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Liz Moore Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Words of Every Song(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Heft(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Unseen World(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Long Bright River(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The God of the Woods(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Liz Moore is a published American author of fiction novels. She is also a musician and a teacher.

Moore wrote the majority of what would be her debut novel when she was still enrolled in college. The novel would be published in 2007 and is titled The Words of Every Song, published by Broadway Books. The novel is about a made up New York City record company that is turning out music shortly after the millennium’s turn. The story was partly inspired by her own experiences being a musician. The book did well, being nominated to be part of the Original Voices program at Borders. Kirkus gave it a starred review and Roddy Doyle praised the novel for its beautiful construction, calling it ‘elegant’.

The novel did well and once it was out she decided to record and release her own album. It is titled Backyards. Moore also took the opportunity to attend Hunter College, where she graduated with an MFA in fiction. She was also awarded an ArtsEdge residency by the University of Pennsylvania. As a result, she packed up her things in 2009 and moved that summer to the city of Philadelphia. She stayed there for a while and now resides in Philadelphia, where she is an A.P. of writing at the Holy Family University there.

That was not the end of this author’s publishing journey! Just five years later in 2012 she would see her second novel released, titled Heft. The book was released by W.W. Norton. The book did quite well, earning its share of praise. The New Yorker thought that the book was good, writing that her characters were ‘lovingly drawn’ and praising her voice as ‘truly original’. It also received positive reviews from The Oprah Magazine and The San Francisco Chronicle, which thought that Moore articulated ‘bleak isolation’ well. It has been released in several countries. The audiobook also did well, being named to the Listen List of RUSA in 2013. The audio version of the story also was named a finalist in the Audies competition in literary fiction. The novel itself also made the long list for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award.

The writer has had her creative nonfiction and short stories published in a variety of places, everywhere from Narrative Magazine to Tin House and The New York Times. She has won several awards, including the Athenaeum Literary Award in Philadelphia and the prestigious Medici Book Club Prize.

Her third novel was released in 2016 and is titled The Unseen World. Her fourth fictional novel came out in 2020 and is called Long Bright River. Long Bright River has been optioned for development into a film, as has her novel Heft.

The Words of Every Song is the first novel to come out from author Liz Moore. The structure of this novel is unique, as it appears in fourteen different episodes that are all linked up together and tied in. Each of these episodes focuses on one character, all of them having some type of relationship to the music world and industry.

These include an A&R man that is 26 years old, both young enough to be hip with the times and arrogant too. Then there is the young and earnest singer and songwriter, who is starting to rise through the ranks and gain fame. There’s also the somewhat older rock star that is established in his career and is known for selling out tickets to his arena shows, who’s also close to going through a midlife crisis.

There is also the female executive, very busy, knowing what she wants, type ‘A’ and always contending with her social calendar, which is stocked full of dates. These and many other characters make for an interesting cast as this music centered novel gets rolling. The story takes place mostly in New York in a variety of places. Everywhere from expensive recording studios with lots of tech to streamlined official offices and indie clubs downtown in the city provides the backdrop for this fictional story.

Meet all of the characters in this book, told with the type of authentic realism that only a musician and someone who’s been in that world can provide! The history of this author in that world makes this novel a must read whether you’re in the music industry or not. If you’re a music fan or just looking for a good read, be sure to check out this debut from Liz Moore.

Heft is the second novel to come out from author Liz Moore. This is an interesting story about characters that will have you relating to them as the plot draws you in! If you believe in second chances, check out this book.

One of the main characters in this story is named Arthur Opp. He used to be an academic, but his life has since deteriorated drastically. His quality of life has shifted. He is well over 500 pounds and it’s been an actual decade since he left his home in Brooklyn. It’s as if his life has been spinning out of control in slow motion, and he hasn’t been able to stop it.

Meanwhile, Kel Keller is 17 years old and living in Yonkers. While he goes to a prestigious school, it’s also full of rich kids and he sticks out like a sore thumb as he’s so poor. His one shot out of this life and into prosperity appears to be baseball. He’s hoping that he can start up a good career in the sport, but with so much drama going on within his family, it’s tough to focus.

Charlene used to be taught by Arthur and is the mother of Kel. She’s the connection between them. It’s been 20 years since they spoke, but when she needs help she reaches out to him. Arthur is surprised by the call, but it ends up being the catalyst for action that her son and the former academic may have really needed all along. Can this one act completely change Kel and Arthur’s lives for the better? Read Heft to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Liz Moore

4 Responses to “Liz Moore”

  1. Donna Pic: 2 months ago

    Hey question ….im looking for a new author to dive into – should I read Liz Moore’s books in order of publication

    • Graeme: 2 months ago

      It doesn’t matter the order you read them. Her latest book just won a Goodreads best book award so could be a good one to start with

  2. Gail Blanton: 6 months ago

    I have just finished The Unseen World and all I can say is WOW! You have an amazing talent for story telling. Don’t stop writing!

  3. Rosemary Becerra: 2 years ago

    I first read Heft,then the Unseen World and I am now reading Long Bright River. I am so impressed with the original stores and absolutely brilliant writing that I am over the moon.the people in the novels feel so familiar to me and their personalities are so compelling that I begin to think I know them from my life. I read voraciously and I am very critical of every book I read and these books are just to lovely to find any fault in them. The characters are beautifully drawn, and the writing is excellent. This author will go to the top of my list of books I love. I will recommend her to all my fellow readers. I just wish I didn’t read so fast. I read Heft a second time and I enjoyed it even though I knew the story. What a gift you have, MS Moore. God bless you and your extraordinary talent.


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