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Robert M. Kerns Books In Order

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Publication Order of Histories of Drakmoor Books

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Robert M. Kerns is an American published author known for writing fantasy and science fiction stories.

The author is known by the shorter name of Rob. The author is proud to wear the title of geek. He does have a lot of hobbies and geek passions, but will say that the majority of it does have a tendency to be focused around IT, which many of you may already know stands for Information Tech.

Perhaps his passion for IT comes from the fact that he has been in the industry for a long time. Besides writing epic fantasy books, Robert M. Kerns has spent over a decade working within this industry. He has a preference to work in Servers and Networks, and even goes so far as to claim that he has a superior data infrastructure at his own residence than some businesses have, a testament to his abilities.

Robert M. Kerns loves reading and has a fondness for fantasy and science fiction stories. No matter what the kind, for the most part, he likes to read them. He is also an avid reader and at this point has many favorite books, so many that it would take a very long time to list them all. He has been writing for a very long time and appeared first on the scene with Awakening, the first novel in his fictional Histories of Drakmoor series. Robert was also inspired by many different works and authors with his own writing, including David Eddings, The Dragonlance Chronicles, and the Legends trilogy.

Robert M. Kerns is the creator and author of the Histories of Drakmoor series of fictional novels. This series first became available to readers in 2018 with the publication of Awakening. From then on followed the second installment of the series, Into Vushaar. If you are a big fan of fantasy tales, then be sure to check out this creative series and follow along with all of the adventure!

Awakening is the first book in Histories of Drakmoor series by author Robert M. Kerns. The main character in this story is Gavin Cross.

When Gavin wakes up in an alley, he struggles to figure out why he is there. He is a relatively young man, but he has suddenly found himself coming to in a strange city that he has no knowledge of. He racks his brain for memories or clues as to why he may have ended up here, but cannot find much of anything in the way of answers.

Gavin only recalls his name and knows the fact that he’s wearing clothes, his pants and his tunic. That’s pretty much it. He hears sounds of activity in the city, but nothing seems familiar to him. He knows by the position of the sun up in the sky and how warm it is on his neck that it’s the middle of the morning. But little does he know that the very first thing that he does and choice that he makes coming out of this alley has the chance to alter his fate forever.

When Gavin finds a power waking up in him, he must make a choice. If he does not learn how to master it, it may end up taking his life instead. Then there is the ancient master known as Marcus. He’s been living for some time and has no problems with existence other than the fact that he has tired of it. He’s been fighting wars for other people, doing magic, and engaging in mayhem for years. Six thousand long years and now he’s tired and totally worn out and just wishes that others would leave him alone.

But Marcus also knows much of lore that has been forgotten and many secrets. He knows magic inside and out. Now he’s just doing his job like the Society of the Arcane is thankfully letting him do. He wonders one day whether lunching with his pal Ovir the Priest may have the result of making him slightly happier. Instead he ends up witnessing Gavin outnumbered by slavers ready to fight that instead were taken out by a burst of magic. It was then that Marcus knew the boy’s potential.

When Marcus meets Gavin, he makes him his apprentice, the first in many years. Now Gavin must learn new things and partake in a society filled with strangers who do not trust him. But when the young man finds out about a plan to overthrow their society, he has another choice to make. What can he do to save the city? Find out by picking up a copy of this fantasy book for yourself!

Into Vushaar is the second novel in the Histories of Drakmoor series by author Robert M. Kerns. Gavin is back and the action continues in this adventurous fantasy book!

Gavin just wants to help his friend out and return him home. It might seem like an easy goal to some, but the simplicity of it does not in any mean that this is going to be easy. That’s because his pal happens to live in Vushaar. It’s known for a land that is home to the oldest monarchy in the world. There’s also civil war going on that has split the people and created suffering. Slavers go all around the countryside and take what they want when it comes to slaves to trade. Meanwhile, an army is attempting to come into the capital.

These are trying times indeed, but Gavin wants nothing more than to take on this good deed and see it completed. However, Vushaar is in such danger and in such a fragile state that many people wonder whether it will even make it through this siege and time of war. If it does end up making it through, will Gavin’s friend still want to live there?

Gavin goes to Vushaar despite the risks because of his friendship and loyalty. But can he really get his friend back to his home and in one piece? Or is this journey too much to take on? Read this fantasy novel to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Robert M. Kerns

2 Responses to “Robert M. Kerns”

  1. Emma Kelly: 3 years ago

    When is the Fall of Skullkeep going to be published?

    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      I haven’t heard any new updates about the release date unfortunately


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