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Laura Dave Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

London is the Best City in America(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Divorce Party(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The First Husband(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Eight Hundred Grapes(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hello, Sunshine(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Thing He Told Me(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Night We Lost Him(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Laura Dave is a romance, mystery and general fiction author best known for her award winning novel “The Last Thing He Told Me” that she first published in 2021. The author was born in New York City but spent much of her childhood in Scarsdale. She got interested in storytelling as an elementary school student. As a teenager, she went to the University of Pennsylvania from where she graduated with a degree in English in 1999. She then went on to attend the University of Virginia’s MFA program and also won the Tennessee Williams Scholarship and was a fellow of the Henry Hoyns program. For her work, she has won several awards over the years including the Short Fiction AWP Intro Award. Once he graduated with an MFA, she went on to work for ESPN as a freelance journalist.
Dave has been writing in one form or another ever since she was in elementary school. She still loves the writing process just as much as she did when she did not have anything published. Laura Dave finds reading and writing stories to be somehow magical and is grateful that she can do both of these things whenever she wants. Still, challenges are something she has to deal with just like any other author but the secret to her success has been to always turn up. During her twenties, Dave lived all across the United States but once she turned thirty, she moved to New York City. She also spends some time in California as she loves the sun and sand of the Golden State. It took her about a year to write the manuscript for London is the Best City in America that she first published in 2006. In addition to fiction writing, she also writes columns for several prestigious newspapers and magazines such as “Blueprint,” “The New York Times,” “Glamour Magazine,” and “Self Magazine.”

Laura Dave’s most popular novel “The Last Thing He Told Me” has its roots with the author’s early obsession with the Enron Scandal. She always wondered what would happen when we prefer to trust the people in our circles rather than look at the evidence. She once watched the interview of the wife of Kenneth Lay, the former CEO of Enron who insisted that her husband was innocent. She started wondering if people could be blinded by the fact of their relationship with someone even if the evidence was contrary to what they believed. For more than fifteen years after watching that interview, she wrote gnarly ten drafts over several thousand words but it was not until 2018 that she finally started gaining some traction. Her screenwriter husband suggested that she adopt a different angle to her story and consider that maybe the supposed crooked husband was not bad. While she thought it was a stupid idea, she ran with it but also started asking what if the two cannot reconcile their ways of thinking. As a former journalist, she used her many years of research to create a page turning, intricate plot that explored the criminal investigations into the startup she was writing about. The novel was published in 2021.

Laura Dave’s “The Last Thing He Told Me” is a suspenseful story of a woman dealing with the disappearance of her husband. Owen Michaels, who was an employee of a prominent tech company goes missing a few hours before his boss is taken away on corruption charges. He had left behind Bailey his daughter with more than half a million dollars in cash, which is quite a lot for a sixteen year old. Bailey and Hannah Hall, her stepmother have never looked eye to eye but now they are faced to work together to find out why Owen had fled. They believe he was innocent even though Hannah has her doubts since a man had once claimed to know Owen from Austin where he supposedly attended high school. Bailey and Hannah travel to Austin to try to learn more about his childhood. He seems to remember Texas even though her memories are in conflict with what Owen told them about his childhood. In the meantime. Hannah is being asked to cooperate by a US Marshall that had been known to Owen in the past.

“Eight Hundred Grapes” by Laura Dave is a novel that pulls at heartstrings with a lot of charm. The novel follows the daughter of a Northern California winemaker and the many interesting happenings in her family. Georgia Ford is a woman that seems to have achieved and acquired everything she ever needed in life. She has a loving family that lives on a farm in Northern California, a high-powered career in Los Angeles, and a devoted fiance. But suddenly, she learns that some things are not what they seem to be. Suddenly all manner of secrets come out of the woodwork including some about her fiance. She has come to realize the unrealized and bitter truth about her parents and others about her fiance that she is no longer sure she intends to continue planning their nuptials. The author chronicles the heart wrenching journey undertaken by Georgia and others of her family. In heartbreak after heartbreak, the characters accept that they have to deal with unforeseen situations. Over the course of the story, Dave throws in several secrets of making good wine.

Laura Dave’s “Hello, Sunshine” tells the story of Sunshine Mackenzie, a disgraced YouTube chef that has to confront her real self. She woke up on her 35th birthday at the top of the world with a contract from a lucrative Food Network, several bestselling cookbooks and a successful online cooking show. But then a hacker had revealed that she was a fraud and everything from her down home upbringing, her picture perfect marriage and culinary chops were fake. Sunshine quickly realizes that success can be fleeting and fragile and is forced to flee from it all. She heads to her estranged sister’s place in Montauk as she looks for a new beginning. It is not long before she comes to the realization that starting over is hard particularly when you do not understand who you really are.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Laura Dave

7 Responses to “Laura Dave”

  1. Joyce Mary: 11 months ago

    I just finished The Last Thing He told me & loved this book. I couldn’t put it down. Thank you for writing this & please yes to a sequel!

  2. Michael Clarey: 1 year ago

    Concur with the above positive comments. A fabulous book. Was looking for a unique story line combined with emotion and passion. “The Last Thing He Told Me” certainly delivered. No sequel! Sometimes life winds up this way.

  3. Dale Bromley: 2 years ago

    Probably the best book I have read in a long long time.
    Thank you,
    Dale Bromley

  4. Rhonda Howell: 2 years ago

    Just finished this novel and as others stated above, would LOVE for you to write a sequel. LOVED THIS BOOK11!

  5. Nancy Digital World Acquisition Corp: 3 years ago

    I just finished reading, “the last thing he told me”and agree you absolutely must write a sequel! There are so many ways it can play out but it has to end with Hannah and Owen getting back together. The top kingpins of the organization can age out along with Bailey’s Grandfather & the younger generation may not be so intent on finding Owen/Ethan. Thank you for such a great book it has been along time since I have found something to read that I absolutely could not put down!.

  6. DERRY PARSONS: 3 years ago


  7. Lydia Louie: 3 years ago

    Please write a sequel to your novel ” the last thing he told me” I cannot get the novel out of my head. I see all the different he could have seem his wife, all the ways you could have in come back some kind of way. Please think about it. This is my first time reading one of your books and it want be the last time but please revisit this novel..I look at the book and read over and over again the last page how Owen speaks to Hannah at the end being her could-have-been……please think about a SEQUEL. God bless you.
    A new fan of books by Laura Dave


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