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Nathan Hystad Books In Order

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Nathan Hystad is a Canadian horror and science fiction author from Alberta Canada known for his bestselling series of novels the “Survivors” series. More recently, he set up the Woodbridge Press to help aspiring authors get their novels published more easily. Describing himself as an avid reader and writer of words, Hystad always wanted to become an author since he was a child. While his mates were dreaming of becoming astronauts, firefighters and hockey players, all he wanted was to become a professional author. But the reality hit him when he became an adult and had to take a job to pay his bills. It was not until he was in his late thirties that he decided to give his passion a try once again. He worked hard and soon had some of his works published in magazines, online and in books. His first published novel was “The Event” that came out in 2018. Since then he has become prolific publishing more than fifteen novels in the horror and science fiction genre. He is now a full-time author with more than four series to his name and he does not look like slowing down any time soon.

Hystad has always written ever since he was a child of six or seven years old. In fact, he still has a box full of the stories he wrote during this time. Nathan credits his love for reading to his mom who also loved reading and introduced him to the likes of Raymond Feist when he was in his mid-teens. Once he was introduced to the science fiction and fantasy genre he was hooked and became a voracious reader too. Given that he was not the nerd but rather something of a jock that always had a book, he says that he was a bit of an oddball at school. When he was fifteen or sixteen, he started a few projects but nothing ever came of them as he suddenly found himself an adult with responsibilities. In his mid-thirties, he decided to give it another go and wrote a fantasy novel which he thought was horrible and so shifted to short stories as he believed they would give him the practice he needed to improve. Given that there were a ton of calls for science fiction and horror, he tried his hand at horror and enjoyed himself. Since then his perception has changed and while he has been successful with horror in novels such as “The Return of Red Creek,” he felt that they can be restricting when it comes to theme. This is because he loves to tell a story never told before. Still, he found writing ghost stories a lot of fun and has written several stories in the genre.

As an author that has written in both horror and science fiction genre, he seems to be good at either genre, different as they may be. In a recent interview, he asserted that he loved writing “Return to Red Creek’ as much as he loved writing “The Event” or “Confrontation.” However, Nathan says that horror seems to come more naturally to him. However, since he has had the most success with science fiction particularly with the “Survivor” series, he is going to be writing more in the genre. As for what makes his horror and science fiction novels so compelling, he believes it has all to do with the characterization. Most of his science fiction tends to be fun and smart rather than hardcore science and action while his horrors are slow-burn suspenseful stories as opposed to the all too common gore and guts of his contemporaries. Still, he asserts that what makes him win is the characterization as he always writes to ensure that his readers can connect with the characters so that they can cheer them on if they are likable or cheer against the deplorables. His novel series include “Survivors,” Return to Red Creek,” “Resistance” and “Baldwin’s Legacy.” He has also been published in several collections and anthologies. As a lover of science fiction, horror, thriller and fantasy his biggest influences are Robin Hobb and Stephen King.

Nathan Hystad’s “The Event” is the epic novel that launched his career after he had a small success with the “Explorations Anthology” series. At the opening of the novel, we are introduced to Dean whose late wife made him vow to wear a special necklace when planet earth is invaded by alien ships. Just as his wife had predicted, the aliens eventually come and Dean dons the necklace and becomes one of the few people that survive the invasion. But surviving is only the beginning as he now has to team up with the small group of survivors to save the planet from the invaders. Dean is the leader of the survivors and all he has is a trail of clues that his wife had left for him. He now has to go on a journey full of danger and peril across America and even beyond. In his journey, he gets to learn the truth about the alien ships and hopes to save the planet and the last remaining members of the human race from extinction. But not everything is so clear cut.

“New Threat” the second novel of The Survivors series of novels continues the story of Dean. It is now a year since the alien ships invaded. While things have quieted down, there is always the threat that things may spiral out control yet again. While Dean is trying to start a new life, he still has memories of the horrors of the alien invaders. But then the survivors have to face a new threat which could just wipe out what remains of humanity. Two rebel hybrids got out of their segregated prison and are now looking to populate and cause havoc abroad. It is up to Dean and his team to track and catch them before they team up with some vicious enemies in the galaxy. The new threat seems to be even more dangerous than the initial invasion. In fact, the names of the enemy are now spoken in hushed tones. Dean needs to up his game if he is to be successful against these powerful enemies.

Nathan Hystad’s “New World” opens to Dean and his team having hit a time warp in their travels into deep space. When they came back to earth, several years had passed and everyone thought they were dead. The planet is now colonized by the survivors that have managed to thrive in the new world. While his bond with Mary has been tested, it has remained as strong as ever especially when he learns that she had not died like he thought she had. Dean and his team are known as the “heroes of the earth” and now that they are back on earth they have to adapt to a new political dispensation all over again. Most of the governments and allies that they had known had been swept away by a new wave of cunning political operators. The threat these new powers pose may be even greater than those posed by the “Event.”

Book Series In Order » Authors » Nathan Hystad

2 Responses to “Nathan Hystad”

  1. Debbie Worthington: 2 years ago

    Ever since i happened across one of your books,
    I HAVE BEEN HOOKED! I am a avid reader myself,
    but, never science fiction, or fantasy,until my first born son passed. We would be at our local library, at least twice a week. He only read
    science fiction & fantasy. One day i locked myself in his room, and was looking thru his book shelf, and picked up a ROBERT JORDAN, which was his favorite author, well, to make a long story short… That’s ALL I read now!
    Wanna say thank you for helping me visit another World when this one got too heavy for me..
    Can’t wait to devour them all!

  2. Allison Brooks: 3 years ago

    I have loved
    Everybook Nayhan has written and look forward to his next


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