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Noel Barber Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Tanamera(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Farewell to France(1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Woman of Cairo(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Weeping and the Laughter(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Other Side of Paradise(1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Daughters Of The Prince(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Cities(1951)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fires of Spring(1952)Description / Buy at Amazon
Strangers in the Sun(1955)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Handful of Ashes(1957)Description / Buy at Amazon
The White Desert(1958)Description / Buy at Amazon
Distant Places(1959)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Flight of the Dalai Lama(1960)Description / Buy at Amazon
Life with Titina(1961)Description / Buy at Amazon
Adventures at Both Poles(1963)Description / Buy at Amazon
Conversations with Painters(1964)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Black Hole of Calcutta(1965)Description / Buy at Amazon
From the Land of Lost Content(1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sinister Twilight(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
Let's Visit the USA(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
The War of the Running Dogs(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lords of the Golden Horn(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Sultans(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Seven Days of Freedom(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Week France Fell(1976)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Natives Were Friendly So We Stayed The Night(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Fall Of Shanghai(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Singapore Story(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sakkara(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Let's Visit Books

Let's Visit the USA(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
Republic of Zaire (By: Rebecca Stefoff)(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Noel Barber was an English journalist and author of history, literature, fiction, biographies, and memoirs books. Most of his books are considered exotic romances, and his historical works of the 20th century are based on first-hand experiences while working as a correspondent for the Daily Mail.
He was mostly based in Morocco, where he survived stab wounds. In 1956, Noel Barber survived a gunshot to the head by a Soviet sentry guard during the Hungarian revolution.

Published in 1989, Tanamera is a book for readers who want a simple love story that beats all odds- politics, tradition, war, and the biggest odd of the human fear.

It’s a story for people attracted by Malaysia’s history, colonial masters, and Singapore from 1921 through 1948.
Tanamera is also a book for anyone interested in Great Britain at its height of colonial glory.
At the center of this fascinating, beautifully woven, and well-crafted book are the Soong and Dexter Families.
It’s said that East and West are worlds apart, only bridged by commerce where those driven by the desire to accumulate wealth will do whatever it takes to ensure that they eventually gain it.

And that’s exactly all about Soong and Dexter families. The Soong’s belong to the East while the Dexter’s to the West, and both families are wealthy even compared by today’s standards.

The Soong’s are global traders, while the Dexter’s are shippers, tin miners, and owners of large rubber plantations. These commodities survived the families through both the tough and the best years.

In between these two wealthy families are two lovebirds, John Dexter and Julie Soong. It all begins as a friendship, although under the careful watch of Mr. Soong, who kept his daughter under close watch due to the strict Chinese traditions. The initial setting of the story is in Singapore, where we meet the two as 8-year-olds.

The two kids, in their innocence, play no knowing that their destiny was sealed and nothing, not even the strong Chinese traditions, war, or terror, would separate them.

Noel Barber did a fantastic job in drafting a setting that gives the readers a glimpse of life in the first few years of the colonization of Singapore. It was characterized by endless picnics, parties, swimming, tennis, and dining, and it’s said that life for all the colonists in the country was the epicenter of the sweet life.
The tale moves fast through the lives of the many different casts, more so the Dexter family and not so much into Soong’s as they are always present.
The story also takes place during the rise of Nazi rule in Germany, along with the time when Japan secretly planned to attack Malaysia. However, these events are overshadowed by the ruthless British Colonial Government that did not believe anyone could overrule it.

Noel Barber has crafted a plot that will hook you up from the first page to the last. The years of innocence for our main characters soon give way to a strong forbidden love. A business ally and a family member provide a way for the forbidden love to blossom by sharing a secret hideout in an apartment block in which the two lovebirds nurture their passion for greater bonds.

When the secret activities of the two lovebirds are discovered by Mr. Soong, Julie gets sent to live with her estranged mother in the United States, and Johnny is left devastated.

The colonial masters continue ruling Malaysia from Singapore, but in the real sense, the European women and kids are shipped to different parts of the world for their own safety. The European men remain with the local Chinese and Malaysian, awaiting the Japanese army’s arrival.

In the meantime, Johnny’s parents relocate to London to take care of business and leave Johnny back to keep the family business in operation.
Julie soon makes a comeback in Singapore to continue her affair with Johnny, and she’s taken to one of Johnny’s rubber plantations, where she lives with Johnny’s sister. During this time, both her families visit her every weekend.

Johnny is considered a key person in the family business even though he wants to enlist in the military. He is secretly enlisted into a covert military unit and receives training.

He finally moves with the unit into the Malaysian Jungle, and this leads up to a fast-paced expedition headed by Johnny and his team members as they try to rescue his sister and fiancé after they’re kidnapped by the jungle outlaws.

The rescue operation also entails graphic scenes, and some happy endings live any good love story.
Tanamera is a fantastic read for anyone who loves action-packed adventure stories with incurable romantics set in the idyllic world of colonial kingdoms.

A Woman of Cairo
Set in Cairo, a woman of Cairo paints the picture of when Egypt was a British Protectorate. Noel Barber worked as a correspondent for the Daily Mail, where he met Sadat, Nasser, and King Farouk characters who are featured in the book.

Even though this novel is set during Egypt’s colonial period, the lives of the Egyptians and their struggle for independence take a backseat to the glitters of the British Elite.

At the story’s epicenter, we meet Mark Holt, a diplomat’s son leading an action-packed life. Besides bedding with insatiable women, Mark battles Nazis, assassins, and corrupt government officials. He, in one instance, saves an innocent woman from a madman in a wheelchair. He uniquely advises her to flee for her life by running downstairs, where of course, the man in the wheelchair cannot catch up to her.

The title of this book sounds feminine and not directly linked to what the main story revolves about. In other words, a woman of Cairo is a pure James Bond action with a Merchant Ivory Productions backdrop.

The main and the supporting characters are multidimensional with the author best at describing the mystery and beauty of Egypt he well knew. If you enjoy reading quality historical fiction books with some instances of action, then you will enjoy reading A Woman of Cairo.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Noel Barber

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