Peter Wohlleben Books In Order
Book links take you to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn money from qualifying purchases.Publication Order of The Mysteries of Nature Books
The Hidden Life of Trees | (2015) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
The Inner Life of Animals | (2016) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
The Secret Wisdom of Nature | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Children's Books
Can You Hear the Trees Talking? | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Do You Know Where the Animals Live? | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Peter and the Tree Children | (2020) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books
The Weather Detective | (2012) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
The Heartbeat of Trees | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Forest Walking | (2022) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Peter Wohlleben is a children’s and non-fiction author from Germany. The author was born in 1964 and as a child spent several years living in Bonn. By the time he was six years old, he made the decision to become a nature conservationist as an adult.
He would then spend a few years in Sinzig am Rhein, before he went to Rottenburg am Neckar to study at the Fachhochschule fur Forstwirtschaft.
After graduation from college, he spent more than two years working in the Forestry Administration in the Rhineland State.
Several years of working at the forestry office as an office manager resulted in the fulfillment of his ultimate dream. He was posted to his dream area as he was to manage two forests in two communities in Eifel.
Today, Peter Wohlleben is the founder and lead at a forest academy that actively campaigns for the return of virgin forests across the world. He has also appeared on many TV programs and has given seminars and lectures all over the world.
Peter made his debut when he penned the bestselling title “The Hidden Life of Trees” in 2015. He now has more than half a dozen titles to his name across several genres.
Working on economy and ecology, it soon became clear to Peter Wohlleben that classical forestry is all about exploiting forests rather than protecting them. Before then he believed the contrary but the data showed otherwise.
Over the years he began searching for gentle new paths by working with forest owners in Germany. While doing his work in Germany and abroad, he discovered that there are a few forestry businesses that bring economy and ecology into harmony.
He started working with the Wershofen community and collaborated with them to help them achieve that harmony. It was fifteen years of walking a rugged path paved with the resistance of forest administration and hunting lobbies.
Ultimately, he was successful as perceptions began to change. In the present moment, his hunting ground is one of the few that is known to favor and promote going back to primeval and deciduous virgin forests.
Wohlleben also promotes the use of more natural harvesting methods such as beech rather than spruce, horses rather than wood harvesting machines, no more clear-cutting, and no use of chemicals.
Through his efforts, the forests and ecological systems around Wershofen have significantly improved.
Peter Wohlleben believed that working in administration unnecessarily shacked his efforts. In 2006, he resigned from his forestry administration job so that he could be a more proactive activist.
Given that the Wershofen municipality wanted to be free of the administration at that time, they both left and he was hired by the organization. Without too much bureaucracy to hamstring his efforts he could work on innovative new ideas.
He would soon get several of his policies implemented such as getting an ancient beech forest rededicated to a cemetery of urns and placed under protection. Peter now enjoys experiencing books and building log cabins.
In December 2016, he founded a forest academy in Wershofen dedicated to sponsoring forest events and outdoor activities.
With the professional change, he was finally able to start writing books while working on the side with Walkademie to protect and preserve forests across the world.
“The Hidden Life of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben is a work in which the author shares his deep love of forests and woods.
In it, he explains the amazing processes of regeneration, death, and life in woodlands and the beautiful processes that most people may not be aware of.
Similar to human families, tree parents live very close to their offspring, support them as they grow, communicate with them, and create an ecosystem where they can thrive and be protected from the extremes of cold and heat.
Because of these interactions, trees that live in a community or family can be protected and grow to be very old.
On the other hand, solitary trees have a very hard time and tend to be like street kids which means they are more likely to wither and die as compared to community trees.
Wohlleben makes use of groundbreaking discoveries as he explores the science behind the previously unknown and secret life and communication capacities of trees.
He tells of how his discoveries made it possible for him to come up with the best practices that he employed in his forestry practice. According to Peter, a healthy forest is a happy forest and is one that is both economically sustainable and eco-friendly.
“The Inner Life of Animals” by Peter Wohlleben tells vivid stories of scheming roosters, two-timing magpies, and devoted pigs.
Weaving ground-breaking scientific research into animal interactions and combined with the author’s personal experiences in the fields and forests, it makes for interesting reading.
According to Peter, goats discipline their children, deer grieve and horses feel shame. Butterflies find the best places to raise their children, rats regret their bad choices and ravens call each other by name.
In this work, Peter Wohlleben tells insightful stories as he offers insights into the intelligence of animals, their feelings, and emotions. It turns out that animals are very similar to us that we could imagine and also different in amazing ways.
As opposed to the previous book, this is more of the author’s observations rather than scientific observations. As such, there are no scientific proofs or investigations here.
Nonetheless, it makes for great reading for anyone interested in the habits of animals. The stories are for the most part inspired by one-time friend-kept or owned animals that include wild and domestic pigs, goats, and birds of different species.
Peter Wohlleben’s work “The Secret Wisdom of Nature” asserts that nature is often filled with surprises.
Nature provides coniferous forests that produce the moisture that makes rain, cranes that make the production of Iberian ham almost impossible, and deciduous forests that slow down the rotation of the Earth.
In this work, Peter Wohlleben the international sensation and master storyteller takes readers on a rollercoaster as he explores the many natural systems that make the planet work.
Peter gives us a tour of a world with fascinating insights into the interdependency between plants and animals.
He asks important questions such as what happens when synchronicity fails? Can life forms communicate across the species and how do the different species influence each other’s lives?
The author makes use of his own experiences as an observer of nature in addition to the latest scientific discoveries.
In this, he is successful in helping his readers recapture their sense of amazement and awe as they look at the world from a new perspective.
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