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Mira T. Lee Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Everything Here Is Beautiful(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

The American author Mira T. Lee is an up-and-coming author who has been making waves within the literary industry of late, as she has made a large impact, with her unique voice standing out from the rest, as many are singing her praises. Launching her literary career almost immediately she writes from a very real place that is true to herself, using many of her own experiences, taking them and putting them back into her work. Previously publishing shorter fiction, she would develop herself, becoming a lot more articulate and well defined in the process, thus allowing her to accentuate both her opinions and her style. This would include her characters too, as they would also become a lot more defined throughout the years, as she creates personalities that really resonate with her readers on a very intimate and personal level. Showing a very real sense of compassion and empathy through her work, she would allow her experiences to come alive through her words, leaping off the page almost. This goes some way towards explaining why her books have been so well received, allowing her novels to become a global success in the process, leading to her becoming a worldwide sensation, with readers from all across the world turning to her work, regardless of their background. Winning awards for her work too, she is not only a bestselling author, gaining scores of fans nationally and internationally, but she also has critical acclaim, gaining the respect of both her many peers and contemporaries alike. Writing about mental illness, she has provided a unique insight into the subject, allowing her readers to become far more informed on the subject as a whole. Showing a lot of promise for the future too, she is definitely a writer to watch in the years to come, as it appears that there’s a lot more planned on the horizon yet.

Early and Personal Life

Whilst Mira T. Lee didn’t grow up initially imagining herself to be a writer or storyteller, this would progress over the years, as she found the art-form to be the ideal outlet for her and her views. A biology graduate, she would graduate from Stanford University, successfully gaining an academic background that would serve her well in the years to come. Now currently living in Cambridge, Massachussetts, she continues to write to this very day, living with her husband and sons, whilst continuing to advocate for mental illness.

Writing Career

Bringing out her first debut novel release in 2018, she would mark her arrival with the title ‘Everything Here is Beautiful’. This would come to exemplify much of her writing career to follow, allowing her to make a name for herself as a writer on mental illness and schizophrenia, having witnessed it within multiple members of her family. Winning plenty of awards for this book, she would soon be well on her way to becoming a bestselling author, with her writing career growing from strength-to-strength for a long time yet.

Everything Here Is Beautiful

Originally published through the ‘Pamela Dorman Books’ publishing label, this would initially come out on the 16th of January in 2018 to much acclaim. Not being a part of any series, this would manage to introduce Mira T. Lee as a writer for the first time to the reading public at large. Addressing the issue of mental illness as well, it would deal with the subject head-on for the very first time too, thus establishing a lot of Lee’s career to follow.

Dealing with issues of mental health in her first debut release, this deals with some heavier and weighty issues over the course of the book. These are issues that are important to Lee as an author though, as it’s clear that she’s going to make her voice heard as an author. Setting the scene and the tone of much of her work to follow, this really makes the most of its subject matter, as it really brings the topic to life for the reader.

With two sisters facing the recent passing of their mother, one being Miranda the older more pragmatic one, whilst Lucia is the more unconventional headstrong one, they both face new challenges coming their way. These come in the form of schizophrenia, as Lucia begins to hear voices, something which become increasingly difficult to deal with after she refuses to be defined by any doctor’s diagnosis. She then goes off to marry an Israeli man, but then leaves him suddenly to have a baby with a younger Latino immigrant. All of this leads to her attempting to escape her condition and mental illness, all whilst her sister must help her realize that everything here is beautiful.

Previous Writing and Work

It was in 2009 that she would write and publish her first short-story ‘While We Waited’, which was released through The Southern Review. Setting the tone for much of her career to follow, it would chart the final moments of her mother’s final weeks, using a somewhat fictionalized method to tell the story. This would then lead her down the path of discovering storytelling as an art-form, allowing her to articulate her voice and her style.

Taking events and transforming them into what she ultimately wanted them to be, she would start to learn the processes of fiction and how it worked for her. Over time this would progress, as it would essentially lead to her writing and creating her first full novel in the future. Knowing and understanding her craft then, she would become a lot more adept at writing as fully fledged novelist with something to say.

It was her past experiences with schizophrenia and how it had effected multiple members of her family who suffered from it. Most notably though, was how it had effected her sister who had also suffered from the condition, as Lee attempted to help her through it and deal with it. This would come to shape her writing career though, as she is now a clear advocate for dealing with mental health issues, something which her writing will successfully deal with for many years to come.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Mira T. Lee

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