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Josh Winning Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Shadow Glass(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Burn the Negative(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Heads Will Roll(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

About Josh Winning

Josh Winning is an author brimming with imagination and a passion for books, films, and all things nostalgic. He penned ‘The Shadow Glass,’ a thrilling ride that combines elements of ‘Labyrinth’ and ‘Stranger Things,’ and ‘Burn the Negative,’ which smartly intertwines the suspense of ‘Scream’ with the supernatural vibe of ‘My Best Friend’s Exorcism.’ This gifted storyteller crafts engaging protagonists and storylines that captivate readers from start to finish, effectively immersing them in the world he masterfully creates.

But Josh goes beyond the pages of his fantastical and horror novels, making a name for himself in the world of film writing as well. He’s a highly notable voice in the film industry, contributing as a senior film writer for Radio Times and other prominent platforms like SFX, Total Film, and Den of Geek. His knowledgeable and infectious passion for cinema also extends into the digital audio sphere, where he co-hosts the movie podcast Torn Stubs, delivering enticing conversations about the latest in cinematography.

Throughout his career, Josh has had quite the collection of unique professional experiences, which have undoubtedly contributed to his distinct storytelling talent. Like dining with the undead while on the set of ‘The Walking Dead,’ rubbing shoulders with beloved Muppets Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy, and ruling (momentarily) from the Iron Throne during a visit to the Dublin set of ‘Game of Thrones.’ These experiences highlight just how diverse and rich his career is, permeating his writing style and making his work a real spellbinder.

Early and Personal Life

Josh Winning, a British author, has always had a passion for reading and writing. Growing up in in the UK, he discovered the magic of storytelling at a young age. As a child, Josh would often lose himself in the pages of fantastical adventures, drawn to the captivating worlds created by authors before him.

Inspired by the stories he consumed, Josh began nurturing his own creative voice. With each book he devoured, his love for writing grew, and he found solace in weaving his own tales. Through the power of words, he discovered a way to express himself and share his imagination with others.

Over the years, Josh has honed his craft and evolved as an author. Drawing inspiration from a variety of sources, he has embraced different genres and writing styles, allowing his creativity to thrive. Whether it’s a thrilling mystery or a heartwarming romance, Josh’s storytelling transports readers to new realms, leaving them eager for the next chapter.

Josh currently lives in London, finding both inspiration and comfort in the bustling city. Alongside his faithful feline companion, Penny, he continues to write, captivating readers with his vivid imagination and unique storytelling abilities. As his literary career unfolds, Josh Winning is undoubtedly a writer to watch, charming audiences with his tales of adventure and leaving an indelible mark on the literary world.

Writing Career

Josh Winning is not only a successful author but also a prominent figure in the entertainment journalism sector. His novels ‘The Shadow Glass’ (2022) and ‘Burn the Negative’ (2023) showcase his vivid imagination and polished writing style. As his book titles continue to grow, his passion for translating his thoughts into captivating tales remains undeniable.

Furthermore, Josh also ensures his voice is heard in the world of film and media, holding several esteemed positions. He is the senior film writer for Radio Times, a contributing editor at Total Film magazine, and also writes for SFX, as well as Den of Geek.

In addition, his love for movies extends to co-hosting the podcast Torn Stubs, further rounding out his impressive writing career. With a pen that continues to scribe, Josh Winning’s journey in the world of literature and beyond is exciting to watch.

The Shadow Glass

‘The Shadow Glass,’ a horror fantasy, is penmanship at its finest by Josh Winning. Introduced to readers worldwide by Titan Books on March 22, 2022, this title marks the impressive start of Winning’s writing career. It is indeed a notable debut in the literary world.

Experiencing several disappointments, Jack Corman finds himself jobless and grieving his father’s death. His late father, Bob Corman, was a famed film director of the 1986 puppet fantasy, ‘The Shadow Glass,’ which unfortunately flopped. Upon returning to his dilapidated childhood home, Jack finds himself faced with an unanticipated situation – the puppets from his father’s film, surprisingly, are living.

Now, Jack embarks on a journey to save the world from his father’s miscreations, accompanied by an enthusiastic fan and a feisty studio exec, hoping to revive “The Shadow Glass” and honor his father’s legacy.

Readers will find Winning’s debut an engaging read. The novel exhibits substantial storytelling skill, capturing readers through its blend of unique fantasy and heartfelt narrative. It presents a memorable exploration of one man’s journey, seamlessly merging an imaginative puppet world with his reality.

Burn the Negative

‘Burn the Negative,’ a captivating horror thriller, was the second novel from Josh Winning. Released by G.P. Putnam’s Sons on July 11, 2023, it asserts the continuity of Winning’s prowess in writing. Indeed, another remarkable literary offering from the author is presented to readers.

On a trip to L.A. to examine a new horror web series, reporter Laura Warren is shocked to see a man leap off a bridge. Laura is unsettled because she was in the original version of this series when it was a cursed ’90s horror film. Laura, once a young girl with a scary ability to predict how the ‘Needle Man’ would kill people, changed her identity and moved across the ocean after the deaths of eight cast and crew members mirrored the film’s fatalities.

Now, with the death toll rising again, Laura, her sister who wants to pursue acting, and a cynical psychic are trying to put a stop to the curse forever and stay clear of the deadly ‘Needle Man.’

Josh Winning once again stuns with his writing prowess in this riveting tale. It presents a truly unsettling narrative that will keep you engaged until the very end. Definitely a worthwhile read for those who enjoy a good thriller.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Josh Winning

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