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Kathi S. Barton Books In Order

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Publication Order of Aaron's Kiss Books

Blood, Body and Mind(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Divine Savior(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Natural Magick(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Burden of Reckoning(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Enduring Retribution(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fated Absolution(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Reluctant Alpha(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Faerie Master(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
My Warrior Fae(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Night Hungers(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Forbidden Taking(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Son of Our Blood(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Desire Awakened(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Elizabeth(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of A Cross to Bear Books

Publication Order of Archer's Dynasty Books

Publication Order of Bentley Legacy Books

Publication Order of Berkley's Bastards Books

Publication Order of Bishop's Snowy Leap Books

Publication Order of Blood Brotherhood Books

Publication Order of Bowen Boys Books

Publication Order of Calhoun Men Books

Publication Order of Dalton’s Kiss Books

Publication Order of Dixon Troop Books

Publication Order of Dragon's Savior Books

Publication Order of Emerson Wolves Books

Publication Order of English Dragon Books

Publication Order of Erikson Brothers Books

Publication Order of Force of Nature Books

Force of Nature(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Force of the Dark Wolf(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Force of Knight Magic(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Untamed Force(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Unstoppable Force(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Force(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Excessive Force(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Impassable Force(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Forbidden Books

Publication Order of Foster's Pride Books

Publication Order of Golden Streak Books

Publication Order of Grant Brothers Books

Publication Order of Griffin Brothers Books

Publication Order of Harrison Ambush Books

Publication Order of House of Frazier Books

Publication Order of House of Wilkshire Books

Publication Order of Hunter Books

Publication Order of James Children Books

Publication Order of Justice Books

Publication Order of Lanning's Leap Books

Publication Order of McCade Dragon Books

Publication Order of McCray Bruin Books

Publication Order of McCullough's Jamboree Books

Publication Order of Manning Dragons Books

Publication Order of Marshall’s Shadow Books

Publication Order of Morgan's Leap Books

Publication Order of Mystic Protectors Books

Publication Order of Perry's Nest Books

Publication Order of Pride of the Double Deuce Books

Publication Order of Prince of Tigers Books

Publication Order of Queen\'s Birds of Prey Books

Publication Order of Rare Gems Books

Publication Order of Robinson Destruction Books

Publication Order of Samuel's Pride Books

Publication Order of Sons of Crosby Books

Publication Order of Sheppard's Shadow Books

Publication Order of Stanton Pack Books

Publication Order of Strong Manor Books

Publication Order of Tate's Crossing Books

Publication Order of Tucker's Pride Books

Publication Order of Waite Family Books

Publication Order of Walsh's Lair Books

Publication Order of Whitfield Rancher Books

Publication Order of Winchester Brothers Books

Publication Order of Wilkerson Dynasty Books

Publication Order of Xavier's Hatchlings Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Chance Encounters(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Kathi S. Barton Mixed Puzzles (With: Denise Bush Kyle)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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It is famously said that life begins at forty, but for Kathi S. Barton, fifty was the new forty. And talking of beginnings, it would be fair enough to judge this author who believes so much in telling whether a story is right from its beginnings by the ability to keep you glued to her dark fantasy novels from start to finish. The awards won by Kathi notwithstanding she began writing for entertainment purpose and for that ability to transport herself to the world we could not comprehend. For that, we acknowledge her prowess and profile her to satisfy our curiosity.

Kathi S. Barton is a creative who was raised in Covington, Kentucky in a beautiful family in whose care she had a childhood that she describes as “not so great”. This must have created a void that cried out to be filled with love going by the way she weaves romance into dark fantasy erotic paranormal novels. Kathy did spend her life in some hustles and managed to scale the corporate ladder to head of security before handing in the resignation letter and picking a hobby that would take her mind off chronic depression and lifelong pills.

This talented writer stumbled upon writing in the most unexpected of ways. Once, while attending therapy sessions for attempted suicide, she was encouraged to journal her activities and feelings daily. The action was supposed to help her put her weeks in perspective and when she noticed that she had a particular trend of writing down depressing thoughts she switched the habit to making up a better world for her then lonely self.

Creating a utopic world came naturally to Kathi, she could endure the stress of having to bang on a computer for endless hours much more quickly than reflecting on her disease. She prefers bringing up several concepts of a book at any given time and letting the goddesses of writing guide her to the best project to pursue at any given time. She has been recorded to suddenly overcome the writer’s block in the middle of the night and pick up her books under the Muse tutelage.

Kathi is a firm believer in love, never mind what her scary novels say, and is married to a man whom she describes as a “best friend for several lifetimes,” no pun intended with the suicidal attempt. Together with the potter husband they have succeeded in seeing three children through life who in turn rewarded then with several grandchildren. Creation, they lovingly refer to as world treasures. Other than looking after family they occasionally camp and love participating in auctions.

Ever since Kathi started quelling the voices in her head with her paranormal stories in the year 2009. She has grown to defend her specialty with a series of engaging novels culminating in her win of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award and cementing this with best-selling author titles on Amazon and All Romance books. Kathi indeed strikes you as that person who has had a real life encounter with vampires, magic, and romance.

Among the novels written by Kathi are; Elijah: Calhoun men, Landon: Justice Series, Steel: Justice Series, and Kenton: the McCade Dragon. Throughout these creations, what consistently stand great is the amazing ability which Kathi uses to bring paranormal romance into near real life experiences. In Landon: Justice series, for example, she brings out Landon as this neglected child who is portrayed as speaking to his grandfather’s ghosts but falls in love in a very humanly way with Dillon.

In Aarons Kiss series, which consists of fourteen books, Kathi takes us through the world of Sara Temple, who falls head over heels in love with the handsome vampire Aaron MacManus, going to the extent of even giving up her life with the pretense of saving her boss. This love story spans centuries, and the theme is repeated in all the fourteen books. In natural magic a third book in the series, jealousy is a powerful idea that helps keep the love between Dominic and Sara.

In the force of nature series, Kathi creates this world revolving around CJ who suffers childhood rejection upon the death of her mother. She develops a go-getter mentality and is strongly attracted to Austin, who is an Alpha male and has had the desire of owning Webbers’, CJ’s father, house. This plot takes us through the desires and motivations of the two as each struggles to drive their point while at the same time obeying the dictates of love.

Kathi also creates the Harrison Ambush series in which she keeps up glued to the epic battle of wit between Riordan Harrison and Stormie. Riordan does the honorable deed and claims stormie as his, but this sparks bad memories and Stormie reacts in the most uninviting of ways. Riordan becomes the laughing stock of his mates and fellow employees but things suddenly take a turn for the worse when Stormie is targeted for assassination for roles played in the war.

We do not know how deep Kathi went with chronic major depression but given that she had made an attempt at her own life we really do feel for her. Just imagine what book lovers could have lost had the forward thinking therapist not committed her to doing a weekly review of her life. The amazing gift with words that Kathi has is a once in a lifetime opportunity that has gone on to create an entirely new genre in the world of storytelling.

Ever since Kathi started banging her computers to wide acclaim, she has not shown any signs of slowing down. She sticks to the mantra of starting out on any project you desire even if it means writing it down in longhand as she first had to do with her creative pieces. Kathi loves to watch drama films at the moment, and we do hope that she is not taken away by that desire of blowing glass and working in a greenhouse. She is too out of the ordinary to be snatched off our reading desires.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Kathi S. Barton

3 Responses to “Kathi S. Barton”

  1. Tracy Keyes: 9 months ago

    Trying to remember the series of your books that had a scene in it about a large safe that was opened and I believe it held the jewels that were stolen from the Queen of the fairies I believe. She then gave the jewels to each of the boys to give their mates.

  2. José Groeneweg: 2 years ago

    Love your books, I keep reading them.
    The only thing that I would change is
    Your creative editor. Sometimes there
    are some mistakes in the stories.
    Names that don’t fit. Storielines cross.
    Still I can’t wait for a new book to come out.

  3. Patricia Edwards: 3 years ago

    love your books just wish they would come out sooner.


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