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Sarah Henning Books In Order

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Publication Order of Kingdoms of Sand and Sky Books

The Princess Will Save You(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Queen Will Betray You(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The King Will Kill You(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Sea Witch Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Throw Like a Girl(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
It's All in How You Fall(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Monster Camp(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lies We Conjure(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Sarah Henning is a renowned American author and recovering journalist, who worked with some of the leading media companies including Palm Beach Post, Associated Press and Kansas City Star. While residing in South Florida, Sarah managed to survive five hurricanes, which in turn gave her more than enough respect for the ocean. When Sarah henning is not writing, she loves to participate in ultramarathons, spend time in the playground with her two children or hang out with her spouse, Justin who also serves as her IT department member. Currently, Sarah Henning resides in Lawrence, Kansas, with her her husband and their two children. The couple decided to settle in Kansas mainly because, though the state is far from the ocean, it is still quite cool. Sea Witch is author Sarah Henning’s debut novel.

Sea Witch

Sea Witch is a retelling of the best selling novel, The Little Mermaid by Danish author, Hans Christian. Though Sea Witch is a retelling of the Little Mermaid, author Sarah Hennings decides to take a different approach and narrates the book, from the perspective of another woman. In the Sea Witch author Sarah Henning introduces the readers to Evie, s fisherman’s daughter. Though she is the best of friends with the crown prince, Asger Niklas, Evie is a budding witch. Despite the fact that many people treat Niklas with so much respect and humility, mainly because he is the crown prince, Evie refers to him as Nik. The highly captivating world that author Sarah Henning creates, is the equivalent of Denmark during the 19th Century. Evie resides in a tiny kingdom, which consists of only one fishing village. In the village, Evie happens to be among the few half Italian, black haired girls, in a world predominantly occupied by blonde Danes. This in turn leads to the locals to treat Evie in a different manner from the way the other girls of the same age were treated.

More than four years ago, Evie and Nick lost their loved friend, Annette “Anna” to the ever angry ocean. Now, with Nik’s royalty, Evie’s poverty, and with the disapproval of Havnestand, the two continue with their friendship as they slowly close to adulthood. Though, they still miss their friend, they try to come into terms with what happened to her by doing most of the things that they used to do, when they were young. One day as Nik was about to drown, a girl who resembles Anna comes to his rescue. However, when the girl rescues Nik, he was already unconscious. This in turn meant that Evie, was the only one who had the chance of interacting with the mysterious girl. As the events quickly unfold before her eyes, Evie tries to understand whether the girl she was seeing was Anna and also whether the girl was a mermaid.

The girl she sees in the waters resembles, a young blonde girl and their childhood friend, Annette, who disappeared so many years ago. Ignoring the warnings of overlooking the class boundaries as well as the burning the witches, Evie’s encounters brings forth an unexpected, dark twist. After seing that the girl resembled her childhood friend, Evie has no option but to ask the girl, whether she was her lost friend, Annette. Though the girl denies that she is Anne, Evie is more than convinced that the girl she was talking to, was her long time friend Annette. Moreover, she was at that point more than certain that her magic was not powerless at all, mainly because she had previously thought that her magic did not work. As the narrative continues, just like Evie, Annette manages to catch the hearts of a prince. With everything going according to the plan that they had made many years ago, when they were young girls, things take an unexpected turn, when the secrets that the new girl was harboring threatens to destroy everything.

Apart from being not able to stand on two legs, the new girl could either stay in their local town of Havnestand.

Due to her compassion and nature, Evie is more than determined to do everything she can to save her friend’s humanity together with the hearts of their charming princes. In the process, Evie ends up harnessing all of her power, her love and her ocean. With that said Sea Witch is beautifully written original tale about a simple girl who did whatever she could to protect, the people that she loved, only to end becoming the villain that she was always afraid of while growing up. The narrative presents the author with so much room for storytelling and imagination, while dealing with a subject which has not received so much attention. Sea Witch jumped right at the opportunity, thereby creating a world with a subtle foreshadowing.

It is extremely difficult for any author to balance out a character, who apart from being sympathetic also has to be quite likeable, so that the readers will be able to root for a different ending, while also allowing the readers to see how these characters ended up becoming the villains. Author Sarah Henning does this in a brilliant way by narrating two stories almost side by side. In the process, the author delivers a tragic tale of betrayal and love that goes extremely hard. Irrespective of how hard the readers try to separate the two, they will end up failing mainly because one narrative cannot exist without the other. Readers will get hooked with the book from the very start considering, Sarah Hennings writing is extremely easy to read. The setting on the other hand was quite vivid, such that the readers could almost smell the fish and the sea. All the characters that author Sarah Hennings presents in Sea Witch are highly entertaining. Nic is quite sweet, while Evie on the other hand is highly creative.

For quite a long time, Evie has carried lots of guilt, which unfortunately, most of it is not her own.

Her guilt, sorrow and desire are quite intriguing, such that one can be able to see the vestiges of the insight and strength into the human heart, which in turn makes her an unformidable antagonist, in another person’s narrative. The magic on the other hand was quite compelling and cold, which appeared to be deeply rooted within the coastal environment.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Sarah Henning

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