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Kimberly Meehan Books In Order

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Publication Order of Van Bakel Beach Books

The Coney Island Hot Dog Heist(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rockaway Run(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Battle for the Canal(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

An American author who is rapidly growing in status, Kimberly Meehan is a novelist who has been writing for quite some time now. Telling stories largely grounded in reality, she has a gift for getting into the minds of her respective characters and protagonists. This is something that her many readers have come to appreciate over the years, as more and more are discovering her work everyday. With a background in art as well, she clearly has a creative streak within her work, which has allowed her to give her material an innovative and inventive approach that it would not have otherwise have had.

Early and Personal Life

Born and raised in America, the future writer to be Kimberly Meehan would nurture a passion for both reading and writing from an early age. Harnessing her craft she would focus on honing and refining her skills as a writer, creating her voice as an author of much repute. She would continually come back to it throughout the years, constantly putting her own life experiences into her material.

Growing up in Long Island in New York City, she spent much of her formative years living in a small town on the north shore of Long Island. Moving into Brooklyn as an adult where she would spend over seventeen years of her life, she would later move to Kings which she would come to consider home. Studying the arts she studied at Hunter College in New York, where she gained an undergraduate degree in fine arts making her an accomplished painter.

Trying her hand at a number of different pursuits she has attempted a variety of activities to varying degrees of success. One particularly successful endeavor found her working as an Irish Step Dancer for a long period of time, including dancing at Radio City Music Hall. Managing this at the young age of fifteen would find her on the way to a successful career as an artist with a creative streak and idiosyncratic voice.

Currently living in Buffalo in New York City, she has gained a Ph.D. as well in Palaeoecology, which has lead to her publishing some academic works too. Looking at fossils is another passion of hers, along with her creative pursuits, all of which she puts back into her work and material. With a lot more to come in the near future, it doesn’t look like she’s stopping any time soon either, as her writing career grows from strength-to-strength.

Writing Career

Bringing out her first book in 2016, Kimberly Meehan made her debut onto the literary scene with the novel ‘The Coney Island Dog Heist’. This was to be the first in a series of novels set in Brooklyn in New York City, situated around a group of friends and their time spent on the beach nearby there. Always looking to make ends meet, they hope of scoring big and escaping their lives, something which is delivered with both comedy and pathos.

With critics and the public singing her praise, she is garnering attention fast for her work and her portrayals of a particular lifestyle idiosyncratic to New York and Brooklyn. Getting attention worldwide, her books are universal in their nature, as she’s appreciated by both her many peers and contemporaries alike. This is largely due to her themes and ideas that translate to a variety of different audiences, regardless of where the come from and who they might be.

Still writing to this very day, she continues to put out work at a regular pace, as she has built herself a public profile in a relatively short amount of time. With more and more discovering her work everyday, there is still plenty of room to expand on her and her backlog of material. As more books are set to be released on the horizon, she is all set to continue writing on into the foreseeable future for some time to come.

The Coney Island Dog Heist

Originally published in 2016 on the 30th of August, this was to be the first book from the author Kimberly Meehan. Showing her to be adept at comedy combined with sincerity, she has a clear gift for creating realistic characters that resonate with the reader. Brought out through her own name, this was a self-published novel that she managed to build momentum for on her own.

Growing up in Van Bakel Beach, Eddie Gillespie was born and raised in a somewhat backwards shanty town situated in Brooklyn, New York. Given the title of ‘beach rats’, he is like most of the young people from his neighborhood in that he doesn’t have much of a direction in life. Not able to get a job or a girlfriend it doesn’t really seem like he has many options, that is until he comes across a house containing a number of beautiful mail-order Russian brides and decides he wants one and will do whatever it takes to buy one. Will he be able to? How will his friend Mickey help? What will happen on the Coney Island dog heist?

Rockaway Run

Acting as a sequel to the first book, ‘The Coney Island Dog Heist’, this was soon to be followed up by the third title ‘Battle for the Canal’. Initially published in 2016 on 29th of September, this provided the next adventure for Eddie Gillespie and friends, as featured in the first novel. Bring in comedy and pathos once again, Meehan offers more of her now trademark storytelling in this second book in the series brought out under her own name.

Heading back to Van Bakel Beach once again, the story this time focuses on Gillespie and friends as they attempt to set-up another big score. Sick of the intense heat-wave and constantly being poor and low on money, they set about setting up a fugazi marathon in aid of their missing friend. With the help of the beautiful Mallory Fenton they set-up a website for the First Annual Keith Condon Rockaway Run. Will it be successful? Can they make enough money and find their missing friend? Who will win the Rockaway Run?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Kimberly Meehan

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