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Rosie Genova Books In Order

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Publication Order of Italian Kitchen Mysteries Books

Murder and Marinara(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wedding Soup Murder(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Dish Best Served Cold(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Minestrone Mischief(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

The Seven-Course Christmas Killer(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

+ Click to View all Anthologies

An American author of cozy warm mysteries, Rosie Genova has been writing for some time now, with her unique brand of both suspense and intrigue that keeps the reader hooked right until the very end. Also known for her strong characterizations in equal measure, she has an ability for crafting likable personalities that the reader easily finds themselves able to identify with, as they occur within recognizable scenarios that are easy to relate to. Setting many of her books within her home state of Jersey as well, she is well known as someone who writes about what’s close to her heart, and it clearly shows in her work with her well realized situations and premises that come to life off the page.
Early and Personal Life
As someone who has spent most of her life in Jersey, America, Rosie Genova is someone who is proudly born and bred within the area, as she she has always clearly displayed her roots within her work. It was her surrounding environment that was to inspire a lot of her work, with many of her mystery novels taking place upon the Jersey Shore area, with the area being fully realized within her work. With a clear love and admiration for the area, it is this passion that drives her, as she takes it all and puts it into her work, fueling much of her material and output.
In the past she worked as a journalist, something which she was able to later put back into her work, as she used this trade to refine and hone her craft and voice. Using a reporting style previously, it is possible to see echoes of this in her work now, as she has a keen eye for detail and a strong talent for ensuring everything fits into place. Not only is the location of Jersey and its beaches fully realized though, but her characters are well rounded and three dimensional as well, something which she has also brought over from her previous journalism days.
Currently working as an English teacher by day, she focuses on her novels at night when she comes home, two roles that have become intertwined over the years. Providing each other with the source of inspiration they both need, she’s able to manage both being a teacher and writer, as each practice informs one another. Also writing under the name of Rosemary DiBattista, she writes women’s fiction as well, something which also provides her with yet another creative outlet for her many talents.
Still living in Jersey to this day she continues to both write and teach, whilst taking walks along the shoreline when looking for inspiration or just simply appreciating the area. She has three grown sons and she lives with her husband together in Jersey with their dog called Lucy, as they all take walks down the Asbury Park boardwalk, with day and weekend trips to Sea Bright and Cape May. With plenty more books set to be released on the horizon it appears she is not stopping anytime soon, something which will continue for some time yet as her writing career grows from strength-to-strength.
Writing Career
Winning a large number of awards for her various books over the years, she has managed to garner a lot of acclaim throughout her career as a writer. Gaining not just critical success, she has also gained commercial success as well, with many of her books managing to reach the top of best-seller lists as well. Voted for a Best Cozy of 2013 by Suspense Magazine she has also gained the National Bestselling Designation, clearly showing that she is respected by her peers and contemporaries, as well as the general public.
Also winning the Daphne Finalist of 2014 it’s easy to see why her novels have been taken to by so many, as her pride in her heritage and background shines through on the page. With her love of Miss Marple novels and the Nancy Drew mysteries, she has been able to build herself a career from female oriented mystery that has worked extremely well. As this looks set to continue, she will carry on writing into the foreseeable future, as he books continue to attract and delight readers worldwide from all walks of life.
The Wedding Soup Murder
This was set as the second title in the Italian Kitchen Mystery series, a franchise that has run for three novels so far and counting, as this was first released in 2014 on the 2nd of September. Combining her love of cozy mysteries and the Italian culture once again, Rosie Genova has managed to capture the essence of what made the first title work for a second time. With its suspense filled narrative, it easily evokes the style and charm of the area, whilst simultaneously keeping its readers gripped right until the last page.
Featuring the story of Victoria Rienzi, it tells of her homecoming to Jersey Shore as she’s hoping to write a new book and learn all about the family business of cooking. That’s when murder strikes and Victoria finds she may have more on her plate than she can handle, as finds that she not only has to deal killing, but also getting ready for a wedding as well. Looking to solve the murder before it’s too late, whilst getting the wedding sorted out as well, it seems that time is of the essence if she’s going to get it all done on time. Will she be able to manage it all? Where will the killer strike next? Who is behind the wedding soup murder?
A Dish Best Served Cold
Carrying on directly from the last, this was 4th of August, 2015, the following year, as it continued the narrative with it being the third book in the Italian Kitchen Mystery series. Evoking the style and the ambiance of Jersey Shore once more, it provides the readers with more of what they’re looking for, as it shows a writer now clearly within her element. With the characters returning again as well, it manages to provide more of their backstory, developing the franchise and the world it inhabits even further.
The summer is drawing to a close Victoria Rienzi, which means a major party for everyone involved with lots of food with Victoria now being a major mystery writer herself. That’s when Pete arrives with a tale of mystery to help inspire her next novel, as this relative of hers tells of disappearance occurring back in Italy. When a storm suddenly hits she finds, left in the aftermath, the body of Pete who, it seems, was murdered by someone who didn’t want this story getting out. Will she be able to find the killer? Who was behind the disappearance? What will happen when she finds a mystery in a dish best served cold?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Rosie Genova

One Response to “Rosie Genova”

  1. Grace: 1 year ago

    Love your books — anymore to come????


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