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Mitch Silver Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

In Secret Service(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Bookworm(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Apollo Deception(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Mitch Silver is an American author of fiction. He grew up in Long Island but was born in Brooklyn, so he has the best of both worlds. He attended Yale as well as Harvard Law School. He has worked for several large New York advertising agencies as an ad writer.

He sent a year with his wife living in Paris. Ellen Highsmith Silver and Mitch Silver got to lead a French life for a while as Mitch worked as the European Creative Director for an account. They currently reside together in Rye, New York. They have two children, Sloane and Perry.

Mitch Silver’s blood type is O positive. He enjoys writing, and his debut novel In Secret Service was published in 2007. His second book is titled The Bookworm.

In Secret Service is the debut novel from talented writer Mitch Silver. If you love the James Bond books, you will really enjoy this novel. The book takes place in the real world of Ian Fleming, who created the James Bond series. In this world of danger and passion, spies and danger, things get off to a rough start when a lovely young lady comes into the possession of something of Fleming’s.

It turns out to be his account of spying during the second world war, something that has been hidden for a long time. But when this young woman starts to come into the crosshairs of people who mean to kill her, she’s going to have to read through Fleming’s account as quickly as possible to get to the end and figure out why they’re doing it.

Ian Fleming sealed a package with a manuscript that he intended no one to open and read until after fifty years of him being passed. He did this in 1964. He worked as an officer for the Naval Intelligence unit of Britain and had many tales to recount. Between his career and his family ties, he had been able to rise to the very highest levels of both English and American society– as well as espionage.

The world of spying was filled with the type of things that made it seem like a movie. Exotic locations, affairs with beautiful women, danger at every corner, and cocktail chatter were there, along with the possibility of betrayal and danger at any moment being the end of you. Fleming had channeled much of that into his immensely popular spy novels with the smooth James Bond. But in this manuscript is a story that could change history with the power of its secrets.

Ian Fleming chose the reader who was going to open this important manuscript. Even in death, the author has to trust that the reader he has selected will do what she can in order to bring the truth to life. So it is that Amy Greenberg is summoned to come and get the manuscript years later.

It’s 2005, and she is an American, a young academic with a bright future ahead of her. It seems strange to her when she gets a summoning to Ireland. It turns out that they want her to come and get the contents of a safe deposit box left to her by her grandfather. However, when she opens it all she finds is a manuscript by the famous writer Ian Fleming.

The manuscript goes into detail about information that is so confidential that other people are willing to go to great lengths to make sure that no one else gets their hands on it. They go into his involvement with Allied spycraft and more. The information in this document is so sensitive that it seems the war and world of espionage never ended; it simply carried onto the next age. Now there are people in both countries that are looking to get their hands on why Amy has.

They’re willing to kill her to keep it private, but what is in there that they would be so bothered about? Amy goes back home with the cargo in tow and now she is in a race against the forces at work out there to get to the secrets of the manuscript before the truth can be buried. All in the name of protecting the status quo, of course.

With assailants on her tail and with characters included in this book that made up British and global history, you won’t be able to stop reading In Secret Service. Pick up this thrilling book from Mitch Silver and see what it’s about today! If you love spy or action books or movies, you’ll love this fast-paced debut from this talented new author.

The Bookworm is the second and highly anticipated novel from Mitch Silver. This suspenseful novel will take readers into the throes of history once more as they view a secret operation going down in the middle of World War II. In Europe in 1940 it is summer and the German army has taken Belgium. A British operative works his way into a monastery by posing as a friar just before Nazis sweep through the area and take the art back to Berlin.

But this monk is not a thief, and he adds a Bible made out of old leather to the library at the monastery before fleeing. Then there’s the question of why Hitler didn’t invade England why he had the chance. Back in modern day London, a grisly discovery is made accidentally when construction is going on. The year is 2017, and a worker finds a skeletal arm with a handcuff on it when working with a backhoe at a site.

The media speculates that it was a prison, but one person thinks it’s a courier that died in a rocket attack. It’s down to one woman to figure out what this skeleton bone means and what has happened here. Larissa Mendelovg Klimt is known as the Bookworm to her friends, and she is an expert in Russian history and a former chess champion for the Soviets. Not everything is perfect in her life even though she has some intelligence, as she’s going through some marriage troubles at the time.

When she’s confronted with six cylinders recorded by Noel Coward– the actor, playwright, and secret British agent for Churchill, she slowly starts to learn how a Bible deposited on Hitler’s desk may have changed the path of history. Could this book have changed his plan to attack Britain and instead go east? With more to this than she ever expected, the bookworm must get to work to unravel the truth. Can she do it? Read The Bookworm for yourself and see!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Mitch Silver

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