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Mark Goodwin Books In Order

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Publication Order of American Wasteland Books

Publication Order of Ava's Crucible Books

Divided We Fall(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Embers of Empire(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
United We Stand(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Beginning of Sorrows Books

Publication Order of Black Swan Books

Publication Order of Cyber Armageddon Books

Rise of the Locusts(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Feast of the Locusts(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Reign of the Locusts(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Days of Elijah Books

Publication Order of The Days of Lot Books

Publication Order of The Days of Noah Books

Publication Order of The Economic Collapse Books

American Exit Strategy(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
American Meltdown(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
American Reset(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Kingdom Come Books

Behold a White Horse(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Kingdom of Darkness Books

Publication Order of Lamentations For The Fallen Books

Publication Order of Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt Books

Behold, Darkness and Sorrow(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ichabod(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Haunt for Jackals(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Vengeance(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Retreat Security and Small Unit Tactics (With: David Kobler)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Seven Step Survival Plan (With: David Kobler)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Mark Goodwin is a Christian author that writes prepper fiction. The author’s books follow characters that lived relatively ordinary lives only to realize that their world is approaching a precipice and they might be too late to do anything about.


Mark Goodwin describes himself as a Christian constitutional author. The description is pretty accurate. The author’s career is intimately intertwined with the prepper culture. Not only does he operate a Prepper-based podcast but he writes books that revolve around the end of the world, giving people tips on what they can do to survive when society crumbles.

Mark Goodwin has a degree in accounting. He has put it to good use over the years. He analyzes the economic machine of the world and attempts to make predictions about how quickly the financial systems that are holding up society will collapse and what people can do to get prepared.

That is the whole purpose of the prepper culture. People like Mark Goodwin are certain that the end is coming. Goodwin believes that the world is on a trajectory to doomsday and it is his goal to get as many people as possible prepared for the worst.

The author’s podcast features numerous interviews of preppers, people who think like Mike Goodwin and who are in a place where they can get communities ready for the apocalypse. The author also features economists on his podcast who normally provide statistical data to back his assertions.

Many of the things Mark Goodwin believes and says are rooted in the Holy Bible. Mark considers himself to be a student of the Holy Bible. Several hours of the author’s week are spent pouring over the Bible and gleaning new information from the scriptures.

The author is especially interested in biblical prophecies. Many of the works he has published over the years endeavor to highlight the troubling trends in the areas of morality, politics, and economics.

The author has learned to put his understanding of Bible prophecy together with his knowledge of economics and prophecy to produce post-apocalyptic fiction that takes his readers to the last days of the United States.

+Literary Career

People like to dismiss Mark Goodwin for the prepper mania that seems to drive him. However, Mark was not always like that. In fact, he might have described himself as a pretty ordinary individual.

All that changed in 2001 when the United States suffered a catastrophic terrorist attack. The incident shook Mark to his core. It wasn’t the attack itself that broke Mark, though it was definitely a factor.

Mark was forced to come to the realization that the system underpinning society, the system he had come to rely upon, was fragile. The author understood that he wasn’t nearly as safe as he initially believed.

With his trust in the government and its systems shattered, Mark began taking direct responsibility for his own safety and security. He began tuning into the prepper culture. This was while he scrutinized the different aspects of his life with the intention of figuring out where he was most vulnerable.

The more he read and researched, and the more he learned, the more afraid he became. By 2008, Mark Goodwin was convinced that the United States and possibly even the world was just one match stick away from burning to the ground.

Mark couldn’t go back to life as normal. If the world was truly at a cliff’s edge, then he would take steps to prepare for the inevitable end. It was around that time that the author really threw himself into prepper culture.

He started a website that provides information to curious individuals looking to understand the prepper lifestyle. Not long after that, Mark Goodwin’s podcast hit the internet.

As his interest in prepper culture grew, so did his curiosity about prepper fiction of which he read quite a lot. Eventually, Mark decided to write his own series of prepper fiction novels.

The books were more than just thrilling tales about the end of the world, though. Mark realized that he could use his fiction to help people prepare for the apocalypse. And that is what the author has done for years now.

Mark’s books have been commended for being some of the most effective guides for preppers on the market. The books are far more engaging than their official nonfiction counterparts because they entertain readers with exciting stories.

And it is as readers are consuming Mark’s thrilling tales that the author uses his knowledge of economics and politics to tell people how they can survive in the future. Mark believes that his books appeal to everyone, not only aspiring preppers but professional preppers and even readers who are simply looking for a good story.

Mark Goodwin’s goal is to make readers realize just how stark the threat of the Apocalypse is. Mark doesn’t want to scare people. He doesn’t want them to live their lives in fear, too afraid to leave their houses. He just wants them to prepare and to be ready to deal with the race for survival that will eventually break out.


Noah Parker spent most of his life asleep. He couldn’t see what was going on. He couldn’t see that the precepts that had kept his nation together since the beginning had been eroded by a conspiracy dating several centuries into the past.

When the signs become too glaring for Noah to ignore, he wakes up and begins taking steps to prepare for the political upheaval he knows will soon unfold.

This book shows how the world will descend into chaos. Noah Parker watches as ancient prophecies are fulfilled and the United States of America is brought to its knees.


When an attack against the United States’ energy infrastructure is carried out, no one knows the implications it will have in the long run. Only Noah and Cassandra Parker seem to know what is coming.

They watch as the economic meltdown begins. They watch as Christians are framed for the assault and rounded up all over the country. They watch as a totalitarian regime begins to emerge.

Then they begin to move, taking up arms to defend their freedom.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Mark Goodwin

13 Responses to “Mark Goodwin”

  1. Leslie Chew: 2 months ago

    Mark Goodwins books are amazingly applicable to real time events.
    I especially love the scripture at the beginning of the chapters.
    Both my husband & I are reading through all his series. We are trying to prepare for whatever is possibly coming in the future & these books are full of great ideas & information.

  2. Kenny Ayers: 10 months ago

    I have read every book you have written but one major flaw I have found in your books is that you can’t get them out fast enough for my liking I’m sure I speak for a lot of other people as well. Than you for you scripture inspired writings and clean books. I have always been a bit of a prepper, but I have found many things in your books that I have made sure I will have access to when it does happen. Thank you and God Bless

  3. Laurie Hathaway: 12 months ago

    Is there some place I can find a complete list of all your books? Google makes it difficult to locate other books.
    Thank you for all you do.

    • Graeme: 12 months ago

      We have them listed on this page?

  4. Blake: 1 year ago

    You’re my favorite author. Clean and you have the best narrators on audible! Once again I stayed up till early morning finishing your book lamentations of the fallen. Fantastic book series. I’ve read all the books you’ve put out. Keep ‘em coming Mark!

    • Laurie: 12 months ago

      Ditto! I am totally addicted and had been a prepper but am trying to use his books to take inventory off what I have.

  5. Valerie Leidal: 2 years ago

    I love you books, problem is once I start reading them I can’t stop until I am finished the series. I especially love the bible verses you put at the start of chapters, which prompts me to go to my bible! I also appreciate and learn from your prepping tips throughout the stories.We are living in trying times, everything we can learn to help us in what may come next is beneficial to our families survival! Thank you for sharing with us vital information through your story telling! Valerie Leidal

  6. Judy Price: 2 years ago

    Thank you, Mark, for your books. I have read The Days of Noah, The Days of Elijah, SevenCows,Ugly and Gaunt Now I am placing an order for American Wasteland.

  7. Deborah Hendley: 3 years ago

    Love your books
    . They just don’t come out fast enou(lol)

  8. Alexis: 3 years ago

    Ted Seller’s series “The Circle” is life altering. Ted Dekker has an uncanny way of clearly relating biblical truths through fictional story telling. You can actually feel the love of God through his words…that is a gift.

  9. Pamela Diffy: 3 years ago

    I love Mark Goodwin and I also love Frank Peretti. If you get a chance to read “This Present Darkness”. Follow up with ” Piercing The Darkness”, both by Peretti, these also should feed your spirit, while awakening you as to the reasoning of why there is so much trouble in our world today.

  10. Sandy: 4 years ago

    The audiobook services (Audible, Chirp, Scrbid) all permit downloads only to smart devices or online streaming. It would seem they are more interested in surveillance than selling audiobooks. The audiobooks are a loss leader…a honey pot I’d say. I’d also say it means that all these companies have been acquired by cabal-related interests in their never-ending drive to monopolize information.

    The content creators need to offer direct alternatives.

  11. MICHAEL S WILLEY: 6 years ago

    Mark Goodwins books have given me the strength to begin my fight to rekindle my relationship with God. They really make me want to fight to put God first in everything. Can anyone recommend other authors that write like Mark Goodwin? I am going to read all of his books again because I need feed my spirit and they help me a great deal.



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