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Nancy Pearl Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

George and Lizzie(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Girl Discovers Reading Then Discovers Life(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Book Lust Books

Publication Order of Now Read This Books

Now Read This(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Now Read This II(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Now Read This III(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Nancy Pearl is a popular librarian, literary critic, and bestselling author from The United States, who likes to write fiction and nonfiction novels. She is particularly known for her series Book Lust and Now Read This, as well as several standalone novels. Until 2004, author Pearl used to work at the Seattle Public Library as its Executive Director. The prolific knowledge of author Pearl about literature and books and her interests in reading made her famous at the local level in Seattle, Washington. She makes regular appearances on public radio in Seattle and recommends books to the listeners. Pearl received a wider acclaim with her 2003 book called Book Lust. In 2011, the Library Journal named her as Librarian of the Year. Author Pearl was born and brought up in Detroit, Michigan, United States. While growing up, she used to spend a lot of her time reading books at the public library. It was when she was 10 years old that she decided to become a librarian. This decision was inspired by the children’s librarian at the library. Author Pearl often credits librarians and books with helping her in the times of her difficult childhood. She even goes on to say that reading saved her life. Pearl earned her master’s degree from the Michigan University in the subject of Library Science in 1967. Initially, she began her career by working as a children’s librarian in the library system of her hometown and then went on to work in several other libraries. When she was a young, Pearl used to write poetry, seeing it as one of her hobbies. She even released a story in the Redbook magazine in 1980, called The Ride to School. Pearl married a man named Joe Pearl, who worked as a professor at the time of their marriage. The two moved to Oklahoma from Detroit. Later, she became the mother of two daughters named Katie and Eily Raman. While raising them, author Pearl completed one more master’s degree in history.

While working in a bookstore in Oklahoma, Pearl got an offer to join the Tulsa City County Library System. Later, she was recruited to work in the Public Library of Seattle in 1993 by Craig Buthod, who used to work with her in Tulsa and later became Seattle Library’s deputy director. Pearl decided to take the offer and moved to Seattle alone. She lived and worked there for a period of 4 years without her husband, who joined her after retiring from his job. About deciding to join the library, author Pearl says that it was one the few occasions when she knew instinctively that she had taken the right decision. After settling in Seattle, she became a local celebrity by founding a pioneering project that encouraged the adults and adolescents of Seattle to take up reading and read the same book at one time. Later, this project was adopted by a few other cities, including Buffalo, Rochester, and Chicago. For some time, Pearl was involved in teaching a course at the Washington University’s Information School. Under this course, she used to teach the future librarians how the different genres of literature work and what aspects of books attract a lot of people. Throughout her literary career, author Pearl received a number of awards. Her photo was included in the poster of the Library Association of America. Pearl’s books have made appearances in Booklist, The Seattle Times, and Library Journal, and on radio channels KWGS Tulsa and KUOW-FM Seattle. In 2003, a company based in Seattle, called Accoutrements, honored author Pearl by creating a librarian character named Archie McPhee that resembled her.

An initial book written by Nancy Pearl is entitled ‘After Life’. This book was released by the Amazon Encore publication in the year 2000. Author Pearl has set this book’s story in New Orleans and has mentioned the primary characters as Naomi Ash and Patsy. At the start of the story of the book, it is shown that Naomi Ash resides in New Orleans and is looked after by her mother named Patsy. Patsy has taught Naomi some parlor-tricks, which she uses to carry out some performances along with her mother. Naomi often recreates presences with cloths, provides voices for the dead from behind the stage, and does all that is required to support her mother. Overall, the acts of the mother and daughter comprise of partly magical tricks and partly theater. Later, they feel the need to relocate to Train Line, New York. They shift to a sleepy village that seems inhabited by people who have spiritualistic bents like them. The population of the village largely comprises of table levitators, card readers, crystal shop owners, etc. The Psychic Faires are generally a low rent affair in the village and take place at the Holiday Inn, while Patsy’s new act, the Psychic Hour by Mother Galina, runs on a radio station. Soon, a battle begins to take place between the old school table rappers and new age performers. Meanwhile, Naomi Ash comes of age, gains more knowledge about her trade, and starts romancing with a man. Later, she realizes that she is caught between truth and fraud, and has to unravel the secrets about her past so as to get a clear picture of what she lies ahead in her future.

Another mind blowing book that author Pearl wrote in her career is called ‘George and Lizzie’. This novel was released by the Touchstone publication in 2017. The book gives homage to several social topics such as painful experiences of childhood, emotional scars, and true love. Pearl has described the main characters of this book as Lizzie and George. At the beginning of the book’s story, it is depicted that these two have different understandings related to what marriage and love should be. Lizzie is the only child of her parents, who were famous psychologists. Her parents didn’t see her as their child whom they should love and care for, but as someone with whom they can perform their psychological experiments. On the other hand, George’s father was an orthodontist, while his mother was a housewife. He was loved and cared by his parents and was raised in a warm and pampered environment. And when these two people marry and settle down, nothing seems to have changed in their lives. George always looks happy and Lizzie feels unsatisfied and unfilled in spite of having everything in life. Later, a shameful secret resurfaces from the past life of Lizzie, which makes her realize that she must face her fears so that she and George could proceed with their relationship with trust. George too supports her in her attempt to have a happy married life with Lizzie.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Nancy Pearl

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