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Laura Morrigan Books In Order

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Publication Order of Call of the Wilde Books

Woof at the Door(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Tiger's Tale(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Horse of a Different Killer(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Take the Monkey and Run(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Though there are dozens of talented women writers who have carved a niche in their respective areas, there are reasons to believe that there is something very special and different about Laura Morrigan. She has created lot of excitement in her writing career and has won the hearts and imagination of thousands of her readers. On the other hand, many of her books have also won critical acclaim. Further she is a person who likes to be close with nature and has done quite a bit when it comes to contributing her bit for the environment and ecology. She spent the first few years of her life in a Costa Rican coffee farm. Hence she has all along been close to the nature and she also has been endowed with a very fertile imagination. She is passionate about life in the wild and if we read many of her books, we certainly will find this out. Her true love for the wild took her many places and she also worked for some length of time at a Florida Zoo. She was very actively involved in various activities whether it was about waste management or about teaching an elephant how to hone its skill in paining.

Has Made Her Mark In Quite A Few Books

Her experience with both domestic and wild animals stood her in good stead later in her life. Further she started developing a liking and passions for detective novels. This was what prompted her to come out with the famous Call of the Wilde Series. All the books in the above series certainly are a big hit with her readers and have helped her to create a place amongst scores of her supporters. The books also have won critical acclaim and this is something which is not possible by many writers. As of today she lives in Florida with her husband. Being a lover of animals she has many cats as her pets. She also is a big lover of Blue Angels, and likes to be on flip flops in November and move around casually. She likes the thunderstorms which frequent her neighborhood and uses it to be in touch with nature as best she can be. We will over the next few lines look at some of the books which she has written over the years. It will certainly be a good insight into her style of writing and how she is able to combine nature and mystery and come out with a new and unique package.

Take The Monkey And Run

The main character of this book is Grace Wilde and she has no other option but to use her psychic abilities to try and identify and bring down a primate. This is not an easy task given the complexities involved. However, Grace is extremely happy and excited to be a part of the New Orleans team. She has reasons to be extremely satisfied because she is heading the team. It is her first task as an animal telepath. She is going there with an objective of help a woman trace out her missing sister. However, she has to do it only by communicating with the bet cat which her missing sister had. But this may not be possible because the cat is not opening out because of the presence of an animal which is much bigger and stronger. The name of the cat is Coco and the onus lies on Grace to move forward. Coco also shares another interesting piece of information. It is about a mysterious monkey which has been moving around the Big Easy nonchalantly. Hence Grace has a feeling that the monkey could be useful in helping to meet her objective. However, as Grace moves forward she is in a bit of trouble. This is because the client whom she is trying to help is not exactly whom she claims to be. Now she has no other option but to race against time to the truth and try to get the monkey of her back. Otherwise she knows the monkey business will well and truly haunt her in more ways than one. Written in her style there is no doubt that this is a book which is a combination of humor, mystery and suspense.

Horse Of A Different Killer

This is another wonderful book which is built round the central character Grace Wilde. By now Grace has become a well known animal behaviorist and her psychic ability is getting known to one and all. She certainly is able to give accurate insight into the minds of various types of creatures. She at times feels that if only human beings were as easy to read, then things would certainly have been quite different.

There is no doubt that the dead do not have any tales to tell on their own but with a few phone calls it could spoil the life of many. Grace has an abusive ex-brother-in-law by the name Anthony Ortega. He is in trouble and needs the help of Grace. That is what ordinary people would surmise after going through the various messages that he left behind before his death. Grace does not want to dig into the matter and would like it to rest as it is. However, she cannot remain so when Grace’s sister is named as a suspect and Grace therefore takes it upon herself to find out the actual meaning of the various messages and cryptic calls. But things are not going to be easy for Grace because of many reasons. First and foremost she does not have much of a lead or clue except Ortega’s fiancée. She believes that Ortega wanted to surprise her with the purchase of a gelding (Frisian) by the name Heart. The horse was being made ready to be tabled in the Ranch but was taken away from the stable in the mid night. With her sister in a tight spot and the horse not being found Grace has to depend on her special skills to find out the killer and rein him/her in.

Apart from the above two books Laura has written quite a few other books but each of her work have a reference to her psychic abilities.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Laura Morrigan

One Response to “Laura Morrigan”

  1. Sharon Warnest: 3 years ago

    I love whole series and was hoping the author would start writing more of the same series. Leaving it open ended like that wants me to read more. Grace hasn’t go her own place yet. We do not know if she goes with Logan or Kai and the baby is it hers or is it Kai’s or is it part of another mystery. Please write more. Avid fan Sharon


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