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Preston Norton Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Blüd and Magick(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lost Son (With: Tamra Torero)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Marrow(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Where I End and You Begin(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hopepunk(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The House on Yeet Street(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Preston Norton is a published author of fiction.

He is bisexual and describes himself as being slightly gender queer. He is also married, to his wife Erin. He describes her as being ‘super hot’. Together they live in Utah in Provo. His wife is often trying to get him to go on a diet but he cannot help but revolt.

He drinks a lot of caffeine. On the side, he writes young adult novels.

He graduated school with his degree in the field of English Education. He loves teaching teenagers and is also a big fan of teenage literature as well as the classic coming of age type of experience.

He has taught English in the seventh and ninth grade. He has also mowed lawns and been a mentor to those who are addicted to drugs. His personal obsessions include all things Quentin Tarantino and the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.

He authored his first novel in 2012 along with author Tamra Torero. His first solo fictional novel came out in 2013 and is titled Blud and Magick. After that he followed it up with Marrow and several other novels.

Blud and Magick is the first book to come out from author Preston Norton.

Darla is the main character in this story. She came out of the ashes from the most powerful being in Trivaesia. Then she was sent to the outside world to grow up. All of this without knowing anything about where her true origin came from.

Then she discovers that she has a new power that she can wield. Just like that, she’s faced with a decision. She must choose what part of herself is going to take over and rule. Will it be the good that she grew up with? Or will it be the evil forces that she was born from? Read this exciting young adult novel to the end to find out for yourself!

Marrow is the second novel to be published from Preston Norton. It was the Utah Book Award winner for young adult novel in 2016.

Marrow is the main character. He’s a boy of fourteen years old. He also happens to be a prodigy, one of the brightest students at the Fantom Institute for Superheroes-in-Training.

When he takes his finals and discovers that he has received the perfect score, it’s just the start of knowing what he can do. He also can break through walls and take leaps that are far enough to take him over the city bock.

He’s certain the the Sidekick Internship Program will be placing him with a superhero mentor to show him the ropes of being a superhero over the summer. Things start to change, however, out of nowhere. One event leads to the other until Marrow finds that he has ended up on probation academically.

Perhaps worse than that, his new team mate is not the superhero that he hoped for. Flex is a bum that is often drunk and has the power to be elastic. It’s not the ideal situation. They don’t get along all that well, either. Their personalities are totally different, along with their powers.

However, the two are going to have to work together and get over their differences if they want to combat a new threat. Cosmo City’s most famed super villain has returned. The villain is so powerful that if these two can’t work together, the city may be doomed. What will happen in the end? Pick up a copy of this book and read to the last page in order to find out!


Book Series In Order » Authors » Preston Norton

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