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Maggie Hartley Books In Order

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Publication Order of Maggie Hartley Foster Carer Story Books

Tiny Prisoners(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Ghost Girl(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Family For Christmas(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Too Young to be a Mum(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Who Will Love Me Now?(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Girl No One Wanted(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Battered, Broken, Healed(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Is It My Fault Mummy?(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sold To Be A Wife(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Too Scared To Cry(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Denied a Mummy(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Desperate Cry for Help(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Daddy's Little Soldier(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Please Don't Take My Sisters(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Not To Blame(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Groomed to be a Bride(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Exploited(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Sister's Shame(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Behind Closed Doors(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Please Give My Baby Back(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Where's My Mummy(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Please Don't Take Mummy Away(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Maggie Hartley is a published author.

Maggie has worked as being a foster carer for decades and in the course of this time has fostered over three hundred children. She has often chosen to take on children that other carers were having a difficult time coping with.

She does her best to help kids that have been labeled as unable to be adopted due to the behavior that they display or what they have been through, which is often extreme levels of trauma. Maggie has cared for refugees, helped to support children as they went through violence and sexual abuse court cases, taken care of teens on remand, and worked with young mothers to teach them how they can parent their babies.

Maggie is the author of over a dozen nonfiction works that revolve around her experiences.

Is It My Fault, Mummy? was published in 2018. It is one of many books from Maggie Hartley. Maggie has worked for years in foster care and that means that having short notice for placements is something that has become routine and even expected.

However, when Paris arrives, it appears that handling the seven year old girl is going to end up being one of the most difficult and heart wrenching cases that she has experienced yet. She comes to Maggie’s house accompanied by the police after she has been found on the streets wandering around alone while crying that her baby brother cannot be woken up.

The police find out eventually where she lives and there they find some bad news. The girl’s mother and her step father are in a heroin daze and when it comes to baby Joel, it’s too late to do anything to save the 5 month old baby. It’s horrible and Paris feels that the horrible incident is her fault.

Maggie continues to be supportive and care for the girl. Soon enough she starts opening up, sharing with Maggie the abuse and the neglect that she went through along with her brother. Maggie finds out that the little girl has been acting as a parent as she reveals that she does know how to make up a bottle and change a diaper. But the more she discovers, the more it becomes apparent that the girl was in the role of singly looking after her very young baby brother.

Both of the parents are now in prison on remand and are being charged with neglect. Meanwhile, Maggie has to try and get through the walls and the guilt that Paris has and try to help her get over the traumatic experience of losing her brother. Will she be successful, or is it already too late? Read this touching book to find out.

Groomed to Be a Bride is another nonfiction book from Maggie Hartley.

She’s about to go through one of the hardest cases that she’s ever faced. Maggie is having a young orphan girl from Iraq named Halima coming to live in her home.

They do not share a language and so it is very difficult to communicate. Thus Maggie has to fight so that she can get through to the refugee girl. She must overcome the barriers and try to fight to reach this girl and get her to a place where she is able to start triumphing over all of the trauma that she has been through.

Maggie finds out that this is the least of her worries in a way when she starts suspecting that the girl is still in touch with her Syrian relatives and they are grooming her so that she can come back and join up with ISIS. The situation is even worse than she thought. Can she get through to this girl while also keeping the relatives at bay so that Halima has a future? Read this book to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Maggie Hartley

10 Responses to “Maggie Hartley”

  1. Jeanette: 6 months ago

    I’m on the last book, read all of them, just waiting for the new release, gotta say I’ve been gripped by the stories and enjoyed everyone of them.

  2. Sas Kellett: 2 years ago

    OMG Maggie you are an amazing author, I find your books enthralling, I have to have the next 1 before Ive finished 1, they certainly give you an insight & hope for there little ones. You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you soooo much & please keep writing these informative BRILLIANT Books. Thank you xx

  3. Caitlan Jayne hutton: 2 years ago

    I really enjoy reading the books of yours that I already read and can’t wait to read the ones I haven’t yet your such an amazing author who does wonders for all the children you’ve fostered.

  4. Vanessa: 3 years ago

    Hi Maggie i listen to your books on audible and cant put them down and only got about 3 left to listen to. They touch me with what the children have been through. I am wondering if all of your other books have written which will be on audible at some point and when your next book will be out please and you are also an inspiration.

  5. Natalie page: 3 years ago

    Hi Maggie, firstly thank you for the love and support you have given all the children in your care. Secondly, how old were you when you started fostering and what called you to it? And lastly… are you still in contact with Louisa and will you ever share her story?

  6. Valerie Howard: 3 years ago

    I love all your books Maggie, I listen to them on audible at work. I am almost done I believe I have 5 more to read and I just started 2 weeks ago. Thank you for sharing your life.


  7. Lorrie Showers: 3 years ago

    Hello Maggie and l am an avid fan of yours as l love reading your books and have read them all !!! I am not on Facebook so was wondering when your new book will be out for 2022 !!! Thanks so much & looking forward to hearing from you in the very near future !!! Love Lorrie Showers

  8. Annmarie Binder: 3 years ago

    I have really enjoyed reading all your books and was just wondering when and if you will be writing anymore. Well done for all your hard work x

  9. Judy Katherine Starling: 3 years ago

    I have been reading all your books.I think if have only about three more to read. I have been moved every single story, and am unable to put the books down they are so gripping ones feels you have read to the to find out if the ending is a good one or not so lucky. Maggie Hartley I take my cap of to the hard work and dedication and commitment and not giving up on all the children you have fostered over 300 it is great what you. I can’t wait for when your next book coming out.
    Many thanks.
    Judy Katherine Starling

  10. Margaret Lugg: 4 years ago

    I was wondering when your next book is to be released?


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