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Laura Taylor Namey Books In Order

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Publication Order of Cuban Girl's Guide Books

A Cuban Girl's Guide to Tea and Tomorrow(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
A British Girl's Guide to Hurricanes and Heartbreak(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Library of Lost Things(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
When We Were Them(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
With Love, Echo Park(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Laura Taylor Namey is a published author of fiction novels.

She is a Californian and a Cuban American. Besides writing, you can find her at one of the coffee shops that she loves or going out shopping and looking at leather jackets. She spends some of her time dreaming that she is in Paris or London.

She is married and lives with her husband and their two children in the city of San Diego. Their dog lives there as well. She used to be a teacher but now spends her time as a full time author writing books mainly in the young adult genre that focus on teenagers that are trying to learn how to grow up as they figure out love and life at the same time.

Her first fictional novel was The Library of Lost Things and it was published in 2019. Her second fictional book is titled A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow and was published in 2020.

The author prefers dogs to cats. She loves food and when it comes to her top food choices, she loves everything from ramen to cake to avocado toast and tomato soup with grilled cheese. She would love to visit many countries, including Thailand, Bali, Ireland, and Greece, among others. She is able to play synth and the piano.

If Laura could go to any amusement park, it would be Orlando’s Walt Disney World. If she had her choice of living in any city or place in the world, she would pick London. She has a variety of favorite young adult authors that include Nina Moreno, Mindy McGinnis, Mary Pearson, Stephanie Garber, Kit Frick, Julie Buxbaum, Nicola Yoon, and Rachel Lynn Soloman.

Laura gets through harder times with the help of her family, friends, and her faith. She admits that she is not particularly good at gardening, running or jogging, or handling being on roller coasters without freaking out. Some of her favorite classic novels include The Count of Monte Cristo, Pride and Prejudice, and Jane Eyre.

The Library of Lost Things is the first fictional novel to come out from Laura Taylor Namey. In this unique book, readers get the chance to meet the main character of Darcy Wells for the first time.

Darcy has been working hard for a long time and she’s tired of it. It seems like her whole life revolves around doing whatever it takes to keep other people out. She doesn’t want them in her life and she’s definitely not letting her guard down to let people into her heart. There’s a good reason why she goes to such lengths to keep people at a distance.

The truth is that the last thing that she wants is to let people see how she lives. Maybe it’s not her, exactly. The apartment that she shares with her mother is small, and the fact that her mom’s a hoarder makes it all the more cramped and cluttered. She doesn’t want to open that door to anyone because then they would find out the secret shame of what a mess they live in every day.

Darcy’s been keeping this a secret for a long time and with good reason. But when the balance starts to be threatened, she may have to get her head out of the books and into reality. Could finding happiness and love mean that she has to stop caring what others might think and accept the reality?

Or could it be bigger than that? Darcy wonders whether living her truth, regardless of whether it’s messy or not, may end up working in her favor in the end. Can she take a leap of faith and stop hiding behind closed doors? What will happen? Read this funny and interesting debut book to find out!

A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow is the second fictional book to come out from author Laura Taylor Namey. It’s the story of a girl from Miami who may just find love and who she is while abroad in a small town in England.

Meet Lila Reyes, a young woman that is having an unexpected summer. She never thought that she would be spending the holiday in England. She thought that the plan was simple. She was going to become the head baker in place of her grandmother at the panaderia. She would also graduate and then promptly move in, sharing a space with her best friend.

She was also going to spend time with her boyfriend and they were going to be happy until the end of time. Everything changes for Lila in an instant. Just like that all of her plans go up in smoke.

She’s upset, and her parents are concerned. They want her to be healthy and so they come up with a new plan. She should go to spend time in Winchester, England, for around three months with friends of the family. There she’ll get a chance to unwind and hopefully all of the relaxation will help her make a new start.

She goes there, but it’s anything but sunny relaxation. She’s now in a very small town that has weather, people, food, and everything different from Miami. It’s turning out to be a disappointment, even though some people would love to be in her position. But things might just be turning around when she meets a tea shop clerk named Orion Maxwell.

He may be going through some things himself, but he really likes Lila. Orion wants to do what he can to try and help her break out of her sad mood. So he does what anyone would do and puts himself in the position of being her tour guide around town. It turns out there’s a lot about the area that she didn’t know how to appreciate.

Orion introduces her to the music scene and shows her the beauty of the English countryside. It’s all very charming, and she’s starting to like England and Orion too. The appeal of it all is starting to grow on her. She’s beginning to picture an all new future for herself. But it would also mean that she would have to change all of her plans and leave them in the dust. Will she start again in England or return to Miami? Read this awesome book from Namey to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Laura Taylor Namey

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