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Larry Millett Books In Order

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Publication Order of Shadwell Rafferty / Sherlock Holmes Books

Sherlock Holmes and the Red Demon(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sherlock Holmes and the Ice Palace Murders(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sherlock Holmes and the Rune Stone Mystery(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Alliance(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Disappearance of Sherlock Holmes(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Magic Bullet(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Strongwood(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sherlock Holmes and the Eisendorf Enigma(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rafferty's Last Case(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Shadwell Rafferty Collections

Mysterious Tales of Old St. Paul(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

The Curve of the Arch(1985)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lost Twin Cities(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Twin Cities Then and Now(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Strange Days, Dangerous Nights(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
AIA Guide to the Twin Cities(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Murder Has a Public Face(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
AIA Guide to St. Paul's Summit Avenue and Hill District(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
AIA Guide to the Minneapolis Lake District(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
AIA Guide to Downtown St Paul(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
AIA Guide to Downtown Minneapolis(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Once There Were Castles: Lost Mansions and Estates of the Twin Cities(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Minnesota's Own: Preserving Our Grand Homes(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Minnesota Modern(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Heart of St. Paul(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Metropolitan Dreams(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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A journalist as well as an author, the American writer Larry Millett has been writing for a number of years now, with a high degree of success, as well as an eye for detail and accuracy, largely due to his background in newspapers and reporting. Writing both fictional and non-fictional works, he combines both fact and fiction in order to create an extremely realistic style that’s well rooted in reality. Adept at crafting murder mysteries as well, he’s no stranger to suspense and intrigue, having crafted a series of Sherlock Holmes novels set in the United States, something which has taken off with a large degree of success.

Early and Personal Life

Born in 1946 in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the United States, the American author Larry Millett was born and raised in the area, as he fostered a keen passion for both reading and writing. Whether it was journalism or just plain writing, he always showed a strong interest for the written word, as he continually took in themes and ideas from the world around him. All this helped lead the way to him becoming a more refined writer, with both his style and his tone developing over the following years to come.

Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts English degree in 1969, Millett had attended St. John’s University located in Collegeville. This allowed him to further refine his craft, honing his voice, as he created the style that was to become unique to him over the years. With his masters degree which he gained in 1970 from the University of Chicago in Illinois, he would go on to further this in the following years to come.

Previously working in journalism, Millett left education going straight into a career working on a paper in 1972, as he stayed at the Pioneer Press till 1984. Going back to university he studied at the University of Michigan gaining a qualification in architecture, something which would also work to inform much of his later writing. Going back to the paper afterwards, he then became an architectural critic there, giving him an insight into historical writing with a certain sense of accuracy rooted in facts.

Over time a lot of his work has come to admired within the historical community, with it being constantly referred back to. Whilst he has finished as an architectural critic, he continues to write to this day, with a lot of his fictional works still eagerly awaited by his many keen readers. With an audience that continues to grow, there’s a lot more available on the horizon, as his writing career grows from strength-to-strength.

Writing Career

Releasing his first non-fictional book in 1985 he made his initial debut with the title ‘The Curve of the Arch: The Story of Louis Sullivan’s Owatonna Bank’. This was to make his name a writer to respected within the historical community, as he used both his knowledge and expertise to give an insight into an otherwise niche subject. Over the following years this would become his forte, as he managed to create accessible and engaging works that managed to draw the reader in and keep them hooked throughout.

Commencing with his first foray into the world of fictional writing in 1996, he began to write his highly popular Sherlock Holmes series. Taking the iconic character he placed him into an American setting, giving it a more specific feel for an American audience. This featured a collection of stories featuring the famous detective, as they remained true to the character, giving him a somewhat different take for a new readership.

Winning a number of awards he is not without critical acclaim as well, as he garners the praise of both critics and the general public alike. Combining both his love of history and journalism, he’s created a unique and highly engaging style that’s led him to be one of the most successful voices within his field to date. This looks like it will continue for some time yet, as it appears he’s not stopping anytime soon, with more books set to follow.

Sherlock Holmes and the Rune Stone Mystery

Originally published in 1999 on the 1st of October, this was first brought out through the Penguin Books publishing label. Marking the third book in the ongoing ‘Sherlock Holmes in Minnesota’ this sees Larry Millett taking the much loved character and putting him into an environment he knows and grew up in. This then provides the source material with a somewhat different take as, whilst remaining true to the style and tone of the original, it brings something fresh and new to the table.

Hired by King Oskar II of Sweden, Sherlock Holmes is tasked with authenticating a mysterious stone that’s just been unearthed by a farmer in Minnesota. Once the stone vanishes though, along with the farmer getting murdered, trouble begins to arise and it is up to Sherlock Holmes to once again crack the case. Assisting him along the way in his investigation is one Shadwell Rafferty; someone well know for his ability to operate discreetly, as they work the case together. Who is behind the murder? Where has the stone vanished to? Just what will become of Sherlock Holmes and the rune stone mystery?

Stongwood: A Crime Dossier

First published on the 15th of March in 2014, this was a stand-alone novel from Larry Millett, once again heading back to familiar territory for the author. For avid readers of the the writer this is an indispensable book for those looking to discover his work outside of his Sherlock Holmes series. Whilst it may delve deep into history though and away from the series with which he initially made his name, it does contain many of the now famous trademarked qualities with which the writer came to be known for, notably his accuracy and sense of location.

Set in 1903, this follows the aftermath of Michael Masterson’s murder following his apparently violent and abusive relationship with Addie Strongwood. Put on trial for his murder in the first degree, Addie must now testify in her defence as to whether or not it was self-defence, or she did it in a purely cold and calculating manner. Stepping into the action, Sherlock Holmes and Shadwell Rafferty also feature in this case as they are seen to be investigating the case, although they’re sidelined for this case based on a real life story. Will they find out what happened? How much of it was pre-meditated and to what depths did Masterson sink? Can the truth be uncovered when presented with Strongwood: a crime dossier?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Larry Millett

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