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Mindy Mejia Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Dragon Keeper(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Everything You Want Me to Be(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Leave No Trace(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Strike Me Down(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
To Catch a Storm(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
A World of Hurt(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Coming from Minneapolis in the United States, the American thriller writer Mindy Mejia is extremely well regarded within her field. Seen as one of the foremost authors currently working within the genre to date, she is definitely a highly skilled master of her craft. Writing stories that are at once down-to-earth character driven, relating on a very real and personal level, whilst also capturing the attention of the reader and keeping them guessing right until the very end. An imaginative and inventive writer, she really manages to draw her readers in, using themes that are universal, asking some of the larger questions throughout. Making her work extremely accessible as well, she also works at providing the reader with an easy point-of-access into her stories, whilst not overbearing them with some of her deeper subject matter.

Whilst her stories provide a sense of escapism as well, she really manages to keep them grounded, setting up ideas which resonate with all readers, regardless of their background. This has lead to her reaching a worldwide audience, with her books being successful both nationally as well as internationally too. Preferring to write stand-alone alone novels, she doesn’t opt to create long-running series as such, as she creates more self-contained and succinct narratives. Over the years this has proven to be a successful formula for her, as it’s not just the general public that have come to appreciate her work, but the critics as well. Already well into her writing career, she has only up to go from here, as there are plenty more titles planned to come from her yet.

Early and Personal Life

Born and raised in Minnesota, America, the aspiring writer was raised in the area of Twin Cities there, harboring a love of writing from an early age. Living in a small-town-turned-suburb there, she would take in inspiration from the world around her, constantly feeding her imagination and material. Over time she would hold a lifelong affinity for her home state of Minnesota, constantly returning back there over the years. This can be seen reflected within her work, creating the style that can currently be seen today, making her who she is as a writer. Constantly working on her craft, developing her style and tone throughout the years, she would come to create her own idiosyncratic voice in time.

Attending the University of Minnesota whereby she would receive a BA, she would also go on to attend Hamline University as well, graduating with an MFA. This would help her to cement her style, giving her the tools needed to continue, whilst also further exploring herself as a writer. In the following years she would also spend time living in Iowa City, along with Galway, but it was always Minnesota where her heart truly lay. Returning here, she would come to hold a strong love and passion for her home state, one which has heavily influenced her stories. Currently living and writing there to this very day, she continue to put out work at a regular and consistent pace, living there with her husband and children.

Writing Career

It would be in the year of 2012 that Mindy Mejia would release her first novel, with it being titled ‘The Dragon Keeper’, a stand-alone thriller novel. Looking at a keeper of Komodo Dragon’s at a zoo, it centers itself around a discovery of epic proportions, as an egg is discovered to have been produced without the need for mating. Looking to defend the dragon from all harm, she is up against a number of dangerous forces that seek to control the eggs and the dragon. Taking the template of the global thriller, Mejia had produced a taut and extremely tense thriller, one which would cement her name as an author that was here to stay. Following this she would write a series of other stand-alone novels, including ‘Everything You Want Me To Be’ in 2017, ‘The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman’ also in 2017, along with ‘Leave No Trace’ in 2018.

Critically acclaimed, she has built a strong profile, both online and off, amassing an international audience of readers from far and wide. Previously working a succession of other jobs prior to writing, including working as a global credit manager, as well as an apple orchard laborer, she is not without plenty of life experience either. Attending numerous readings of her work, including book discussion groups, along with workshops too, she is always willing to impart knowledge of her craft to others. Professing a love of her own fantasy inner worlds, she is continually drawn into her own imagination, something which definitely works to her advantage, as it is clearly shown in her work. Not showing signs of stopping any time soon, she is definitely a writer to watch in the years to come, with a lot more planned on the horizon.

Everything You Want Me To Be

Initially released on the 3rd of January in 2017, this was the second novel from Mindy Mejia. Working as a stand-alone, it came out through the ‘Atria/Emily Bestler Books’ publishing label. Showing a clear development from her debut, it takes her style and ideas in a new direction.

Living a seemingly perfect life, the young Hattie Hoffman seemed to have it all, from her idealized relationship, to her being a good daughter and student. Not everything is as it seems though, and she starts to secretly crave danger, which ultimately finds her tragically being found stabbed to death. It would also soon transpire that she had been involved in a particularly explosive online relationship, one which had apparently left deep scars behind. Along with that her own boyfriend had apparently loved Hattie to the point of obsession it seemed, as he would have done anything to keep her. Who had committed the murder? Why had they done it and what lengths will they go to in order to protect themselves? What had occurred after Hattie had asked ‘is this everything you want me to be’?

Leave No Trace

Coming out through the ‘Atria/Emily Bestler Books’ publishing outlet again, this was originally released on the 4th of September in 2018. Marking Mejia’s fourth book, it would show her fully into her writing career, displaying both intelligence and confidence. Setting up another thriller, it would follow the story of a man and son who trekked into the wilderness of Minnesota and never returned. Ten years later the son returns, and he seems uncommunicative and violent, as Maya Stark is assigned as his therapist who must discover the truth of what really happened to him and his father. Where did they go? What happened to them? Did they really leave no trace?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Mindy Mejia

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