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Kurtherian Gambit Books In Order

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Publication Order of Kurtherian Gambit Books

Death Becomes Her (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Queen Bitch (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Love Lost (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bite This (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Never Forsaken (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Under My Heel (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kneel or Die (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
We Will Build (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
It's Hell To Choose (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Release The Dogs of War (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sued for Peace (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
We Have Contact (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
My Ride is a Bitch (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Don't Cross This Line (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Never Submit (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Never Surrender (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
World's Worst Day Ever (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Forever Defend (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Might Makes Right (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ahead Full (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Capture Death (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Life Goes On (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Michael Anderle was born in Houston, Texas. As a child, he was always inquisitive and got into trouble more often than he can remember staying still. Anderle has been fascinated with sci-fi novels and Military Fiction all his life. This background helped him create the 21 book series The Kurtherian Gambit series, a popular and loved compilation of vampire stories. In this review, we’ll cover the most reviewed books by Kurtherian fans.

Death Becomes Her

Death Becomes Her is the first book in the Kurtherian Gambit book series. Michael, the first vampire, secretly tops the supernatural food-chain. He has kept the public safe with an iron fist from all the paranormal bad guys out there. He has now come of age, and slowly losing his strength, but he is old and slowly getting tired. To his annoyance, a new vampire has arisen and killed one of his trusted agents. We’re then introduced to Bethany Anne, a feisty government agent who makes the perfect replacement for the lost soldier. But who is she really working for?

Bethany Anne is a beautiful, intelligent, and tough woman whom everyone loves in spite of her annoying traits. She overlooks everyone and seems overwhelmingly arrogant. All things measured, this is fun to read with plenty of interesting ideas, but a lot of poor editing. Despite the first writing errs; the actual plot has excellent entertainment and the perfect female heroine (Bethany Anne). When she isn’t symbolically showing her prowess, she’s breaking bones. Bethany Anne’s vulnerability lies in a strange disease that threatens to kill her within six months despite her perfectly healthy outward look. She is a petite woman with abnormally short legs. This disability doesn’t slow her stamina down despite her short stature (5.3”) with a chip attached on her shoulder.

She easily tackles anyone no matter how big, skilled, fast or reliable, they may be. Bethany Anne is also religious, not consistently mentioned, but Anderle emphasizes on one section of the book then he doesn’t bring up it again. So, Bethany Anne should be awarded the honor of transforming into a vampire. So ironic. This book read like an alpha interpretation of an imagined feminist fantasy. The concept is entertaining, quick paced and most of the characters quite promising. Unfortunately, they killed the most important protagonist and took too long to replace him with a powerful, yet weak character. Most bad guys have perfect physical features and do not exude such arrogance on everyone.

Queen Bitch#2

After Bethany Anne murdered Petre in “Death Becomes Her,” she heads to her father’s house with a motive to hurt his dad or to kill him. But to her disappointment, she finds a frail old man who needs more help than the old and weathered hatred against both of them. In the end, Bethany must embrace her father, forgive him, and accept the past to move forward. They both made a truce, and things worked out for them. Bethany travels to the US and gets involved with a secret group that handled her business. She fights in one battle after another and always cracking jokes, making her seem human with a great sense of humor. This goes to show the natural side of Michael Anderle, who must be a naturally funny character. It rubs off awesomely well. Queen Bitch rides a plot of action-packed creativity filled with a heavy dose of cussing, and humor.

Love Lost #3

The first book was a drag, the second one got interesting, and Love Lost was the best of the three. Since it is a continuation series, you kind of feel at home with all the characters in the book. By now, we are already in love with Bethany Anne; she’s a funny crack head with a seriously sharp sense of humor, you have to re-read the phrases “to get it” on some parts. Bethany continues to recruit her army to fight her endless battles; she gets better at picking her wars and has considerably improved her people skills. There are scores of secondary characters who make up Bethany’s Army, and most of them make a great impact in all her battles. Everyone is extremely protective of Bethany Anne and faithful too. They will all die for her and kill her. Die hard soldiers. Another great character is TOM-the alien computer who hitched a ride with Bethany Anne.

He has a wonderful sense of humor too. We also see Bethany Anne in her most vulnerable moment, when a dear friend dies in combat, killed by a rival vampire. Bethany Anne takes a trip to Costa Rica to exert her friend’s vengeance. She’s a globe trotter and fights everyone, religious or not. This is quite an enjoyable, electrifying series.

Bite This

Bethany Anne is incredible in Bite This. So dominant yet down to earth. She kills any person that ill-treats humans. Her two best friends Gabrielle and Ecaterina share a common bond, the love of sweet victory after each fight. It gets a little bit spooky when we learn that vampires also go through the motions like humans. At some point, we read how Bethany Anne has her period, and may soon have babies too! It also makes the fantasy more real when a dog helps to kill the enemy and fights besides Bethany Anne all through the battle. Pete’s attitude has changed since he joined Bethany Anne and her soldiers. He seemed a little bit off in the first book, but when she instructed her men to watch out for Pete, and they did, he has proved to be quite useful to Bethany Anne.

Overall, this fourth series edition did not disappoint. The overall plot is great despite a few editorial mishaps as it often disrupts the sequence of the story. Bethany Anne tirelessly engages in endless battles, and it’s sometimes exhausting to just read about war stories without the possibility of her final death or a fall off with her loyal soldiers. The odds far outweigh the overall storyline. Will an alien invasion occur? The overall imagination is quite compelling, although the books come quite thick with cussing and careless obscene jokes, there is not a hint of sex. What a balance!

Book Series In Order » Characters » Kurtherian Gambit

One Response to “Kurtherian Gambit”

  1. Helena McGlothlin: 2 years ago

    I start listening to the audible a while ago and have the whole series. I just started DONT CROSS THIS LINE. I LOVE THESE!!!! Before I purchased all 21 books. I listened to the first 7 – four times. I also purchased the Universe books. It makes my work day so much better! I wanted to thank you so much for a great story.


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