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Nina Kenwood Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

It Sounded Better in My Head(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Unnecessary Drama(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

The Australian writer Nina Kenwood is fast becoming extremely well known for her incisive and witty style of prose. Writing in a fluid and intelligent manner, she really articulates her ideas in a direct and straight-to-the-point way, which her readers can really relate to. This has led to worldwide attention, with critics from all over singing her praises, celebrating the freshness of her voice and approach to the form.

It’s her characters that also resonate, speaking in realistic and down-to-earth style that feels wholly authentic upon the page. The themes and ideas that she presents have really struck a chord, as they come across as highly grounded for the reader. With many fellow authors also praising her, the career and profile of Nina Kenwood is rapidly rising, and isn’t expected to stop anytime soon.

Early and Personal Life:

Growing up in Australia, the writer to be Nina Kenwood would grow up with a strong passion for literature from an early age. This would include Australian Young Adult fiction, which was an increasingly large market during the nineties when she would come of age. Over the years this would feed into her own style of writing, inspiring her as an author and what it was that she wanted to say.

Constantly reading throughout her upbringing, Nina Kenwood would continue to hone and refine her style of writing. Born in the early eighties, she would experience a lot, much of which would go back into her work, providing her with plenty of material to write with. Taking inspiration from the world around, she’d come to create a style that was very much her own, entirely unique to her.

Working for an independent book-store in the city of Melbourne, Australia, for ten years prior to becoming an author, she would immerse herself heavily in the world of literature. This would include working as the marketing manager for the store to, as she would also work in the world of publishing, alongside various famous novelists. Over time Nina Kenwood would develop her own voice as a writer, finding what worked, honing it into what she currently offers today.

Still living in Melbourne and working in the book-store to this day, Nina Kenwood continues to surround herself in literature. Passionate for her craft, she writes regularly, as she builds upon her writing style, developing her voice as an author with something to say. With a lot more to come, she isn’t stopping anytime soon either, as her writing career and profile grows rapidly worldwide.

Writing Career:

It would be in 2020 that Nina Kenwood would publish her first debut novel to much acclaim, quickly reaching an international audience. A Young Adult story, it would feature two teenagers coming-of-age, and the book would be the product of a ten year gestation. Setting her up as a writer with much to say, it would take a lot of inspiration from teen drama, really telling an effective story in the process.

Not writing any series as such so far, she’s largely focused on the self-contained story so far, but that could change in the future. Similar to books like ‘All The Boys I’ve Loved Before’, along with ‘Emergency Contact’, she’s definitely aware of her inspirations. This makes her debut novel a lot stronger though, in that it would a very self assured and confident first release.

The themes and ideas that Nina Kenwood would focus on would largely concern relationships and adolescent love. Looking at young people finding their way in the world, she would write from an extremely realistic and down-to-earth perspective. This would provide it with a certain degree of authenticity that many would relate to, with it resonate to an increasingly wide audience.

Praised by both the critics and the general public alike, her first novel would become a resounding success. Working in publishing and marketing prior to releasing it helped her bring the book to a wider audience, as it was met with much fanfare. This is only expected to continue in the years to come, as her writing career carries on growing from strength-to-strength.

It Sounded Better in My Head:

Initially published in 2020 on the 7th of April, this would come out through the Flatiron Books publishing label to much acclaim. Marking the debut from Nina Kenwood, it would not be a part of any series, with an entirely self-contained narrative. It would also be a Young Adult title, establishing her as an author for the first time, showing what she’s about and what she has to say.

Natalie is dealing with the divorce of her parents, but it seems that they’re coping with it, with no big arguments or fall-outs. Then her best friends Lucy and Zach end up with one another, whilst Natalie is left thinking of an ideal life with Zach that never happened. One day though, a romance of her own awaits her, and she finally meets the partner of dreams, as her whole world is turned upside down. Can she make sense of it all? Will she find what she’s looking for? What happens when she realizes that ‘it sounded better in my head’?

Previous Writing:

In the past Nina Kenwood has written largely for herself, developing her voice as an author with something important to say. Working in books and publishing for well over a decade has given her a rich background in literature, as she has immersed herself within it for most of her life. As the marketing manager of a popular book-store, she’s discovered what it is that people are looking for and what they want in a good book.

Taking bits from her own life, her debut has been in gestation for some years prior to coming out on the market. Knowing the industry inside out has also served her well, having written plenty of marketing material for numerous other authors over the years. This has all led to her becoming the name that she is today, with a respectable profile behind her, as she continues to build on her brand, becoming a fully fledged and successful author in her own right.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Nina Kenwood

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