NERDS Books In Order
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NERDS: National Espionage, Rescue and Defense Society | (2009) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
M is for Mama's Boy | (2010) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
The Cheerleaders of Doom | (2011) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
The Villain Virus | (2012) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Attack of the BULLIES | (2013) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
N.E.R.D.S. series by Michael Buckley
Author Michael Buckley writes the “N.E.R.D.S.” series of kids’ books and is illustrated by Ethen Beavers. The series began publication in the year 2009 when “National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society” was released.
Meet these NERDS, a group of eleven year old super spies. There is Duncan “Gluestick” Dewey: who is a paste eater that can stick to walls, a habit which started when he got dared into drinking paste in art class. He is a chubby African-American boy that is friendly to many people.
Ruby “Pufferfish” Peet: her allergies aid her in detecting dishonesty and danger almost to the point of being psychic abilities. She is a stubborn yet smart Jewish girl.
Matilda “Wheezer” Choi: her inhalers enable her to blast enemies and fly. She is a spunky Korean-American tomboy with a unibrow. She can barely walk around the block without getting winded.
Julio “Flinch” Escala: his hyperactivity that gives him super speed and strength. Described as being a walking ball of energy spiked by the large numbers of sugary items he consumes each day.
Jackson “Braceface” Jones, the new recruit. The metal mouth is this team’s go-to gadget guy. Assuming he can get over becoming a NERD. He is a formerly popular football star. He comes off like he is cocky and arrogant, yet is really very insecure and craves acceptance.
Heathcliff “Choppers” Hodges: he is able to control minds with his buck teeth, and is a villain of the series.
Each of the five books in the series is told from a different agent’s point of view.
It is also mentioned that NERDS are all automatically retired once they turn eighteen, which is the legal consent age for all adults. The agency is located in Arlington, Virginia under the school the agents attend, which is Nathan Hale Elementary School (in the first three books) while in the last two is Thomas Knowlton Middle School.
“National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society” is the first novel in the “N.E.R.D.S.” series and was released in the year 2009. A group of unpopular students are a part a spy network within their school. With the aid of cutting-edge science, their nerdy qualities get enhanced then transformed into incredible abilities.
They fight with the Hyena, one former beauty pageant contestant that became an assassin, and various James Bond style villains, each with an evil plan that is more diabolical and more ridiculous than the one before.
“M Is For Mam’s Boy” is the second novel in the “N.E.R.D.S.” series and was released in the year 2010. The last time we heard from the NERDS they were using their high tech abilities to stop one evil genius from destroying the entire world. Now they are taking on one of their own, an ex-teammate that is determined to ruin them. His unlikely henchman? It is a computer genius that still lives with his mother.
The evil pair are able to strip the spies of their fantastic abilities. Can Duncan “Gluestick” Dewey and this team of NERDS battle evil just using their own smarts and courage?
“The Cheerleaders of Doom” is the third novel in the “N.E.R.D.S.” series and was released in the year 2011. Matilda “Wheezer” Choi, the asthmatic able to fly and kick major butt thanks to her nanobyte-enhanced inhalers, hates anything girlie and loves pro wrestling. Possibly this is because she grew up with six brothers, or it could be because her home life has turned into a battle zone between her and her parents.
Unfortunately for Wheezer, when one ex-member of NERDS turned villain gets some extensive plastic surgery done to become a cheerleader, she has to swallow her own pride to infiltrate the squad successfully.
Gerdie Baker, the newest supervillain and assisted by the criminal mastermind named Simon, has made a device which opens up portals to other worlds, which she as well as the other cheerleaders have been pillaging. However the alternate realities are beginning to get awfully close to one another, so it is up to Wheezer and the NERDS to stop these cheerleaders before these worlds collide.
“The Villain Virus” is the fourth novel in the “N.E.R.D.S.” series and was released in the year 2012. There is a virus that has infected Arlington, Virigina, the home of NERDS headquarters, and it is a lot worse than your average run-of-the-mill flu. Instead of sneezing and coughing, the victims of this quite voracious virus get transformed into superintelligent criminal masterminds.
Quickly close to everybody, including some members of the NERDS team, starts plotting to take the world over. And who could be to blame for this rather nasty infection? None other than Heathcliff Hodges, an ex-NERDS teammate.
With many more people starting to break out into evil cackles each day, it is up to Flinch, the hyperactive super spy with a sweet tooth, to stop this virus. He has to destroy this virus at the source, and in order to do this he will need to get into Heathcliff’s head. Literally. Flinch is going to need to miniaturize himself and take an incredible voyage through the supervillain’s body to fight off stomach acid, white blood cells, and a nest of some nasty nanobytes in hopes that he can save the world from the Villain Virus.
“Attack of the BULLIES” is the fifth novel in the “N.E.R.D.S.” series and was released in the year 2013. The grand finale to the series and stars Ruby Peet (also known as Agent Pufferfish) the team captain with super nanobyte-enhanced allergies. Pufferfish leads the team during their newest case: the abduction of the president’s daughter.
However the NERDS learn that she’s not been kidnapped, but recruited. Their old librarian, Ms. Holiday, has began a rival organization known as BULLIES, who have all got their own nanobyte enhanced upgrades. The BULLIES’ plan to go back in time and make sure the NERDS never existed!
When Ruby’s team start disappearing one by one, she enlists Heathcliff Hodges and Agent Brand to travel back to the seventies and help the original nerdy secret agents ensure that the future does not get erased out of existence!
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