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Linda Lay Shuler Books In Order

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Publication Order of Time Circle Books

She Who Remembers(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Voice of the Eagle(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Let the Drum Speak(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon

Linda Lay Shuler is an American author of fiction. She was born on December 10, 1910, in Los Angeles, California. She was a brilliant woman that was very creative as well as ambitious. She was a unique individual during a time where women were expected to stay in the home and raise the children and do all of the family work.

During a time when women were expected to be in the house and not out in the work field getting things done, Shuler went into the radio field. She wrote and produced work for radio. She got several awards even when up against big giants in the field. She also worked as a documentary film director. She passed away at the ripe age of one hundred in 2011.

Television was a new medium in her day but Linda dove right into the field and got started. She would do work as a writer of travel documentaries for the Texas Highway Department. She would also write and produce a traffic courtroom series and successfully establish workshops on writing and production for radio and television (something she knew a little about as her awards can testify).

Her largest life accomplishment not in fiction form was her work on a totally unique type of movie. She wrote, produced, and directed a five-screen film. It was the first ever type of film done this way and the film was sponsored by a company that at the time was referred to as Humble Oil. It is now Exxon. The movie was presented in 1968 at the San Antonio Hemisfair. The movie had to be shown in a circular building that was specially made to accommodate this showing.

Her largest professional accomplishments or the ones that lasted the longest time would be the three fictional novels that made up her Time Circle series. Her short story was also featured in The Best of the Best Anthology, which came out in 1998.

Linda Lay Shuler is the author of the Time Circle series. This fictional series of novels is a trilogy that features the main character of Kwani. She is a beautiful woman who was born into the Anasazi tribe in the American southwest. Even though she has a tribe, her piercing blue eyes made her people think that she was a witch and she was set apart from the tribe that brought her up, destined to be an outsider always in some way.

She Who Remembers is the first book in the Time Circle series by author Linda Lay Shuler. The story features the main character of Kwani who is born into the Anasazi tribe who existed long before Columbus came to America. But when her blue eyes make her people think that she is a witch, Kwani is set apart from the tribe. The second book deals with her efforts to save a people from being wiped out by battle and the third book, Let the Drum Speak, focuses on the story of a new character named Antelope.

Kwani follows her path of destiny despite her status. She lives in a world where the great stone cities have vanished. In the wilderness, warring tribes attack each other and never leave their tracks behind. Mysterious travelers begin coming here from other lands.

Kwani has fallen in love with a Toltec magician named Kokopelli. He is the one that saved her life, rescuing her from the verge of death and taking her to the Place of the Eagle Clan where she became no longer an outcast but the Chosen of the Gods.

She became here the girl who is called She Who Remembers. She uses her powers to teach the young girls all of the secrets of the ancient world that only women know. These secrets have given her the power inside to not only overcome all of her obstacles but to triumph too and change her life for the good forever.

Voice of the Eagle by Linda Lay Shuler is the second book in the captivating Time Circle series. The series features the attractive blue-eyes young woman named Kwani. The Time Circle saga goes on as the reader picks back up with Kwani, who this time is accompanied by her mate Tolonqua and their new son together. Together they start the trek to Cicuye, her mate’s home.

The city of Cicuye is a pueblo city and an outpost. Here the desert canyons meet up with the astonishing green of the buffalo range. While it can seem like a peaceful place most of the time, it is not as tranquil as one might think it is. This is a place that is known to be dangerous.

Why is it risky? Marauding tribes fight and the village is not safe. The village is being attacked by the tribes with a ferociousness that they cannot endure. Kwani and Tolonqua push for a new city to be built up. They want to make a city that will be safer than the one that exists. Instead of being vulnerable, this one will be large. It will be fortified to make it strong.

Most of all, its position will make it safe as it will be sat high up on a ridge. The height of it will give it the ultimate protection. But while the two lovers have a point, the other people are scared. They don’t want to leave their ancestral home and think it is a bad sign, an omen. But with a battle growing closer than ever, their new family is going to need a stronger city to protect it.

The split between the town is one that threatens its very survival. If they cannot make the transition to a new home, they are at risk of being destroyed completely by an upcoming battle. The tribe cannot afford to stay where they are, but will the wisdom of the moment prevail?

Can Kwani and Tolonqua convince the people to put the effort into constructing a stronger city on top of the ridge that will keep them safe? Called ‘carefully reconstructed’ and ‘historically valid’, you’re going to have to pick up the exciting Voice of the Eagle by spirited author Linda Lay Shuler in order to find out for yourself!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Linda Lay Shuler

2 Responses to “Linda Lay Shuler”

  1. Jan Taylor: 3 years ago

    Can I download Amazon [Kindle] books to my Kobo Reader? or my Apple i.pad I am anxious to purchase books by Linda Lay Shuler which I read several years ago.

    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      You could get Kindle Books on your Kobo using a program such as Calibre. There are guides on the internet as to how to do that. For iPad yes you would just need to download the Kindle App.


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