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Peter Cawdron Books In Order

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Publication Order of First Contact Books

Anomaly(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Galactic Exploration(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Xenophobia(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Little Green Men(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Feedback(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
My Sweet Satan(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Alien Space Tentacle Porn(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Starship Mine(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Welcome to the Occupied States of America(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Maelstrom(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Losing Mars(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hello World(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
3zekiel(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
But The Stars(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wherever Seeds May Fall(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Déjà Vu(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Jury Duty(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dispatches from the War(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cold Eyes(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Generation of Vipers(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Clowns(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Tempest(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Apothecary(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Art of War(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ghosts(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Artifact(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Anatomy of Courage(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Simulacrum(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
Love, Sex and the Alien Apocalypse(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Galactic Exploration Books

Trixie & Me(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Galactic Exploration(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Mars Endeavour Books

Publication Order of van Helsing's Diaries Books

Publication Order of Z is for Zombie Books

All Our Tomorrows(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Free Fall(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
What We Left Behind(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

The Curious Case of the Hounds of Hell(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Silo Saga Universe Books

Angels of the Earth (By: Fredric Shernoff)(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shadows(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Chosen, Stranded, Destined (By: Michelle M. Pillow)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of World Of Kurt Vonnegut Books

The Bell Curse (By: Kevin G. Summers)(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The World of Kurt Vonnegut (By: Reed Farrel Coleman)(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Peace in Amber (By: Hugh Howey)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
As Much Protein as an Egg (By: Seth Harwood)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Children's Crusade(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Newt and Zinka's Wild, Wild Week OR How the K.G.B. Got Ice-Nine (By: Seth Harwood)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of The Revelations Cycle Books

Cartwright's Cavaliers (By: Mark Wandrey)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Asbaran Solutions (By: Chris Kennedy)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Fistful of Credits (By: Charles E. Gannon,Brad R. Torgersen,Kacey Ezell,Kevin Ikenberry,Doug Dandridge,Jason Cordova,Chris Kennedy,Mark Wandrey,Terry Mixon,Jon Del Arroz,Christopher G. Nuttall,P.P. Corcoran,Christopher Woods)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Winged Hussars (By: Mark Wandrey)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Golden Horde (By: Chris Kennedy)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Peacemaker (By: Kevin Ikenberry)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
For a Few Credits More (With: Josh Hayes,Chris Kennedy,Mark Wandrey,Terry Mixon,Rob Howell,Scott Moon,Tim C. Taylor,J.R. Handley,Corey Truax)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Good, the Bad, and the Merc (By: Eric S. Brown,Chris Kennedy,Mark Wandrey)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Alpha Contracts (By: Chris Kennedy,Mark Wandrey)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
CASPer Alamo (By: Eric S. Brown,Jason Brannon)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Assassin (By: Kacey Ezell,Marisa Wolf)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Honor the Threat (By: Kevin Ikenberry)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Tales from the Canyons of the Damned Books

Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 1 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 2 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,BobWilliams)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 3 (By: Jason Anspach,Daniel Arthur Smith,Will Swardstrom,Ernie Howard)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 4 (By: Jon Frater,Daniel Arthur Smith,S. Elliot Brandis,Hank Garner)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 5 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Will Swardstrom,A.K. Meek,BobWilliams)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 6 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Hank Garner,Kevin Lauderdale)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 7 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,S. Elliot Brandis,Hank Garner,Ian Garner)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 8 (By: Artie Cabrera,Daniel Arthur Smith,Jessica West,Hank Garner)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 9 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Will Swardstrom,Hank Garner,Ernie Howard)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 10 (By: Samuel Peralta,Daniel Arthur Smith,S. Elliot Brandis,Michael Patrick Hicks)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 11 (By: Samuel Peralta,Daniel Arthur Smith,Nathan M. Beauchamp,A.K. Meek,Kevin Luderdale)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 12 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Chris Pourteau,Will Swardstrom,Jason N. LaVelle)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 13 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Jessica West,S. Elliot Brandis,Will Swardstrom,Kevin Lauderdale,Nathan M. Beauchamp,Hester J. Rook)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 14 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Philip Harris,Ernie Howard,Paul K. Swardstrom)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 15 (By: Jason N. LaVelle)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 16 (By: Christopher J. Valin,Daniel Arthur Smith,Nathan M. Beauchamp,Paul K. Swardstrom,Ernie Howard)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 17 (By: Jon Frater)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 18 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Jessica West,Philip Harris,Kevin Lauderdale,Terry R. Hill)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 19(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 20 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Jessica West,Eamon Ambrose,Rhett C. Bruno,BobWilliams)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 21 (By: Michael Ezell,Daniel Arthur Smith,Jessica West,Will Swardstrom,Terry R. Hill,Amira K. Makansi)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 22 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Jessica West,Nathan M. Beauchamp,Robert Jechoneck)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 23 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,S. Elliot Brandis,Will Swardstrom,Nathan M. Beauchamp,BobWilliams)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 24 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Ian Garner,Hunter C. Eden,Lara Frater,C.C. Ameel)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 25 (By: Kevin G. Summers,Daniel Arthur Smith,P.K. Tyler,Terry R. Hill)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 26 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Hunter C. Eden,Philip Harris,Ernie Howard,Jeff Bowles)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 27 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Desmond Warzel,Lorna Wood,David Alan Jones)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 28 (By: Robert T. Jeschonek,Daniel Arthur Smith,Will Swardstrom,Michael Anthony Lee)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 29 (By: Robert T. Jeschonek,Daniel Arthur Smith,Will Swardstrom)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 30 (By: Michael Ezell,Daniel Arthur Smith,M.Regan,Lara Frater,Jeremy Essex)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 31 (By: Jason N. LaVelle)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 32 (By: Gustavo Bondoni,Daniel Arthur Smith,M.M. De Voe,Ann Stolinsky)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 33 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Molly Thynes,Barry Charman,Jason N. LaVelle)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 34 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Nathan M. Beauchamp,Charles Barouch,Terry R. Hill)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 35 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,K.J. Kabza,Gordon B. White,Wendy Nikel)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 36 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Jessica West,K.H. Vaughan,Kevin Lauderdale,Steve Oden)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 37 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Nathan M. Beauchamp,Steve Oden,Sam Osborn)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 38 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Jessica West,Teel James Glenn,Amy Grech,Steven Van Patten)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 39 (By: Paul B. Kohler)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 40 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Charles Barouch,Hunter C. Eden,Steve Oden)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 41 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith,Steven Van Patten,Liviu Surugiu,Steve Oden)(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 42 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith)(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tales from the Canyons of the Damned: No. 43 (By: Daniel Arthur Smith)(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Anthologies

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Peter Cawdron
Peter Cawdron is an Australian science fiction author, specializing in hard science fiction.

Hard science fiction is just plausible science fiction, fiction which is written in such a way as it conforms to the known laws of science, which makes it that much more interesting since there’s no magic wand the protagonist can just wave to get out of trouble. Peter’s forays into hard science fiction could best be described as being enjoyable science fiction or informative science fiction.

Peter is a fan of such classic science fiction authors as Arthur C. Clark, Philip K. Dick, and Michael Crichton and their influence on his story lines and style is readily apparent.

“Serengeti” is the first novella in the “Galactic Exploration” series and was released in 2012. This is the first in a series of stand alone novellas that explore alternatives to the Rare Earth Hypothesis in the quest to find extraterrestrial intelligence.

The Serengeti is a generation starship, one the ventures out above the Milky Way, searching for signs of alien intelligence. This crew find far more about the nature of sentient life than they ever could have imagined possible.

“Trixie & Me” is the second novella in the “Galactic Exploration” series and was released in 2012. Trixie and Berry have been trapped on this alien space ship. Berry is unable to move, however he appears to understand what is going on. Trixie’s confused, and has no recollection of how they wound up in the darkest depths of this alien war craft.

“Savannah” is the third novella in the “Galactic Exploration” series and was released in 2012. How could a nurse from Chicago find herself on this voyage out to the outer reaches of the galaxy? After Diana took up this position in this exclusive hotel in Kenya, she finds her whole world turned upside down by the advent of the equatorial space port.

“War” is the fourth novella in the “Galactic Exploration” series and was released in 2012. The Rift Valley crew are getting chased through this star cluster by some marauding aliens that are intent on harvest their genetic diversity. With very limited options, being outpaced and outgunned by the alien warships, the Rift is running out of options.

She struggles just to understand the most basic of concepts, struggling to speak, however she’s free of her chains, so she’s Berry’s one and only hope. They have to escape from their captors and warn humanity about a sinister threat which is coming from the galactic core.

“Vampire” is the first novella in the “van Helsing’s Diaries” series and was released in 2015. Bram Stoker wrote “Dracula” over a decade, researching historical figures and compiling these notes from scattered diary entries. What was supposed to just be a work of fiction holds much more truth than he even realized.

Dr. Jane Langford is investigating a murder-suicide unlike anything else she has ever encountered before. Sleepy Boise, Idaho is haven to this evil which has passed unnoticed down through the centuries.

“We Are Legion” is the second novella in the “van Helsing’s Diaries” series and was released in 2015. In the dark woods of Eastern Europe, this ancient evil has returned in modern form.

Alan is confused. He does not understand what’s happened to his wife. After a decade of being married, she has suddenly detached from him and is indifferent to him, attacking him during the night.

If he’s going to find any answers, he must follow her to the ends of the Earth and unravel the mysteries of one small Eastern European village in the remote regions of Transylvania.

“Retrograde” is the first novel in the “Retrograde” series and was released in 2016. Venturing into space and then traveling to Mars sounds like quite the exotic adventure, however the reality of living on a frozen, rocky, and lifeless planet is exacting on the Mars Endeavour crew. The exhilaration of getting to the surface of Mars has worn off for the public and this exploration has moved into its scientific phase. The only viable option for habitation on a long term basis lies hundreds of feet underneath the surface, in lava caves which shield humans from harsh cosmic radiation.

Liz, Harrison, and Connor are senior members of the US module. When a war breaks out on Earth and rumors begin spreading to Mars, their core principles are rocked by all the devastation and loss of family and friends. Whom are you able to trust on such an international mission when your countries have gone to war? As colonists from the different nations struggle to figure out what actually went down on Earth, anger and grief become pitted against the spirit of exploration and camaraderie.

“What We Left Behind” is the first novel in the “Zombie Nightmares” series and was released in 2017. Everybody has got a different name for zombies. Hazel calls them Zee because that is the term that her mom would use before she turned, speaking about the entire horde like it was only one individual. Grammar has got no place in the zombie apocalypse.

Hazel is just a regular teen that is growing up in this irregular world overrun with zombies. She likes perfume, freshly baked muffins, music, and playing Xbox, all the things that no longer exists in the apocalypse.

Raised in the safety of this commune, she rarely sees Zee anymore, except on these rare occasions when the soldiers will demonstrate the importance of a headshot to the children.

Much to her horror, circumstances beyond her control take her outside of the barbwire fence and into this zombie infested town.

“Five, four, three, two. Count your headshots, Haze,” she tells herself, firing at the oncoming zombie horde. “And don’t forget to reload.”

“All Our Tomorrows” is the second novel in the “Zombie Nightmares” series and was released in 2017. Hazel is all alone in a crowd. Nobody understands her, not even her dad. The only people that ever really truly understood her were Jane, Steve, and David. However they are dead now. If they are not dead, then they are dying stranded outside of the compound. Hazel cannot accept this bitter reality of life in the zombie apocalypse, she cannot accept that her friends are most likely dead. She must find them.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Peter Cawdron

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