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Keystone Stables Books In Order

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Publication Order of Keystone Stables Books

The Trouble with Skye / A Horse to Love (2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
A True Test for Skye / On the Victory Trail (2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Trouble Times Two / Southern Belle's Special Gift (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Teamwork at Camp Tioga / Summer Camp Adventure (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Winning Summer (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Skye's Final Test / Blue Ribbon Champ (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Whispering Hope (2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Long Ride Home (2010)Description / Buy at Amazon

The Keystone Stables book series is a wonderful series of Christian fiction and young adult novels. It is written by a bestselling American writer named Marsha Hubler. The series is comprised of a total of 8 novels released between 2004 and 2010. Each and every novel of this series revolves around the friendship between the main character named Skye Nicholson and a horse named Champ. The setting of all the books takes place in Pennsylvania, where a ranch for special needs called Keystone Stables looks after quarter horses and ponies and breeds them to become muscular stallions. Some of the important characters depicted in the series by Marsha Hubler include Tom Chambers, Eileen Chambers, Sooze Bodmer, Morgan, Tanya Bell, Joey, Chad, Katie, Wanda Stallord, Rebel, Aunt Millie, and a few others. Marsha Hubler has said that this series is suitable for readers aged ten and above.

The series begins by introducing Skye Nicholson as a foster girl with a troubled personality. Her foster parents follow the Christian religion and own the Keystone Stables. It is because of this ranch that Skye is introduced to the beautiful world of horses. Being in the company of horses at the ranch makes Skye have a change in her personality. Skye comes across Champ, a sorrel quarter horse, who helps her in accepting God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Every book of the series is widely popular and is highly appreciated for its rich content.

Author Hubler received a lot of praise for coming up with such original stories based on the unique genres of animal love and horses. A large number of readers in different parts of the world have read and loved the stories. Most of them have spoken greatly about the books and have liked the depiction of characters as well the storylines of each of the novels. Many prominent critics have hailed Marsha Hubler by saying that her style of storytelling is quite unique and original. It is only because of her extraordinary writing skills that the books of this series were able to do well in all the places of their publication. The books have successfully made it to the bestselling lists of various literary magazines and journals, both nationally and internationally. The success of this series brought a tremendous amount of success in the writing career of Marsha Hubler and helped her become a noteworthy author.

An exciting novel written in the Keystone Stables series by author Marsha Hubler is entitled ‘A True Test for Skye’. It was released by the Zonderkidz publication in 2004. The book features the central characters in the form of Sooze Bodmer, Skye Nicholson, Eileen Chambers, Tom Chambers, etc. Initially, it is mentioned that Skye Nicholson was a rebellious juvenile at one point. She used to keep changing foster homes due to her rebellious behavior. Before coming to the house of Eileen and Tom Chambers, Skye had changed so many foster homes that she herself does not have a count. She used to not trust anyone and loving someone or seeing others with a feeling of forming friendship was out of the question. Skye used to be like Sooze Bodmer in a lot of aspects. They two were friends for a long time and used to rebel against their foster parents together. However, Skye Nicholson began to show signs of change in her body language and personality once she found herself inside the home of her new foster parents, the Chambers.

Previously, the Chambers had helped change Sooze Bodmer for good and provided all the assistance to her in becoming a better person. The factor that proved beneficial in bringing about this change in Sooze Bodmer was the Keystone Stables owned by the Chambers. So, when Skye comes to live with them as a foster child, they decide to use the same tactics with her in order to change her too. When Skye came across Sooze for the first time, she reminded her of herself. And with an unexpected turn of events, both Sooze and Skye go on to realize that believing in God and following His teachings helps a person to become good from inside. They even agree to put all their trust in God and wait for a better future for themselves, even though things seem quite uncertain for them. This novel found a lot of takers from all parts of the globe. The readers loved to connect with the rebellious girls and enjoyed it very much to see a good change happening in their lives after they start trusting God. This book offers a heartwarming story about friendship and helping others in need selflessly.

Another interesting book penned by Marsha in this series is known as ‘The Winning Summer’. It was also released by Zonderkidz publication in 2005. The primary characters mentioned in this novel include Chad, Katie, Skye Nicholson, Morgan, etc. This book opens by showing that Chad, Morgan, and Skye decide to teach how to do horse riding to four children with special needs during the summer. One of those children is Katie, who is not able to see through her eyes. Due to the pending divorce of her parents, Katie is very much upset. She has lost all her faith in God, withdrawn from Him, and has developed bitter feelings. Katie feels that God has filled her life with sorrows and is never going to bring her joy. But, she joins the company of Morgan, Skye, and Chad at Keystone Stables, she understands the value of friendship and faith.

The care and support of the three friends make Katie forget her sorrows and enjoy every moment that she spends with them and the horses. However, the upsetting feeling of her parents’ divorce keeps reminding her that she won’t be able to have happiness in her life for long. Skye tries with the best of her capabilities to make isolated Katie realize that God and her parents will always shower their love on her, no matter how difficult the situation becomes. Katie appreciates Skye’s efforts in comforting her, but she wonders if she is going to be the same always or she will also change with time. Skye teaches her to be a fighter and a winner in all situations. Seeing Katie lose all her hope, she knows that she has to try even harder to convince her that everything is going to be good with the passage of time.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Keystone Stables

One Response to “Keystone Stables”

  1. Hannah: 6 months ago

    I love the books so much! They are all about how are relationships with God can become bigger and get even bigger than bigger. I love that Skyes family gets back together at the end. Although the books aren’t about her and Chad I do like there relationship and I hope for another book bring them together through God leading them!!


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