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Ray Keating Books In Order

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Publication Order of Pastor Stephen Grant Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

"Chuck" vs. the Business World(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Discussion Guide for Ray Keating's Warrior Monk(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Behind Enemy Lines(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Ray Keating is an American published author. He is particularly well known for being the writer of the Pastor Stephen Grant fictional series.

Keating is known for writing fiction for his readers in the mystery and thriller genre. The popular Grant series has several novels contained within this genre and is a great pick for those that love action and thrills at every turn! He also wrote two short stories, titled Heroes & Villains and Shifting Sands. Both came out in 2019.

In addition to writing fiction, Ray Keating has also utilized his knowledge to benefit readers! His nonfiction works include books such as The Disney Planner 2020 and Free Trade Rocks!, which contains different information and points that the author thinks ‘everyone’ should know based on international trade. He also wrote a 2019 book called The Realistic Optimist To Do List and a book that dealt with business called “Chuck” Vs. The Business World.

Keating is not just an author of fiction and nonfiction and not solely an economist! He also is a podcast host and serves as an editor as well as columnist and publisher for the online site He writes columns for a variety of different publications. Keating is a regular columnist featured on He also used to work as a columnist on a weekly basis for different publications that include New York City Tribune, Long Island Business News, and Newsday.

Keating has also had his writing featured in different mainstream periodical published magazines and newspapers. These include The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, Los Angeles Daily News, The Washington Times, National Review, New York Daily News, Investor’s Business Daily, Chicago Tribune, Detroit Free Press, Touchstone magazine, Cincinnati Enquire, Newsmax, and the Providence Journal Bulletin. In addition he has written for online publications like and

Keating resides along with his close family in Long Island.

Ray Keating is the creator and author of the exciting Pastor Stephen Grant series of fictional novels! This series first started off in 2010 with the publication of the first novel, titled Warrior Monk. The sequel would be published in 2012, titled Root of All Evil?. The third book, An Advent For Religious Liberty, was released the same year. There are ten books in this series, with The Traitor being released in 2019. The series continues to grow and is a great option for those that love mystery or action thriller stories!

Warrior Monk is the debut novel in the Pastor Stephen Grant series. This is where readers get to meet this intriguing main character for the first time.

The story starts out by focusing in on Stephen Grant, a man who is anything but ordinary. His old job was pretty unique in that he was an assassin for the CIA. That was a career that was pretty full throttle, but interestingly enough, his life these days hardly resembles the old work that he once did.

Stephen has moved on to a new life that is vastly different from the one that he had before. It is a fairly quiet way to live his life because the most recent years have seen him employed as a parish pastor. Perhaps this new calling is the one that pulls him away from that fast-paced dangerous job and lifestyle that he had been living all those years ago.

Grant’s quite happy with the division between his old identity and his new one. But when multiple events occur, it appears that his former existence and his present one are on track for a collision course. He could have never predicted that his church would go through a shooting. Nor could he have foreseen a papal proposal that makes history and the Pope’s very life being threatened from all corners.

Feeling the shift coming on, Grant is called into action. He wants to help do what he can to make sure the Pope is protected, and to do that he must rely on what he has learned as a pastor and as an active agent for the government. He also has a lot to contend with in his personal life. Can Grant pursue what he is meant to do and succeed? Or are these circumstances out of his control?

You will have to pick up a copy of Warrior Monk for yourself in order to find out!

Root of All Evil is the second novel in the Pastor Stephen Grant series by author Ray Keating. Grant was once an active member of the CIA, but now has left that all behind in search of greener pastures. However, they say that a leopard cannot change its spots. Similarly, what the pastor learned while working as an assassin will never leave him.

In this thriller novel, readers will get to find out what happens when some interesting things come together. What happens when money, politics, and God all combine? The consequences of these coming into the same room may end up having deadly effects. In Warrior Monk, readers got to see what happens when Grant’s former life collides with the one he has now. The action remains far from over in this exciting sequel.

Grant learned a lot of skills from when he was an operative with the CIA. Now he’s given that all up to be a leader and a pastor to his parish. But things aren’t always roses and daisies, and this pastor may find that the CIA and the FBI are not too far away.

Add in politicians and drug traffickers that will do anything to protect their bottom line and a foreign regime in the shadows, mix in some money and even include the church, and it’s like you’ve got a recipe for chaos and disaster in one. As deadly sins are displayed, readers will get to see what happens when greedy souls clash up against charitable ones.

This political thriller is sure to entertain and interest the reader! Just don’t let yourself be caught off guard by what happens next. Can the pastor save the day? Or are these new influences going to come out on top thanks to how ruthless they’re willing to be? Find out yourself by picking up the second book in the Pastor Grant series!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Ray Keating

One Response to “Ray Keating”

  1. Norman Porath: 1 year ago

    I wrote earlier wondering about my ‘skewed thinking’. I’m trying to find a place to stand with my observations about society; I feel pretty much alone with my thoughts.
    Pr. Norm Porath


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