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Michael Palmer Books In Order

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Publication Order of Dr. Lou Welcome Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Sisterhood(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
Side Effects(1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
Flashback(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Extreme Measures(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
Natural Causes(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Silent Treatment(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Critical Judgment(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Miracle Cure(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Patient(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fatal(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Society(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fifth Vial(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The First Patient(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Second Opinion(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Surgeon(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Heartbeat Away(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Trauma (With: Daniel Palmer)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mercy (With: Daniel Palmer)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The First Family (With: Daniel Palmer)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Daniel Palmer Short Stories/Novellas

with Daniel Palmer
Disfigured (With: Daniel Palmer)(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dead Club (With: Daniel Palmer)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

with Daniel Palmer
Disfigured (With: Daniel Palmer)(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dead Club (With: Daniel Palmer)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
On Call(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Michael Stephen Palmer was born in October 9th, 1942 in Springfield, Massachusetts. His parents were Milton Palmer and May Palmer. He had two sisters, Donna and Susan, whom he grew up together. In 1964, Palmer graduated from Wesleyan University. He had majored in pre-MED and a Russian minor. From there, he joined Case Western Reserve University for further medical studies. He later trained as an internal medicine doctor at the Boston City Hospital and later moved to Massachusetts General Hospital.

By the time of his death, Dr. Palmer had published 19 books. The novel, “Extreme Measures”, which was his fourth novel would be turned into a movie in 1996. The starring in the movie was Hugh Grant and Gene Hackman. He made a very successful sale of five million books in the entire world. His books had been translated into 35 different languages.

According to Dr. Palmer, he started writing at the very base of his life. In the 1970s, he had undergone a series a knee surgery. Together with divorce, the two issues disturbed him to a point of desperation. He turned to self-prescribed painkillers and alcohol. He would, in 1978, be charged with ungrounded prescriptions. His career was put on a two years’ probation. His hospital was scrapped off some privileges during the probation period. A year later, he turned to Demerol, a drug he abused aggressively. He at some point though he was headed to kill himself. In a real sense, he almost killed himself.

Fellow physicians and psychiatrists intervened and worked tirelessly to save Dr. Palmer from what was seen as his end. Fortunately, he responded positively to the recovery therapies and was soon after the worst experience he ever went through in his life. During the recovery therapy, he began designing, writing plots and later setting down events to come up with full episodes. It would later become his profession: writing. At one time, he had said that he would never become a writer as he would have nothing to write about.

In 1979, Dr. Palmer had successfully managed to overcome the drinking behavior. In the same year, he published his first novel which did pretty well in the market. In 1982, he produced his second publication; The Sisterhood. The book talked about the secret society that involved mercy-killing nurses. He did a critical review of the society in the book. The book was followed by his third work published in 1985 named “Side Effects”. The book was a full tale of sinister medial conspirators. In 1991, he produced the famous work, “Extreme Measures”. In the book, it exposes the acts of the doctors. The tale describes how a doctor decides to test a dangerous drug on a poor patient; a homeless patient who comes seeking for medication.

It was in 1991 that Dr. Palmer spoke publicly about his addiction. He, however, said that he had moved into it for reasons that he described as mercenary. He was planning for a promotional tour to market the book “Extreme Measures”. However, public analysts cautioned him that he should not expect much attention from the audience as another doctor-writers like Michael Crichton and Robin Cook had already established the same ground which they ruled well. The two authors had established a good appeal through their doctor-driven novel writing.

By 1991, Dr. Palmer had changed into a full-time author. He, however, had established an emergency room where he operated as a doctor, counselor and physician. He handled many cases of drug addiction and withdrawal symptoms. In the same year, he turned to the publicists and wanted to know if the audience would give his work more attention if it realized that he was a recovering drug addict, who has helped other doctors return to their original sobriety. The publicists replied positively on this issue and mentioned as a special case that would hit the audience with lots of interest.

From 1991, he undertook numerous interviews with newspapers, radios and television reports. The intention of the interviews was to make public his latest books and also increase the awareness about substance abuse among many physicians across the world. He had embraced the need for urgent reaction to the increasing cases of drug addiction among the doctors as the time went passed. Even after spending a bad life, he turned into a role model for many. He had a lot of information that saved the young professionals among them doctors from substance abuse. All of his books’ work dwelt on how good things can easily perish, and become undesired in a short time.

In 1994, he produced the book titled “Natural Causes” before releasing another one, “Silent Treatment” in 1995. He wrote “Critical Judgment” in 1996. In 1998, he published the “Miracle Cure”. The other books include: The Patient in 2000, Fatal in 2002, The Society in 2004, The Fifth Vial with 2007, The First Patient in 2008, The Second Opinion at 2009, The Last Surgeon in 2010, A Heart Away in 2012 and Political Suicide in 2013. His two publications were produced in 2014 and 2015 after his death in 2013. They were “Resistant” and “Trauma” respectively.

1990s, he retired from clinical practices. Dr. Palmer would become an associate director of the Massachusetts Medical Society. It was a nonprofit organization that helped doctors recover to normal mental health and drug abuse. Dr. Palmer’s two marriages to Judith Grass and Noelle did not survive and they both divorced him. He mentioned about his troubled marriages in three of his first books. He, however, referred to it as a milestone towards to what he was. Challenges had made him realize his hidden talent and profession. He also had changed many people’s lives, a thing he would have not achieved if he never underwent through the hard life.

While going through customs at Kennedy International Airport, Dr. Palmer suffered a heart attack and was rushed to Jamaica Hospital. He was coming from an African safari vacation when he landed at the airport feeling unwell. He died in the same hospital aged 71. Many people went to blogs to post their condolence messages, many of them, thank him for his counselling and changing of their lives. Many doctors who had recovered through his program promised to continue carrying his job in changing the lives of others who he could have changed.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Michael Palmer

7 Responses to “Michael Palmer”

  1. Sharon: 6 months ago

    I just read The First Patient. I wanted to write to the good doctor to express how much I like his books. However, I found that he had been gone since 2013. Well, Rest In Peace, good doctor.

  2. Barbara Jordan: 3 years ago

    I was introduced to Michael Palmer in about 1980. I was instantly hooked and would read under the covers so as not to disturb my husband. I read every one of his books but his last. I learned of his passing and could not pull myself to reading the last one as it would be final. I wrote to him asking if he was planning a book signing in Santa Fe, NM. He replied he was not any time soon. I only wish I had met him because I truly loved reading his books and he was a Massachusetts native from the Springfield area. I am originally from West Springfield. May he be resting in Peace!

  3. Francis: 4 years ago

    Fantastic author. It’s a shame he had to leave so soon. Thankfully we have the many books that he left for us.

  4. carol kieda: 5 years ago

    I love his character who runs a health clinic out of an old R.V. His books are medical thrillers. You cannot put them down.

  5. Dorreen Clifford: 7 years ago

    Where can I buy Michael Palmer paperback books Used or not

    • Graeme: 7 years ago

      Amazon or ebay would be your best bets.

    • Anna Carroll: 6 years ago

      I have 7 of Michael Palmer’s books


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