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Richard Farr Books In Order

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Publication Order of Babel Trilogy Books

The Fire Seekers(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ghosts in the Machine(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Infinity's Illusion(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Truth About Constance Weaver(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Emperors of the Ice(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
You Are Here(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Originally hailing from the United Kingdom and now living in America, the author Richard Farr is a renowned writer known for infusing elements of science-fiction and fantasy, as he plumbs the depth of his imagination for readers both young and old. Whilst recently focusing largely on the Young Adult demographic, he’s managed to carve himself a niche with his well crafted characters being put in limit testing situations. Having been a journalist in the past, he’s a highly versatile writer with a unique voice that’s able to draw his readers into the narrative, something which has allowed him to build his audience worldwide.

Early and Personal Life

Born in the West Country of England, he grew up in an idyllic rural environment, something that would later work in his favor when building and creating his novels, with the vast amount of history that it had to offer there for him growing up there. Taking inspiration from the world around him, he was able to craft rich and vibrant narratives, with his inventive use of characters, to his expansive take on history. This can now be seen in his epic sagas, with their long and interwoven narratives that stretch far back, allowing the reader to easily dive into his world.

Working through a variety of different professions and roles in the past, he’s managed to acquire a number of skills over the years, all of which he has fed back into his work, as they have allowed him to broaden his voice and his appeal, all whilst making it idiosyncratic to him. Creating a style that is unique to him, he’s employed his various positions, such as journalist and philosophy professor, into his work. This is something which his audience have responded well to over the years, giving him the success that he deserves, as he appeals on both a national and international scale.

Throughout his many different roles, he has managed to relate them all back into the writing career that he currently has today, with jobs such as journalist, whereby he learned to hone and refine his voice, thus truly mastering his craft. Writing speeches as well, along with working as a copywriter, he has undertaken a number of different styles of literature, all of which he has used in becoming the writer that he is today, as they worked to utilize his talents in different ways. This has all helped him in becoming the writer that he is today, with vast backlog of books currently behind him.

After moving to the United States in 1984 he’s lived in a number of different places, including Honolulu, Ithaca and Madison. Settling down now in Seattle though, he lives there to this current day, where he continues to write as an author. With more books set to be released in the near future, this appears to be something that’s not stopping anytime soon.

Writing Career

In 2008 he made his initial debut with the biographical account of Apsley George Benet Cherry, the famous explorer. Based on real events it sought to recreate his ill-fated journey aboard the ‘Terra Nova’ bound for an expedition across the ice of Antarctica. Making an impact with his first book release, Richard Farr shows a clear and impressive penchant for accuracy here.

Winning acclaim as well, he’s not just respected by the general public, but by his many peers and contemporaries as well. With his books selling worldwide, his audience is not just national, but international as well, with readers from far and wide discovering his work. As more books are set to be released on the horizon, this appears to be a trend that’s set to continue, as his writing career grows from strength-to-strength.

The Truth About Constance Weaver

Originally published in 2014 on the 24th of October, this particular novel had more of a historical background given its period setting. With its keen attention to detail it manages to draw the reader back into the past getting them involved in a deep and suspense filled mystery. Posing a number of questions it doesn’t differ from Farr’s other work in that it keeps its audience guessing right until the very end.

With a mysterious set of love letters dated all the way back to 1772 and a painting filled with mysteries which nobody can quite work out, as it appears to hold some key. Then there’s the famous mystery novelist Angus McAllister and the elderly woman who loathes him, but still deems him to be an old friend of hers. She wants to reveal the truth to him about the gentleman on the canvas being her husband, but she’s not quite sure that anybody would really believe all the strange details of her story. Who was it that really painted that painting? How are all these people linked to one another? What, exactly, is the truth about Constance Weaver?

The Fire Seekers

Initially published on the 1st of November in 2014, this book was brought out through the Skyscape publishing house. Heading into more Young Adult fantasy territory, Richard Farr retains his affection for history and secrets lying in wait. With his now trademarked concoction of both suspense and intrigue, it manages to capture a level of excitement that’s intoxicating for the reader.

With an undeciphered language discovered in Crete, along with a spate of mysterious disappearances, a new spiritual leader rising with prophecies of doom, and an ancient warning found within the ruins of Babel; it appears something’s going to give. Meanwhile Daniel Calder feels as if his own world is falling down around him as, at just seventeen, he is beset with a personal tragedy that has befallen him. That’s when he finds himself caught in the middle of these cataclysmic events that threaten to tear the entire world apart, as he discovers he must make choices that could determine the outcome of the entire planet. Who will he choose to believe, and who will he decide is the enemy? Can he do whatever it takes to save the world, whilst keeping himself safe in the process? What will become of the Fire Seekers?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Richard Farr

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