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M.J. Rose Books In Order

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Publication Order of Butterfield Institute Books

The Halo Effect(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Delilah Complex(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Venus Fix(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Cassiopeia Vitt Adventure Books

with Steve Berry
The Balkan Escape (By: Steve Berry)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Museum of Mysteries (With: Steve Berry)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lake of Learning (With: Steve Berry)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The House of Long Ago (With: Steve Berry)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The End of Forever (With: Steve Berry)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Daughters Of La Lune Books

The Witch of Painted Sorrows(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Secret Language of Stones(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Library of Light and Shadow(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Jeweler of Stolen Dreams(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Leopard Books

with C.W. Gortner

Publication Order of Reincarnationist Books

The Reincarnationist(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Memorist(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hypnotist(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Book of Lost Fragrances(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Seduction(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Collector of Dying Breaths(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Laughing Buddha: Malachai Samuels vs. D.D. Warren (With: Lisa Gardner)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

The Secrets of Our Success(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
How to Publish and Promote Online(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
What To Do Before Your Book Launch(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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M.J Rose is a famous American author and a book marketing executive who grew up in the famous labyrinthine galleries of Metropolitan museum in New York City. She loved New York City’s lush gardens and the dark tunnels of Central park where she spent most of her free time reading her mother’s collection of favorite books. M.J Rose believes that magic and mystery are always around us but we are too busy to notice them. She writes books that mix magic and mystery, therefore reminding her readers to look for that magic and mystery in their lives. She currently lives in Connecticut together with her husband Doug Scofield, who is a composer and musician and their spoiled dog called Winka.

M.J Rose got her first degree from Syracuse University and rose to the position of a creative director in an advertising firm that was owned by Lawson and Rosenfeld Sirowitz. One of her top commercials is currently being featured in New York City’s Museum of Art.

Her Writing Career

M. J Rose started book publication in 1998, when she self-published her first novel ‘Lip Justice’ by after the traditional publishers had rejected it. Rose created a website where she allowed her readers to download her novel and started to promote it online because it never fitted to any particular genre. The book was then chosen by the Double Book Club after it sold more than 2500 copies online and became the first book to be published by New York City’s Mainstream publishers.

Following the ‘Lip Justice’, M.J Rose wrote the thriller ‘In Fidelity’ in 2001, ‘Fresh Tones’ in 2003, and ‘The Sheet Music’ in 2004. Her popular Butterfield Institute series led to the introduction of Dr. Morgan Snow; a protagonist and a popular sex therapist in New York City. This also included ‘The Halo Effect’ of 2005, ‘The Delilah Complex’ and ‘The Venus Fix’ of both 2006. M.J Rose also wrote a very interesting erotic book in 2006 namely ‘Lying in Bed’. This erotic novel was quickly followed by a reincarnation and supernatural phenomena that began with ‘The Reincarnationist’ in 2007, ‘The Memorist’ in 2008 and ‘The Hypnotist’ in 2010. ‘The Lost Fragrances’, which is the fourth book in her Reincarnationist series, was released in the beginning of March 2012.

Melisse Jacqueline Rose provides consultation and book marketing services through the and runs a Buzz, blog, Hype and The Balls. She partnered with Doug Clegg and wrote a book entitled Buzz Your Book which she used to teach in an online marketing class.

M.J Rose’ Appearances

Rose has been profiled in Forbes, Times Magazine, Business 2.0, The New York Times, Newsweek, Working Woman and The New York Magazine. M.J Rose has also appeared on Fox News, The Today Show and The Jim Lehrer NewsHour. She has also featured in various newspapers and magazines in the United States of America and abroad. Some of them include: Stern, USAToday, and L’Official, on writers and poets and on various weekly publishers.

M.J Rose was USAToday and New York Times bestseller and her well written works has appeared in various magazines, including The Oprah Magazine and novels have appeared in New York Times, WSJ, Time, Newsweek, USAToday, Time, Today Show and NPR radio.

The Past Life television series is based on M.J Rose’s Reincarnationist series. She is among the founding board members of The International Thriller Writers and she is currently the co-president at the Lee Child organization.

M.J Rose’s Reincarnationist series

The reincarnationist is a thriller novel series written by Melisse Jacqueline Rose. This series is all about supernatural phenomena and reincarnation as suggested by the title. It has so far been adapted to a Fox TV series called ‘Past Life’. Seven episodes of this series were produced but only five were aired.

The Reincarnation series book publications were done in durations of one to two years. The first book of the series named The Reincarnationist was published in 2007, The Memorist in 2008, The Hypnotist in 2009, The Book of Lost Fragrances in 2012, and The Collection of Dying Breaths that was published in 2014.

The Reincarnationist

The reincarnationist is a modern day thriller fiction and historical love story. The book has one step on the present day New York City and Rome, and another foot on Rome 1600 years ago. The book’s story is about two worlds consumed by fire of passion and intrigue.

Josh Ryder who is a photojournalist survives bomb but ends up being haunted by the hallucinatory memories of his pagan life in Rome and his involvement with Sabina, a Vestal Virgins. This love affair troubles him so much as their exposure will lead to their execution. Scents of sandalwood and jasmine together with the images of liaisons descend on poor Josh, pulling him to some ancient but strangely familiar burial chamber of Romans that contains remains of a woman who is crutching a wooden box.

A trail of murderers in the present day takes us into a labyrinth where at the core of it lays a collection of ancient memory stones or gems whose origin trace back to ancient India and Egypt. The stones then promise to help the wearer to reach his incarnation putting the modern and ancient worlds into a collision course.

As you read on, you realize that the question of who we are can never be asked without first asking who we were. This book tries to answer that through the author’s research on reincarnation and through Josh’s predicaments, paving way for her second book on the series.

The Memorist

The memorist is the second book in the series that starts off by one of the series’ characters Meer Logan being haunted by memories of another place and time that is often accompanied by a faint strain of elusive music. Now her dreads are back. The past come to her in form of a very strange letter that makes her very curious to search on who she really is.

The memorist is a page turner that races across and takes you to a Viennese tear-gas-filled house, and dusty museums with hidden passages deeper in the walls of this memorist society with a lot of secrets. It is a difficult journey through centuries as Logan unravels all the mysteries behind her past life.

Book Series In Order » Authors » M.J. Rose

2 Responses to “M.J. Rose”

  1. Rebel: 2 months ago

    My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and her fans. She will be missed.

  2. Chantal Lobue: 5 months ago

    I read The secret language of stones, and I just fell in love with it. It was such a lovely book. I was sorry when I read the last page. I wanted more. I referred the book to my friend and she purchased it. I then discussed it with my husband and he was interested in the writing and subject matter.
    I then read The witch of painted sorrows and enjoyed that book also. I will be ordering the third book of the series and would love to read all of your books.
    Thank you for all your excellent writing.


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