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Roger Stelljes Books In Order

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Publication Order of McRyan Mystery Books

The St. Paul Conspiracy(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Deadly Stillwater(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
First Case(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Electing to Murder(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fatally Bound(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blood Silence(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Next Girl on the List(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Stakeout(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fireball(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Tangled Web We Weave(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Chronological Order of McRyan Mystery Books

First Case(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The St. Paul Conspiracy(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Deadly Stillwater(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Electing to Murder(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fatally Bound(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blood Silence(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Stakeout(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Next Girl on the List(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fireball(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Tangled Web We Weave(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Agent Tori Hunter Books

Silenced Girls(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Winter Girls(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hidden Girl(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Missing Angel(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Snow Graves(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Their Lost Souls(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Taken in the Cold(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Roger Stelljes is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling mystery author who has written the “McRyan Mystery” series; his series about Michael McKenzie “Mac” McRyan. The novels in the series have been downloaded over two million times around world, onto many different devices. He practices law full time and writes in his free time, when not busy watching hockey. He likes reading a lot of books and watching a lot of sports, mainly those played by the Golden Gophers (college hockey), Twins (professional baseball), Wild (professional hockey), and the Vikings (professional football). All of these are Minnesota based teams.

As a lawyer, he worked at the Arthur Chapman firm practicing law there for three years. Currently, he works and is a shareholder at McGrann, Shea, Carnival, Straughn, and Lamb, a different law firm.

“The St. Paul Conspiracy” is the first book in the “McRyan Mystery” series. The first of November in St. Paul and finds that a serial killer is killing blue collar women that work on University Avenue. With this latest victim, this killer has killed five women now, and it has put the citizens of St. Paul on edge. Michael McKenzie “Mac” McRyan, a Homicide Detective in St. Paul, he is not working the case and so he would have less stress that day. Then his phone rings. It is a murder victim and the victim is big. Claire Daniels is her name, and she is a highly prominent investigative and political reporter. The pressure really starts to build with the now six murders from the media. The investigation puts Mac in a tough spot, looking into a case that has security and political implications.

Fans of the novel liked the fast pace and some of the romance elements in it. Some readers found themselves wanting more entries from this writer. Some readers enjoyed the thrill ride that Stelljes takes them on, and the novel is full of developed characters, a wicked plot. These three things make the readers want to read the novel faster and faster, and that the novel had a simply amazing story and some great plot twists. Some found that the cops in the novel were very human and acted like real humans often do.

Some readers did not like the novel and found some parts to be a little tedious and that the author shows more than he tells about some things. Some found the novel to be just contrived and that it was just like an amateur had written it. Some found that the editing in the novel was a little poor that made them look for errors and not enjoy the book more.

“Deadly Stillwater” is the second book in the “McRyan Mystery” series. McRyan is the fourth generation in his family to be cop. He is on a case that starts out as the abduction of two women but goes a lot further than that, and involves betrayal and revenge that strikes the St. Paul police at their core. The details of the abduction involve a bold kidnapping, a media storm, and political scrutiny to it. There is not a lot of time to find the two women for Mac as everything comes down on him.

Fans of the novel found that Mac was a great hero with a great mind and the author has drawn them into a great ride from the first page. Some found that they were on the edge of their seat the whole time they were reading it, and were amazed the whole time. Some found that even if they did not like series books, that they enjoyed these books due to the fact that they are very self contained novels that do not require you to buy more and more novels, just to get one full story. Some fans found that he was as good as some of the other mystery and thriller writers, but Stelljes does not have as much exposure as the other guys do.

Some readers did not like the novel because it felt too long, and repetitive in certain parts, and unrealistic. Some found the novel to be nothing but a predictable ride and gets nothing but more boring. Some found that the novel has bad development and over use of certain phrases as well as bad language.

“Electing To Murder” is the third book in the “McRyan Mystery” series. There is a late night meeting in Kentucky and a murder in a crummy St. Paul motel room. All of this gives Mac a lot to work through on this case. There is also an ex-FBI agent named Dara Wire who is trailing the Democratic candidate for the Republican candidate’s campaign manager who is a slimy man who knows every dirty trick that there is. His girlfriend is involved in the case, and Mac finds himself wanting to protect her if he can.

Some fans like the way that Stelljes writes dialogue- for how real and gritty that it is, and the way that he puts the reader right in the middle of everything (all the action) that shows the cops (both Mac and his fellow detectives) in desperate situations. Some found that the presidential election angle made for a great thing to drive things story wise. Some found themselves rooting for Mac and found that they wanted to read more novels about this detective. Fans were intrigued with this one, and stumped, too, not knowing who the killer was until Stelljes tells them who it is.

Some readers did not like the way that the author seems to only show the good side of the character Mac and seems not to have a single flaw to him at all. Some found the premise in the novel to be revolting to them. Others found that the typos in the novel really kept it from being readable, and they were actually re-writing the parts with typos in their head.

Even though the novels stand alone, it is recommended that they be read in order, even the novella that comes before the first novel in the series.

“The St. Paul Conspiracy” was named the Midwest Independent Publishers Merit Award Winner for Commercial Fiction, a Minnesota Book Awards Nominee.Roger Stelljes is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling mystery author.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Roger Stelljes

4 Responses to “Roger Stelljes”

  1. Michael a Robinson: 1 year ago

    When is a new book coming out. Love the Tori Hunter series, Have read all his books

  2. Michelle: 2 years ago

    I just love your books, They have me hooked from the start and hard to put down once started. Will you be doing more McRyan Mysteries, I have read and reread those book multiple times.

  3. Clint: 3 years ago

    Great books in both the McRyan series and Tori Hunter series. The craftsmanship in these books is excellent and I’ll be waiting for the next one in either or both series.

  4. Sara Leonhard: 4 years ago

    I love your books!! But I like to read e books. I’m having a hard time finding all of them. I normally download e books from Barnes and Nobles, but can’t find your books there. I ordered several books from Amazon but prefer e books. Can you tell me the easiest way to find all your books?


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