim C. Taylor,J.R. Handley,Corey Truax)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Good, the Bad, and the Merc (By: Eric S. Brown,Chris Kennedy,Mark Wandrey)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Alpha Contracts (By: Chris Kennedy,Mark Wandrey)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
CASPer Alamo (By: Eric S. Brown,Jason Brannon)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Assassin (By: Kacey Ezell,Marisa Wolf)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Honor the Threat (By: Kevin Ikenberry)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Anthologies

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Jon Del Arroz is an American author of Hispanic descent that writes space opera and steampunk novels. Del Arroz is a controversial figure that frequently engages in verbal conflicts with other science fiction and fantasy writers. The author has been banned from science fiction and fantasy gatherings and conventions on more than one occasion.

Jon Del Arroz describes himself as a Science Fiction and Fantasy writer, and an avid gamer. Del Arroz got into ‘Magic: The Gathering’ and various other collectible card games at an early age.

He eventually transitioned into comics. He went on to produce his own superhero webcomic (Flying Sparks) in 2011. His resume also includes stints as a writer at Doomtown.

Del Arroz is very outspoken about his religious and political beliefs. The author has garnered a considerable following over the years for his many spats with leftwing authors and content creators.

His fans have repeatedly defended the criticism he attracts, accusing his detractors of racism because they hate the fact that Jon Del Arroz is a Hispanic individual who so happens to support people like Donald Trump.

Del Arroz’s critics believe that he is the architect of his own failures. They have complained that he goes out of his way to troll and antagonize people with whom he disagrees, using any pushback he eventually attracts as an excuse to act as a victim.

According to Del Arroz, people continuously oppose his success as a content creator because he isn’t afraid to voice his Christian and rightwing beliefs.

+Literary Career
Jon Del Arroz started writing in high school. The author has a vivid memory of spending his English classes scribbling down Star Trek fanfiction. He admits that he wasn’t the most attentive of students.

But his little distractions paid off because they enabled him to hone his writing abilities. The people that knew him in school could see that Del Arroz was destined for a career in publishing because he took every opportunity that came his way to write book reviews for his friends and classmates.

He also contributed a litany of articles to the local news magazine (The Valley Citizen). Flying Sparks, his weekly webcomic, was the project that gained him notoriety. Indie publishing circles hailed it as a success that harkened back to the golden years of Marvel Comics.

But it was ‘Flying Sparks’ that truly put the author on the map. And after spending years contributing articles to other people’s publications and writing stories for games and RPGs, Jon Del Arroz finally wrote ‘Rescue Run’, his first novel which he only published because he went to San Diego Comic-Con and stumbled upon a publisher at a bar.

Del Arroz convinced the woman that he could bring the sort of enthusiasm and energy to the table that would sell his books. Funnily enough, at the time that Del Arroz was selling the concept to his publisher, the author hadn’t even written the book.

So once he got the green light, he had to overcome the pressure he had inadvertently placed upon himself to deliver the high quality, high energy story he had promised.

Of course, Del Arroz didn’t doubt that he could deliver on his promises. Confidence is the one element the author tells all aspiring writers to nurture early on in their careers. Del Arroz believes that anyone can succeed if they write confidently.

He doesn’t allow rejections from agents and editors to beat him down because they don’t matter; or at the very least, Del Arroz doesn’t need such figures to acknowledge him to know that he is a talented writer.

To Jon Del Arroz, the readers are the only thing that matters, and so long as you write with them in mind, someone in the world will appreciate your work.

People that have read his work believe that Del Arroz writes with YA and military sci-fi audiences in mind. His stories typically feature strong female protagonists that have been thrown into extraordinary situations.

+Gravity of the Game
Baseball is dying and only Commissioner Hideki Ichiro can save it. People do not care about the World Baseball League, or at least that is what the ratings seem to suggest. When Ichiro realizes that viewership has begun to decline at an alarming rate, he decides to change things up.

Ichiro needs to tap into a new market. To do that, he intends to take baseball to the stars. Of course, Ichiro knows that baseball cannot be played without Earth’s Gravity, something sorely lacking in space.

Ichiro must maneuver new technologies and angry owners to make a ridiculous dream come true.

+For Steam and Country
Zaira learned early on that life as the daughter of a great adventurer wouldn’t be a picnic. She had to work hard to survive. But she got by none the less. And the experience made her stronger.

But then Zaira learned one random day that her father had died and she realized that she was finally and truly alone, her father’s only heir and the new owner of an airship. Now Zaira is caught in the middle of a war between two empires and she doesn’t know what to do.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Jon Del Arroz

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