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Marcia Willett Books In Order

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Publication Order of Chadwick Family Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Those Who Serve / First Friends(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Friend of the Family / Thea's Parrot(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Courtyard(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dipper(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Amy Wingate's Journal(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hattie's Mill(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Starting Over(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Second Time Around(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Week in Winter(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Summer in the Country(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Forgotten Laughter(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Children's Hour(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Birdcage(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Golden Cup(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Memories Of The Storm(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Echoes of the Dance(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Way We Were(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Summer House(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Christmas in Cornwall / The Christmas Angel(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Sea Garden(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Postcards from the Past(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Indian Summer(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Summer On The River(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Songbird(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Seven Days in Summer(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Homecomings(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Reflections(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Facing the Music(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Quick and the Dead(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sisters Under the Skin(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Starry, Starry Night(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Garden House(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Christmas at the Keep(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Marcia Willett, while young, loved doing ballet, but she grew out of the classic proportions required for it and her aspirations of becoming a ballerina were put to rest soon after. Marcia’s writing career did not start until she was fifty years old, and since then, has been busy writing novels. She has been able to write quite a few, writing over twenty novels and even some short stories; many of her novels are stand alone works, but she has written the “Chadwick Chronicles”. And that is just the work she has published under her own name, she has even written some novels under the pen name Willa Marsh. Her novels are published in many countries and have been translated into many languages as well; these books have made bestseller lists in other countries as well.

Willett was born in Somerset on August 6, 1945, but has lived a lot of her life in Devon. She has also lived on a high cliff on the North Cornish coast. Currently, her and her husband live in South Devon and welcome visits from their son and his family.

“Looking Forward” is the first novel in the “Chadwick Chronicles” that was released in 1998. Felicia, Sam, and Susanna are orphaned after their parents and their older brother die while in Kenya. After this, they are sent to live with Frederica “Freddy” Chadwick (their grandma) who lives in Devon. Freddy has gone through a lot during her life, and she would get nowhere without the help of Ellen and Fox (her loyal servants and two people who have been helping her through her tough time). Theo, Freddy’s brother-in-law, is a minister who is ready to help her out. During this, her three grandchildren are trying to deal with their grief and move on with their lives.

Fans of the novel enjoyed Marica Willett’s ability to write a story, finding that she captures the atmosphere of the lives of the British very well. You really do care about these people, who seem to be like real people, in these novels and what is going to happen to each and every character. If you are looking to read something with some nice moving moments, check this book out. Some readers found that they could not wait to read more from this series. Willett knows how to develop not just characters, but the relationships that they have with the other characters in the novels. This book will draw you in and make you a fan, not just stories of the Chadwick family, but of the rest of Marcia’s work.

Some readers did not like how little plot there was in the book and that there was not a lot of fast moving events in the novel to keep it interesting. Some did not like that the deaths of the three Chadwicks, the event that puts everything in motion, is only mentioned briefly and not seen. This novel was more of something that you would read for leisure than excitement.

“Holding On” is the second novel in the “Chadwick Chronicles” that was released in 1999. The Keep in Devon has been home to Chadwicks for many generations. The three siblings who grew up there are moving out to go out into the world and start out on their own. Fliss must go to Hong Kong with her husband, although that means that she must journey a long way from her home. Susanna is close to falling in love and Mole is a naval man now. Freddy fears that she will die before the next generation of Chadwicks comes along. What she does not realize is that her three grandchildren need her love and help to get them through the tough times that wait for them. Freddy knows that The Keep must be ready for them to return.

Fans of the novel liked the way that Willett has brought these characters alive through her writing and the descriptions of the landscape are wonderful. Some readers found themselves thinking about things the characters had done even after they had finished the book. This is a very charming series that Willett has created for readers. These characters make for gentle company that allows for light easy reading. Some liked the fact that there were some lessons for life found in the book to go along with the interesting story being told here.

Some readers did not like how little conflict there was in the novel, and just seems to be about people having a good time with everything that they do. There is no struggle to get anything or do anything for them. Everything seemed to be handed to these characters, not a whole lot of them working for much as they born into status and privilege. Some found the novel to be too slow for them, with some stuff that slowed things down.

Reader’s Digest picked “A Week in Winter” and “The Children’s Hour” for their ‘Of Love and Life’ series. She has also won the Magnum Award from Readers Digest in 2002 for most popular author of the year.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Marcia Willett

22 Responses to “Marcia Willett”

  1. Liz: 12 months ago

    I am constantly coming back to this website. It is my go to website to track an author’s book series. I don’t know why I have a hard time keeping track of them. [g] I make my own lists…but I forget to update them and before you know it a lot of time passes before I read that author and so I’m thankful that someone has made these lists of books in a series available to all of us. I’m sure it was a lot of work to compile the lists.

  2. Carol Lee Harrison: 2 years ago

    I am reading The Songbird. I am intrigued with the character Francis Courtney and am wondering if his story was told in another book. I have not read the books in order and am delighted to find a list giving them in order. I will work at filling in my blanks and rereading some of the earlier ones. I have loved each and every book. My younger sister introduced me to Miss
    Willett — but sadly she died of ovarian cancer several years ago — but these books always make me think of her and how much I miss her.

  3. Janet: 2 years ago

    I love all Marcia Willett books and have just been re reading The Christmas Angel for about the fourth time. I know I have also read the follow on book but cannot remembered the title. Can anyone help me please?

    • Heather: 2 years ago

      Postcards From The Past and Homecomings also feature some of the characters from The Christmas Angel. Sometimes references to them occur in others too. The most recent and last book Christmas at the Keep references some too.

  4. Liz: 2 years ago

    Sept 2022 – Just discovered Marcia Willett! I am usually a fan of both, thrillers and mysteries on one hand and family sagas on the other. I’ve just about run out of books by my usual authors to read and in looking for new authors, I found Marcia Willett from reviews on GoodReads. LOVE her as an author. She is now one of my favorite authors. Rosamunde Pilcher is one favorite author of this genre, and I’d tried other authors said to be like her, but some of them were really not on her level. Some like Maeve Binchy have written some pretty depressing books. Marcia’s books are not like that at all. Her story lines are fresh, her characters very likable. The outcomes are very satisfying. Nothing about them to dislike. When you need a lift, and a distraction from the world, this is an author who could give you that. Just finished reading Second Time Around – and A Week in Winter. LOVED them!

    • Delora: 2 years ago

      Hi Liz,
      I love Marcia Willett too. But another writer I think you’d also really enjoy is Irish author Cathy Kelly. Start with The House on Willow Street or The Honey Queen. Cathy has that wonderful self-deprecating Irish humor that makes you laugh out loud and love her characters so you don’t want the book to end. Maeve Binchy is another author you might like.

      • Liz: 12 months ago

        Thank you Delora! I just saw these comments. I’d forgotten I’d left comments here. I will put the Cathy Kelly books on my list. Maeve Binchy though has some pretty depressing books and I stopped reading her.

    • Donna: 1 year ago

      Liz, I just finshed “A Week in Winter” and loved it. I also got Rosamund Pilcher vibes, so I was very happy to see a long list of titles M.W. published before she passed! I am hoping there are more like that one. This was my first M.W. book. Any suggestions on what I should read next? Other authors I have recently discovered: Jean Grainger & Tracy Rees. I recommend the “Robinswood Series” & the “Queenstown Series” by Grainger and “The Rose Garden” by Rees. Those are both a little more toward the Historical Fiction genre, but all very enjoyable reading!

      • Liz: 12 months ago

        I am still reading Marcia Willett, I haven’t run out of her books and I use this site ‘Book Series in Order’ here to figure out which is the next book in a series.

        An author I have been enjoying this year is Jacqueline Winspear. I am enjoying her character Maisie Dobbs in this series.

  5. Sheila Hofman: 2 years ago

    I have so enjoyed yr novels My husband was in RN and served on Resolution It is great to read accurate representations of naval life, although I realise that a lot of naval wives were having a lot more fun than I was!!!! Your books have given me so much pleasure

  6. Annie Smith: 2 years ago

    I have just finished my 12th Marcia Willett book I am addicted to them and will download everyone of them. I am 69 and Australian though my father was English. After the past few years of COVID , bushfires, floods, family problems I love transporting myself to seemingly nicer times.
    Thank you Marcia

  7. Joyce Henley: 2 years ago

    Just read Hattie’s Mill for 7th time! Never get tired of it. Also read a lot more of Marcia’s book and recommended them to friends. Thanks Marcia, God Bless

  8. Sandra Phillips: 3 years ago

    Have read all her books but especially Homecomings would love if there was a follow up, would be interested to see what happens with all the characters. Is there any possibility?

  9. Lin Knox-Stettner: 3 years ago

    My deepest gratitude for Marcia sharing her most admirable and entertaining talent. After recently having well needed cataract surgery at 75 now, I have discovered The Summer House, devoured it and just finished the Sea Garden.
    Oh my, her works are Such a beautiful Treat! I, too, am happy to see her list of works in order and pray that I will have the time to read them all!
    Thankyou from the bottom of my heart, Dear Marcia.
    With Love, Lin

  10. margaret evans: 3 years ago

    I have nearly all of Marcia’s book and I got hooked by buying a used book from a charity shop in Ontario, Canada. I am now buying her books for my sister who is 85 and she absolutely adores them. Thank you Marcia Willett for bringing so much joy to so many people in real but gentle stories. Maggie

  11. Marilyn R Lykins: 3 years ago

    I picked up Indian Summer” and enjoyed it so much that I checked your website to get the listing of all Marcia Willett books and have the first 4 from this list ordered. I enjoy reading an authors’ entire works before moving on the another author. Love your website and I use it regularly.

    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      Thanks Marilyn always love to hear that 🙂

    • Margaret Costley: 2 years ago

      Great to see all your books in order
      I can now see that I have 3 I haven’t read. You are the one author whose books
      I reread many times and always enjoy
      Them each time. They’re like old friends .

  12. Kristi Goetsch: 3 years ago

    I have just read again after many years her book called The Children’s Hour. Did she write a follow-up to this book?

    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      Unfortunately not.

  13. Mrs Gill Thompson: 4 years ago

    This was really interesting and as I love Marcia Willett’s books it is really helpful to have a list giving them in the right order. Thank you – I now know which ones I have not read!!

    • Graeme: 4 years ago

      Glad we could help. Thanks for the feedback much appreciated 🙂


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