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P.E. Padilla Books In Order

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Ix: Legacy of Honor(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

About P.E. Padilla
The bestselling American author of fantasy novels Young Adults P.E. Padilla has been writing for quite some time now. Creating Dungeons and Dragons style action fantasies, he really has an innovative take on the genre that’s very much his own. Relating to his audience in a direct manner too, he really understands his readers, giving them characters that resonate with them. This has seen him reach a worldwide audience of readers from all over, with his stories being universally accessible to all.

Setting up exciting and fantasy filled worlds, Padilla manages to take his reader on a fun and action packed journey. Not just providing a sense of adventure and escapism though, he also works at establishing a sense of humanity and warmth in his novels too. This is something that has seen him becoming massively popular, as he definitely knows how to create an atmosphere for his audience. Keeping them on the edge of their seats, he holds them there, never once letting go right till the very final page.

An inspired author, it’s easy to see the many inspirations in the novels of Padilla, as he’s definitely creative, making the genre work for him. Writing in a style that is very much his own, he really pushes it forwards, allowing his own voice and distinctive voice push through. Finding an entirely new direction in his approach, the reader can easily tell that a story is one of his when reading it. With a lot more to come, he’s definitely not going away any time soon either, with a lot more planned for release on the horizon.

Early and Personal Life:
Growing up with a strong passion for both reading and writing, Padilla would invest himself in literature from an early age. Immersing himself heavily in the world of science-fiction and fantasy, he would read all the many classics of the genres. In time this would go on to inspire him as an author, as he’d start to create his own novels and writing, establishing rich and vibrant worlds.

Developing his name and his brand as an author, he’d also come to establish his own unique style as a science-fiction author. Prior to working full-time as a writer he’d work as an engineer, something which he’d also study in, gaining a degree as a chemical engineer. Moving to Northern Washington from Southern California, he continues to write, with more and more discovering him every day.

Writing Career:
Starting out back in 2015, Padilla would begin with the novel ‘Vibrations’, which was also the first in the ‘Harmonic Magic’ series of fantasy titles. This would later be followed up in 2016 with the second book in the series ‘Harmonics’, and the third one in 2017 titled ‘Resonance’. He’s also been known to go under the pen-name of Eric Padilla as well, becoming a USA Today bestselling author. Taking cues from a diverse range of authors such as Tolkien, Jordan, and Heinlein, he’s proven himself to be a versatile and inspired voice within the industry. With a lot to say, the work of Padilla grows from strength-to-strength, with both the critics and the general public singing his praises, as his profile continues to grow.

Initially brought out on the Kindle, this would first come out in 2017 on the 25th of September to much acclaim. Marking the third title in the ‘Harmonic Magic’ series of books, it picks up from where the last one left off, offering a new story. It also manages to provide the overall conclusion to the series, with it being the fine book in the franchise, as it wraps up all of the loose ends.

This really was a fun and action packed novel, filled with edge-of-the-seat excitement, and brave heroes saving the day. Whilst there were many typical conventions of the genre followed, it really goes out of its way to make its own distinctive mark on the reader. Setting itself apart, it successfully manages to create something that is wholly unique and individual to itself.

With Ayim Rasaad now apparently dead, Sam Sharp feels that they can finally rest easy now the threat facing everyone has been vanquished. It seems that Rasaad’s master has stolen two artefacts of power, with the final third one being the key to holding all the power. With it missing it’s up to Sam Sharp to locate it, returning peace to the kingdom once more, restoring order all around. Will he be able to find it in time? Can he overcome the army attempting to crush all that’s good in the world? What will become of the resonance?

Legacy of Fire
Published through the Kindle once again, this was first released on the 30th of June in 2019 to an already eager audience. The third book in the ‘Order of Fire’ series of novels, it would provide the final instalment in the series, bringing it to a close. Continuing in much the same vein as before, it would successfully build upon the fantasy premise of the previous two books.

With the series coming to a close here, this really is a satisfying conclusion to what’s been a strong and enduring collection of novels. Closing all the arcs, it really does deliver, giving the readers what they want, but not what they expect, making it thrilling to read. The world-building is excellent, creating an atmosphere that’s fully immersive, along with characters that stay with the reader long after they’ve put the book down.
Only just avoiding a defeat that would’ve been the closing call for all humankind, The Order of the Fire have saved the day, with Kate being the hero that saw them through. With mysterious goings on around her now though, it appears that the Black Command is losing its strength, with demonic plans being put into action. There’s a battle looming over the horizon, as it seems that Kate may have to take up arms once again if she ever hopes to protect humanity from the demonic presence that threatens them all. Will she be able to defend humanity once more? Can she uncover the mystery of who’s really behind it all? What will become of Kate’s legacy of fire?

Book Series In Order » Authors » P.E. Padilla

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