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Lynn Brittney Books In Order

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Publication Order of A Mayfair 100 Murder Mystery Books

Murder in Belgravia(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Death in Chelsea(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Body in Berkeley Square(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Corpses at Waterloo(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Killing Near Waterloo Station(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Holborn Murders(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Nathan Fox Books

as L. Brittney

Publication Order of Treasure Chests Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Christine Kringle(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Plays

A Different Way to Die(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Wife(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Properly processed(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Failed investments(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pickwick Papers(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Old Actors Never Die...they simply lose the plot:(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Haunted Bookshop(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bunkered(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Christmas Carol(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Home Front(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lathered Up(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
After the Ball is Over(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dig for the Diggers(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Luvvies(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ask the Family(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Have A Nice Day(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mixed Doubles(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Motivation(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Nostalgia(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Unexpected Item In Bagging Area(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Lynn Brittney
Lynn Brittney was born in London, United Kingdom on March 5, 1953. She is a playwright, journalist, and author.

Lynn was educated in London. While her kids were little, they lived in Devon, close to the sea, however then they all came back to London, after they were adults. London’s lure is far too great for Lynn to stay away. She loves the history all around her, the theaters, museums, and galleries.

She’s been a writer for many years, however she also worked occasionally as a drama teacher while younger. That’s when she realized that there were so few plays suitable to kids to perform in school, so she started writing plays for kids between the ages of 6 and 11. She got involved with setting up a company called Playstage Junior, which publishes Lynn’s plays and those of a number of other writers.

Then when her son was a teen, she noticed that teachers were struggling to engage their pupils in Shakespeare’s work, so Lynn embarked to write a series of young adult novels set in Elizabethan England, involving action, espionage, and Shakespearean type plots.

The “Nathan Fox” books were nominated for awards, so she created some fact books to accompany these novels, called “The Elizabethan World of Nathan Fox”. Both fact books and novels have become useful tools in English speaking schools around the globe.

After that, she decided to make plays for teens, so Playstage YA was born and other writers started adding to its catalogue.

Then she began writing plays aimed at older amateur actors. These have been performed all over the English-speaking world.

“Nathan Fox: Dangerous Times” was selected by the UK Government for its list of recommended reading for teen boys and was nominated for the Waterstone’s Children’s Book Prize. It was also shortlisted for the Doncaster Book Prize and the Brandford Boase Award.

“Christine Kringle” is the first stand alone novel and was released in 2007. A warmhearted and funny look at the world of Christmas Gift Bringers (typically referred to as Santa Claus). You believed there was just the one Santa? no. every country has got its own and they’re all members of a huge family corporation known as the Yule Dynasty.

This Dynasty has got strict rules about handing the job of Gift bringer from father to son yet Kriss Kringle just has a daughter, named Christine. Is it possible he could get the rules changed? However first, there’s an international crisis to be dealt with, something which may affect Christmas forever. Christine and her buddies have got a plan.

“Murder in Belgravia” is the first novel in the “Mayfair 100” series and was released in 2018. Set against the backdrop of The Great War, Mayfair 100 is the telephone number of a small specially formed crime solving team based out of a house in Mayfair.

London in May of 1915. Only 10 months into World War I, the City has become flooded with women taking over the jobs vacated by men now in the Armed Services. Chief Inspector Peter Beech, one young man who was invalided out of the war during the first battles, is now faced with investigating the murder of an aristocrat and his wife, who is a key witness and suspect, is only going to speak to a woman about the unpleasant details pertaining to the case.

After persuading the Chief Commissioner to let him set up a clandestine team to deal with situations like this, Beech assembles a small motley crew of well educated women and some professional policemen. While Caroline, Beech, Rigsby, Victoria, and Tollman investigate this murder, they delve deeper into the seedier parts of WWI London, taking them from brothels to criminal gangs and underground drug rings supplying heroin to the upper classes.

Is the Mayfair 100 team going to solve this murder? And if they do, are they going to be allowed to keep working together as a team?

“A Death in Chelsea” is the second novel in the “Mayfair 100” series and was released in 2019. London, July of 1915. This society gossip columnist has been discovered hanged in her apartment, but was it murder or suicide?

Her family believes foul play, and they have got every reason to suspect such an opinion, because lady Adeline Treborne was universally hated by the upper class, since it was their private lives that she laid bare in a popular newspaper column every week.

Yet again, the Mayfair 100 team is called on to investigate such a delicate case which involves fraud, murder, and blackmail, as well as so much more.

“The Body in Berkeley Square” is the third novel in the “Mayfair 100” series and was released in 2021. London in August of 1915. An unknown woman’s corpse is found, stabbed, in a Mayfair square. She’s dressed expensively yet the autopsy reveals that she’s been working in the munitions industry.

The women from the Mayfair 100 team start trying to reveal the woman’s identity through her clothes, whilst their police colleagues investigate the harsh world of manufacturing munitions. What they get involved with is top level industrial espionage, and a murder investigation.

“The Corpses at Waterloo” is the fourth novel in the “Mayfair 100” series and was released in 2022. London in September of 1915. When Constable Billy Rigsby, along with his aunt and mom, head to The London Necropolis Railway Station at Waterloo, in order to attend the military funeral of a neighbor’s son, proceedings get interrupted by the brutal murder of a young woman.

Billy, in a panic, phones Mayfair 100, to get the team assembled, and they descend upon the station only to find not just a murder to investigate, but two empty coffins, plus one more coffin that contains a headless corpse with a tattooed body, obviously not the corpse of the young Captain whose name’s on the coffin lid.

Then the team follow the trail of police corruption; a robbery which requires the help of the military police, and many violent crimes borne from a selfish love affair. The team’s investigations take them into disturbing and unusual aspects of wartime life.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Lynn Brittney

3 Responses to “Lynn Brittney”

  1. K. ALLEN: 4 months ago

    Love, love, love the Mayfair 100 mysteries.
    It’s like coming home when I start a new book and see all of my favorite characters.
    Please continue this series as it is such a blessing to read such good writing without filthy language and descriptive sex which unfortunately is the norm for today’s authors. You bless my life. Thank you!

    • Lynn Brittney: 1 week ago

      Dear K.Allen, I have only just come across this site and you wonderful comments. Thank you so much for your kind words. I shall continue to write the Mayfair 100 books as long as I possibly can! Book 7 will be later this year. All the best. Keep reading!

  2. K. ALLEN: 1 year ago

    Love, love the Mayfair 100 series and the wonderful characters. The intertwined history lessons in this series increases my knowledge as well as entertain.
    I like the characters (all sexes, ages and talents) and the fact that they all perform some job that contributes to solving the mystery. Please continue this series—can’t wait for the next one.


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