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Michael C. Grumley Books In Order

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Publication Order of Breakthrough Books

Publication Order of Evan Books

Evan After / Through the Fog(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Unexpected Hero(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Monument Books

The Last Monument(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Desert of Glass(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Revival Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Amid the Shadows(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon

The American writer Michael C. Grumley is an extremely well respected novelist within his particular field. Creating action packed thrillers, he is very well regarded for his ability in conjuring up high-octane narratives, as well as crafting engaging characters. With a background in information-technology he’s also had a wealth of research to draw from over the years too, making his books a lot more realistic in the process.

Early and Personal Life

Born in America he grew up with a strong interest in both reading and writing and a keen passion in English literature. This would be something that he would continue to nurture throughout his life, as he refined and honed his skills over the following years to come. Taking in inspiration from the world around him, he would put all his experiences back into his work, building a stronger body of material.

With a background in information-technology, he’s also got a strong interest in computers and computing, something which has heavily influenced his writing. Constantly coming back to literature throughout his education though, he would always continue to retain a keen passion for the form. Learning and understanding his craft, he would manage to harness his skills as a writer, creating a strong and highly articulate voice as an author.

Working within the technology industry for some years would also give him a certain degree of insight too. Giving his stories a high-tech and up-to-date feel, he allowed his time to influence his material, making it more realistic in the process. Soon heading towards becoming a writer full-time, he was well on his way to becoming a highly regarded and influential author.

Still writing to this very day, he continues to put out work at a regular and consistent pace, maintaining a presence both online and off. Living with his wife and two daughters as well, he also looks after his family, alongside his long-running writing career. With a lot more set to come on the horizon, this will continue for some time to come, as his writing career carries on into the foreseeable future.

Writing Career

Making his debut back in 2013 he has come a long way in a relatively short amount of time, after bringing out the book ‘Breakthrough’. With it also setting up the ongoing ‘Breakthrough’ series of novels as well, it also managed to establish his style and his voice. Providing a sense of action and excitement, it worked at keeping the readers engaged throughout, giving them a clear idea of what was to follow.

Creating two series so far, he’s brought out both the franchises ‘Breakthrough’ along with ‘Evan’, which have both been successful. The series ‘Breakthrough’ consists of four books so far, whilst the series ‘Evan’ contains just over two books in the series. Combining suspense and tension ‘Breakthrough’ works more within the thriller mold, whilst ‘Evan’ works more as a mystery set of novels.

Thematically Michael C. Grumley has been consistent over the years, providing a lot of strong ideas and characters. Set in larger than life settings, they’re ostensibly novels that manage to capture the readers imagination, whilst simultaneously engaging them on a personal level too. Drawing the reader in, they keep them hooked right until the very last page, as these manage to really work upon the idea of being page-turners.

Understanding his audience these also work on a more universal level as well, with readers from all across the globe find his books. Gaining commercial success as well as critical acclaim too, he is not without praise from his many peers and contemporaries alike. Winning plaudits and nominations throughout his career, he has garnered a variety of positive reviews too.

With a lot more novels to come in the near future, his writing career and profile builds day-by-day, with more and more discovering his work all the time. As readers from across the world find his work, this is only expected to continue for quite some time to come. Clearly knowing and understanding his audience now, his career will only go from strength-to-strength in the years to follow.


Brought out in 2015 on the 18th of November, this was to be the third title in the ongoing series of ‘Breakthrough’ novels. Delving into the secrets behind mankind’s evolution once more, it sees recurring characters such as Alison Shaw return for a second time. Taking what was delivered in the previous stories and bringing them to the next level, it manages to really deliver on what the first two offered and more.

A doomsday vault was created secretly in 1984 whereby a seed-bank with scores of genetic data was to be preserved on a tiny remote island within the middle of the Arcitc Ocean. This was to be a fail-safe in case of the world’s collapse, only that another data-bank has been found and it doesn’t appear to be human. With its own reams of data files and genetic coding, it’s got a whole score of information just waiting to be uncovered. Why was it left there? Who were the race that left it behind? What really is the catalyst?

Amid The Shadows

A stand-alone title this was brought out in 2013 on the 25th of September, with no plans to release any subsequent novels following on from it either. Delivering a lot of what readers and long time followers of Grumley have now come to expect from him as a writer, it really manages to carry the pace of its own concept. Brought out on the Kindle it managed to garner a lot of attention upon its initial release, allowing the Grumley to build extensively upon his own profile in the process.

Given a powerful and important gift, a six year old girl is caught between two people hoping to harness her powers. With one of them looking to use it, whilst the other hopes to stop it, the young Sarah Baxter finds herself in the care of an inexperienced social-worker following the horrific murder of her mother. It is then that a conspiracy befalls her, as social-worker Christine Rose aims to keep Sarah alive, as some is aiming to extinguish not only the power, but her as well. Will she be able to save Sarah? Who is the threatening stranger? What will happen amid the shadows?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Michael C. Grumley

6 Responses to “Michael C. Grumley”

  1. Patrick: 3 months ago

    I just finished the book “Breakthrough”, it was a quick moving, fascinating story that I really enjoyed. The author does a good job of weaving several different activities into one solid story. I’m looking forward to reading the other books in the series.

  2. Lambie: 1 year ago

    I love ❤️ the Breakthrough series! I can’t wait to read Deep Freeze, unfortunately I have to wait for the January 2023 release.

  3. Judith Johnson: 1 year ago

    Just finished the Breakthrough series. Loved them all. Hard to put down. I had previously read ‘The Last Monument ‘ & certainly enjoyed that book. I look forward to reading more of your work. It’s obvious that you do detailed research to ensure the story sounds realistic. Thank you for that.

  4. joan rathmill: 3 years ago

    I have read all the breakthrough series and think they were wonderful and almost believable. My only negative is the cost I assume because they are self published, I have to wait for a birthday ect.

    • Darlene: 2 years ago

      Seriously! I couldn’t stop reading each book you wrote! I enjoyed every minute and want more! Thank you.

  5. Cheryl Byrne: 7 years ago

    Looking for next Breakthrough book? When?


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