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Kate Eastham Books In Order

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Publication Order of Nursing Books

Miss Nightingale's Nurses(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Liverpool Nurses(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Daughters of Liverpool(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Coming Home to Liverpool(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

An Angel's Work(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
When the World Stood Still(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Sea Nurses(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Letter from Paris(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Kate Eastham
Author Kate Eastham trained as a midwife and nurse on the Nightingale wards of Preston Royal Infirmary. She has more than thirty years of experience working in residential, hospital, and hospice care.

Born and raised in Lancashire, she’s married with three grown up children and a grandchild.

Kate, always reading, went on to gain an English Literature degree. She was inspired to start writing after she researched the history of nursing and her own family history with its roots in Liverpool, northern mill towns and rural Lancashire.

“Miss Nightingale’s Nurses” is the first novel in the “Nursing” series and was released in 2018. From the docks of Liverpool to some distant battlefield, can a girl find her brother and save herself?

Ada Houston’s life is shattered when Frank, her brother, disappears after an accident at the docks. However a short time later she hears this rumor that he actually survived and left Liverpool in order to fight a foreign war.

Ada, determined not to lose him again, boards this ship to bring him back home. However the battlefields of the Crimea are a hostile place for this penniless young woman.

Then one day a lifeline gets tossed her way as she’s offered the opportunity to train as a nurse under the famous Florence Nightingale. Working in the worst possible conditions, Ada shows quite the aptitude beyond anybody’s expectations while caring for injured countrymen, making new friends, and even enjoying the first flutter of romance. Although Frank’s still missing and she needs to find him before it is too late.

This is a moving account of loss, as well as one of achievement and self-discovery. It’s a vivid and entertaining read that brings history to life and makes you feel as though you are right there with these characters.

“An Angel’s Work” is the first stand alone novel and was released in 2020. England in 1941. After three whole nights of relentless bombing from German aircraft, Jo Brooks (trained nurse) is told to report to the basement theater of Mill Road Hospital. She goes with a heavy heart, not wanting to leave Moira, her best friend behind, a woman who is desperately soothing new moms on the maternity ward. Right when Jo arrives safely underground, the ward takes a direct hit.

Pulling herself out of the rubble, her first priority has to be her patients, however she cannot stop herself searching frantically for Moira. When she eventually finds Moira, buried under a foot of bricks and stone, she’s hardly clinging to life. Jo makes this solemn vow: she’ll do whatever she must in order to help the allies win this war, even if she has to sacrifice her own safety.

This chance to make good on her promise comes much sooner than she’d expected, nurses are needed badly to evacuate wounded allies across enemy lines. It’ll be heartbreaking and dangerous work and her life is going to be at risk at each and every moment, however Jo knows the time has come to prove herself at last.

A powerfully emotional wartime novel about love and friendship in the most horrible of circumstances.

Readers loved how this showed just how fearless women were under these dismal circumstances.

“When the World Stood Still” is the second stand alone novel and was released in 2021. Wartime London. Emily Burdon, age twenty, has been training as a nurse, learning on this job while tending to patients from the crowded poorhouses which ring the hospital as well as wounded soldiers. She pours her heart and soul into nursing as she waits for happier times: the return of Lewis (her childhood sweetheart from battle) and peace in Europe.

However when the lethal Spanish Flu arrives in London right behind war, her courage and faith are put to the test. All around her women and men in the prime of their lives are wasting away, and until a cure can be found there’s nothing for Emily and her colleagues to do.

However then Lewis admits to a most devastating betrayal, right when a new doctor gets transferred to head up Emily’s ward. From the distant land of Prince Edward Island in Canada, Dr. James Cantor is the very first of a generations old farming family to have left from the island, and wartime London feels a long way from the rugged beauty of his homeland. However despite their differences, he and Emily both find some common ground in their passions for helping patients. However with life forever changed all around her and Lewis’ own future hanging on by a thread, can she survive the worst epidemic in history with both her life and heart intact?

A heartbreaker of a historical novel that’s based on true history that is both emotional and unforgettable, sure to stick with you long after you have finished it.

This is a riveting and wonderful historical story, with Emily, a very relatable and strong character.

“The Sea Nurses” is the third stand alone novel and was released in 2022. The year is 1914. Evie Munro is a Scottish fisher girl, working the herring season from Wick to Great Yarmouth. For Evie, each day is the exact same: gutting fish right at the docks, shoulder-to-shoulder with her friends, followed by some fresh bread, a warm whiskey toddy, and an early night. However once Germany declares war on Britain, it all changes.

While her village starts emptying of young men, Evie’s life becomes marked by a heartbreaking tragedy at home. Her happiness is destroyed, she vows to join up to help with the war effort as a war nurse, caring for wounded soldiers on the Britannic, the imposing hospital ship.

However while the war rages on and this ship comes under direct fire, her bravery is put to the ultimate test. Can she and the nurses of the HMHS Britannic save the day and heal all of the patients in their care? Or is her life going to become just yet one more casualty in Britain’s heroic struggle for freedom?

One heartbreaking wartime saga that is guaranteed to have you reaching for the tissues.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Kate Eastham

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