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Judy Higgins Books In Order

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Publication Order of Bucks County Mysteries Books

Unringing the Bell(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bride of the Wind(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Lady(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Woman of Valor about Naomi(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

About Judy Higgins
The American author Judy Higgins is well known for her intelligent and creative style of writing that has been drawing in readers from all across the world. Publishing several historical novels over the years, she’s become well known for her attention to detail, creating a style that is all her own. This has developed into a unique approach that has become instantly recognizable, establishing a brand that many have warmed to. Not only has she managed to capture the attention of the public, but the critics as well, as her work has become widely renowned.

Her characters are also extremely well drawn, standing out from the page, becoming their own unique personalities. Leaving a strong lasting impact upon the reader, they manage to stay with them long after the book has been put down. With a lot more to come still, she’s an author who’s not finishing any time soon as well, with her writing career continuing to grow day-by-day.

Early and Personal Life
Born in Doerun, Georgia, in the USA, the future author to be Judy Higgins would grow up with a keen passion for the written word. Raised with an interest in baseball, playing the piano, and reading, Higgins would grow up to show a keen interest in literature. Over the years she’d develop this, building upon her voice as an author, while finding her own style and approach to the form. In time she would find this approach, using her own experiences, along with inspiration from the world around her.

Attending Mercer University for over two years, she would then go on to graduate from Baylor University, gaining a BA in German. She’d later gain an MA in literature from the University of Michigan, before going on to teach German herself for a few years. Moving on, she would then also work as the Head of Library, based in the Learning Center School of the Qatar Foundation. Living in Qatar for some time too, she’s gained a lot of experience, and she currently lives in Lexington, Kentucky, in the United States, while carrying on writing and living with her family.

Writing Career
In 2012 Judy Higgins would write her first fictional book titled ‘The Lady,’ which would introduce her to the literary world for the first time. Focusing on historical and period set stories, Higgins would show great and attention to detail, as she’d manage to capture precise moments in time, allowing the audience to feel as if they’re really there. This would become a trademark of hers in the years to follow, as readers from around the world would come to know her name, along with the critics.

Winning awards for her work, she’d receive nominations from the outset, marking her as a definite writer to watch in the years to follow. She’s also written mystery novels, starting with ‘Unringing the Bell’ in 2018, which would be the first in the ‘Bucks County Mysteries’ series. Still writing to this very day, she has much more to come still, as her writing career continues to grow to this very day.

The Lady
Originally published back in 2012 on the 20th of March, this would first come out through the ‘GossArt’ publishing label to much acclaim. Winning awards on its release, it would become a semi-finalist in the 2012 Amazon Breakout Novel Contest, marking Higgins as a writer to watch in the future. Setting herself apart with her big debut, this would be a stand-alone title, with its contained narrative not being a part of any overall series.

Establishing the time period well, she’s managed to create a feeling of what South Georgia was actually like during the 1950s. Creating a strong sense of ambiance and atmosphere, it comes to life on the page, allowing the reader to fully immerse themselves in the story. It almost becomes a character in of itself, carrying much of the narrative and action for the audience.

The characters really resonate here, which is largely due to how authentically they’re all portrayed, coming across realistically on the page. Everyone feels three-dimensional and fully fleshed out, speaking in a manner that’s direct, while immersing the reader in the story. This is also true for the setting and the time period, as it also comes to life in a manner which is wholly real as well.
Taking place in South Georgia in 1956, this sees Quincy Bruce being sent away at the age of sixteen to live with her Aunt Addy. Her parents are missionaries sent to Africa, leaving Quincy with her aunt; the only woman who has ever believed in her ambition to become a musician. Now Quincy has freedom, she decides to find out more about aunt’s past in London, but soon discovers more than she bargained for. How will the truth come to change everything? Can she ever become a musician? What will become of the lady?

Bride of the Wind
Once again being published through the ‘GossArt’ publishing outlet, this was initially released in 2018 on the 18th February. It was the second title in the ‘Bucks County Mysteries’ series of novels as well, providing another self-contained mystery set in the same world as before. Featuring several recurring characters, themes, and ideas, it a mystery novel that’s compelling from start to finish.

While the book is part of a series, it can be picked up without too much issue, despite not reading the first one. Everyone here is introduced, with the world of the series and everything being clearly established from the very beginning. Well paced throughout, it really captures an air of intrigue, engaging the reader right until the very end, with plenty of twists and turns.

Disappearing on her way home from working in Jordan for Doctors Without Borders, Rebecca Herschmann vanishes all of a sudden. Then a ransom note arrives making demands of her family, her father the owner of the business ‘Goose Bend’ Fritz Herschmann and mother Leah. It’s not money that’s wanted, though, but part of their art collection, as Detective William Laskey must now investigate. Why do they want the art? What incident happened back in post-World War II Vienna? Can they find the Bride of the Wind?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Judy Higgins

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